No hike this weekend, but lots to do! – February 1, 2015

Springwater Trails is taking February 1st off.  Hikers looking for another hike may want to check out the following websites:

Now a brief preview of our events coming up in February and March.

  • On February 8, Gene has planned a hike on the Ontario Pathways in Canandaigua – join us with your skis or snowshoes to enjoy the winter snow.
  • On March 15, the Springwater Trails Annual Meeting will be held following our hike at the Springwater Center. Please join us for a review of 2014 and the election of the Executive Board for 2015.
  • In preparation for the Annual Meeting, you can send nominations for the Executive Board to Melissa at [email protected].  The offices are: President, Vice President of Hiking, Secretary, Treasurer and Trail Master.
  • The weekends March 21, 22 and March 28, 29, Springwater Trails will be serving the Pancake Breakfast at Stoney Ridge Farms in Farmington.  Please sent us an email at [email protected] if you can volunteer to help.

Finally, if you would like to make a cash contribution to Springwater Trails, please purchase a Membership in Springwater Trails today. For a contribution of $20 ($30 for a family) you will know you are supporting the blazing of the Springwater Trail and the publishing of our seasonal Hiking brochure. Again this year, memberships are being offered at half price, now through the annual meeting on March 15. To buy a membership for 2015, please complete the form below and mail it and a check payable to Springwater Trails, to

Springwater Trails, Inc
PO Box 162
Springwater, NY 14560

Name:  _______________________________

Address:   _____________________________

Phone:  _______________________________

Email: ________________________________

Individual Membership   ______________ $20 $10

Family Membership‡        ______________ $30  $15
‡ A family membership is entitled to two emails and two votes.  Please enter the second name and email.
2nd Name  _____________________
2nd Email  _____________________

Contributing Member*     ____________ $100  $50
* Contributing Members are listed on our website.  Please write the name to appear if different from the name above.

Other donation  _______________

TOTAL   _______________