About Mark

President of Springwater Trails, Inc

Again, Sunday hike canceled – Feb 15, 2015

The weather isn’t cooperating with our hikes this month. With temperatures below zero and wind between 20 and 30 mph we are canceling the hike that Melissa had planned on the Genesee Greenway for Sunday.  Thank you Melissa for working on this hike.
According to the National Weather Service Wind Chill Chart, wind of 20mph at 0 degrees indicates frostbite will occur within 30 minutes.  It just seemed to Melissa and I that a two hour hike would not be safe at these temperatures.
But there are several recommendations for how you can deal with your disappointment:
  1. Saturday will be warmer than Sunday.  It would be a good day for a hike and you may want to get out and walk around the block or down the road.  Or, call a friend and meet at Canadice Lake for a hike along the west side trail – skis or snowshoes are highly recommended.  And please dress warmly in layers.
  2. Veteran's Memorial ParkThe 4th Annual Penfield Hiker’s Jamboree is being held on Saturday from 10 to 12.  Come to the Penfield Town Hall, 3100 Atlantic Ave to hear a Boy Scout presentation and to network with other hiking and trails groups in this area.  This is a great opportunity to learn how other communities are building hiking trails in their towns. After the Jamboree, take some time to hike the Veteran’s Memorial Park at the Town Hall.
  3. On Sunday, as you stay warm by the fire, take some time to consider how you can become even more active in Springwater Trails.  Melissa is chairing the nominating committee for the Springwater Trails Executive Board.  If you can spare two hours once a month, and a couple more hours reviewing our meeting minutes and handling your action items, please send Melissa an email volunteering for a position on the executive board.  The Board consists of 6 positions: President, Vice President, VP for Hiking, Secretary, Treasurer and Trail Master.
  4. One more way to contribute: join Springwater Trails at Maple Weekend at Stoney Ridge Farms on CR 28 in Farmington.  We need volunteers on both days of the two Maple Weekends March 21, 22 and March 28, 29.  Send me an email if you would be able to help.
Meanwhile, stay warm, get outside when it is calm and a bit warmer, and we will see you on February 22 at Letchworth Park for a family hike including a hike and maybe a tube ride down the sledding hill!  As always, check the website for details.

No hike this weekend, but lots to do! – February 1, 2015

Springwater Trails is taking February 1st off.  Hikers looking for another hike may want to check out the following websites:

Now a brief preview of our events coming up in February and March.

  • On February 8, Gene has planned a hike on the Ontario Pathways in Canandaigua – join us with your skis or snowshoes to enjoy the winter snow.
  • On March 15, the Springwater Trails Annual Meeting will be held following our hike at the Springwater Center. Please join us for a review of 2014 and the election of the Executive Board for 2015.
  • In preparation for the Annual Meeting, you can send nominations for the Executive Board to Melissa at [email protected].  The offices are: President, Vice President of Hiking, Secretary, Treasurer and Trail Master.
  • The weekends March 21, 22 and March 28, 29, Springwater Trails will be serving the Pancake Breakfast at Stoney Ridge Farms in Farmington.  Please sent us an email at [email protected] if you can volunteer to help.

Finally, if you would like to make a cash contribution to Springwater Trails, please purchase a Membership in Springwater Trails today. For a contribution of $20 ($30 for a family) you will know you are supporting the blazing of the Springwater Trail and the publishing of our seasonal Hiking brochure. Again this year, memberships are being offered at half price, now through the annual meeting on March 15. To buy a membership for 2015, please complete the form below and mail it and a check payable to Springwater Trails, to

Springwater Trails, Inc
PO Box 162
Springwater, NY 14560

Name:  _______________________________

Address:   _____________________________

Phone:  _______________________________

Email: ________________________________

Individual Membership   ______________ $20 $10

Family Membership‡        ______________ $30  $15
‡ A family membership is entitled to two emails and two votes.  Please enter the second name and email.
2nd Name  _____________________
2nd Email  _____________________

Contributing Member*     ____________ $100  $50
* Contributing Members are listed on our website.  Please write the name to appear if different from the name above.

Other donation  _______________

TOTAL   _______________

Stid Hill East – January 25, 2015 @ 2:00PM (42.764264, -77.369022)

IMG_0678Last summer, Dena led us up Stid Hill from Bristol Valley Rd, Rt 64. The day was hot and the climb was steep but we all enjoyed the woods.  There was one rock on the ridge made all of shale, but sitting on its own above the ground.  We sure wish we knew its history.

IMG_0672This Sunday we are returning to Stid Hill, but this time from the east. Thanks to the hospitality of Jim and Debbie Burger, we will hike the east side of Stid Hill on primarily private land.  Based on our Thursday pre-hike, boots (preferably with traction devices attached) or snowshoes are appropriate for this hike.  And by the time we reach to highest point of the hike, you will have warmed up, so dress in layers that you can adjust.

The Climbers will start from the Burger home on Dugway Rd, and follow a steady climb (about 600 feet over an hour hike) along several horse trails and old logging roads up to the abandoned Stid Hill Rd. The slope is much easier on this side of Stid Hill, but the Climbers should definitely be ready for a good work-out. The old road heads down to the Stid Hill Wildlife Management Area where, depending on the time, we will take a brief tour of the top of the area.  We will exit the Wildlife Management Area along the last bit of Stid Hill Rd and walk Dugway Rd back to the start.

Stid Hill From Burgers MapMeanwhile, the Tourists will do the reverse hike.  We will car pool to the entrance to the Wildlife Management Area on Dugway.  This hike will start with a 300 foot climb and then will descend back to the house. The Tourists will see the same scenic views over Canandaigua Lake as the Climbers but will spend more time walking down hill.

Following the hike, the Burgers have invited us to a social at their home.  Please bring a dish to pass that will complement venison chili, and your favorite beverage – or make a small ($5) donation to the social fund.

Plan to arrive at 1:45 at the Burger’s home at 6275 Dugway Rd, Canandaigua.  Follow the driveway up to the house and park around the circle.

GPS destination: 6275 Dugway Rd, Canandaigua, NY (42.764264, -77.369022)

From SpringwaterHead north on NY-15A N over Bald Hill for 10.8 miles.  Turn right onto US-20A E, through Honeoye for 11.9 mi. Turn right onto NY-64 S for 3.0 miles.  Turn left onto Dugway Rd (a well maintained dirt road).  The driveway is on the right at the town line where the road changes to paved. (Approximate time: 37 minutes)

From Wayland: Head east on NY 21N through N Cohocton and Naples.  Before South Bristol, Rt 21 bears right at the junction with Rt 64.  Stay on Rt 21 for 12.2 miles.  Turn left onto Dugway Rd.  The driveway is on the left 0.6 miles up the paved road just before it changes to a dirt road.

Mendon Ponds – Hopkins Point Lodge – Directions

Note: As of Monday afternoon (1/12/2015) Hopkins Point Rd is not plowed from Rt 65 to the lodge access.  These directions get you to the lodge from Canfield Rd.

Easiest access to the lodge is from NY 65 on the west side of the park.  Enter the park on Canfield Rd.  Take the first right onto Hopkins Point Rd and follow to the lodge on the right.

From Springwater: Head north on Rt 15A for 23.5 miles.  Turn right onto Sibley Rd (On 15A, you will go through Lima, then past Honeoye Falls 6 Rd and Honeoye Falls Five Points Rd.  Sibley Rd is the next right after Honeoye Falls Five Points Rd).  At the end of Sibley Rd (1.4 miles) turn left onto Rt 65N (Clover St). Continue on 65N through the traffic circle. 3.5 miles north of the traffic circle, turn right onto Canfield Rd.  Take the first right onto Hopkins Point Rd. Then left on Pond View Rd.  The lodge is on the right above the parking lot.

A Map of Mendon Ponds Park is available at http://www2.monroecounty.gov/files/parks/Maps/MendonPark.pdf.  If you are coming from the east, you can enter the park on Canfield Rd or Pond Rd.  Check the map for details.