Canadice Lake Trimodal – August 31, 2014

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Although there was questionable weather predicted for our second trimodal event around Canadice Lake, dedicated members brought their bikes, kayaks, hiking shoes, raincoats/umbrellas/hairdues to participate in what turned out to be a “not too hot” but refreshing August day.  A slight breeze on the lake ended up being acceptable for a paddle and 6 kayaks were prepared along the shoreline for the returning trimodal bikers. 4 bikers unloaded their bicycles, bike tires were pumped up, helmets secured, and stretchy black biking shorts were the preferred comfortable clothing.    Although road conditions were somewhat dry, trail conditions ended up being a little muddy after the morning rains.  5 climbers quickly took off in a southern direction to pick up the south Canadice Trail for an extended hike of 5 miles to the north entrance trail parking lot.

The estimated time for members participating in all 3 events was projected to be between 2 1/2 and 3 hours.  A slight competition seemed to develop along the way to shorten the time span to two hours max.  We shortened the walk, either leaving our bikes at the south entrance trail, or walking the bike for a short distance.  Arriving at the kayak/canoe boat launch, a quick trip across the lake and back, set the time record of 90 minutes to bike,walk,kayak Canadice Lake.  It was estimated that a  little longer 1/2 hour walk or an extended 1/2 hour kayak would of set the time for 2 hours to complete the trimodal.

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Climbers traveled along the Canadice Trail enjoying new friends and conversations, stopping to observe and photograph a bright red unidentified leaf,  sweet peas and search for the locations of kayakers on the lake. They completed their 5 mile hike in 1 3/4 hours. Kayakers leisurely explored the shorelines looking for the eagle that often visits the south end of the lake. Instead of the eagle, they found a large gathering of people from a local labor day weekend party.

red leaf canadice lakesweet peas 1 (1)

Members completing the trimodal were Mark, Linda, Melissa and Pam.  A grand prize photograph was presented to Melissa for her inspiration and spirit.  Thanks to the Smiths for hosting the social and all the members that contribute healthy salads, seasonal fruits and vegetables.  Welcome back Joan and Bob and new member Doug who provided beautiful pictures.

Mark generated a draft fall schedule and encouraged members to sign up as hike planners. Good luck to Mark and Linda on their bike tour from Pittburgh, Penn, to Ohio, traveling at least 50 miles a day. It’s also time for Bob and Joan to get your sea kayaks back out on the lake!

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All Western Evergreen Nursery & Christmas Tree Farm hike & Mushroom Foray September 7, 2014 2:00PM

NOTE START TIME AT 2 PM!  Traditionally, after Labor Day, the hike time changes from 4 p.m. back to 2 p.m. to avoid the hike ending after dark.

IMG_0667WThis week we will have the third opportunity to do a Mushroom Foray along with the hikes on the newly made trail in July, hiking in a northwesterly direction on the All Western Evergreen Farm, and continuing with permission onto privately owned land by neighbors to the east, before deer hunting begins.  Three hiking groups are planned, all starting and ending at the farm house.  With thanks to Laura, Melissa, Char, Mark, Gene, Georgia, and Carol, we will have both a Plan A and a Plan B, depending on the weather, trail building, and who comes to hike.  Friendly dogs are welcome on the hike; however, those who want to hike the new trails on other’s lands will be crossing Liberty Pole Road where a leash will be needed.  You can expect a few other dogs will be hiking with you.

Paper bags and paper plates for collecting and displaying mushrooms will be provided.  Those who want to learn how to collect mushrooms will be instructed by Gene and Georgia, and any other Rochester Area Mycological Association members who will be our guests.

Sorting the mushroomsThe plan is to hike between 2 and 4 p.m., RAMA members to identify the mushrooms collected between 4 and 4:30 p.m., followed by a social (4:30 – 6:30 p.m.) hosted by Katherine at her house (AWEN & CTF Soups are the Specialty).  Bring a dish-to-pass or make a small contribution to support the socials.  Bring your own beverage.  Dogs will want to stay in your car during the social.

We will begin all the hikes at 6840 Liberty Pole Road where there is ample parking at the Christmas tree loading area between the tall Western redcedar and the bee hives (belonging to George Karadimas from Conesus- 585-346-0528).  The mushrooms will be displayed on paper plates on the tables indoors in the basement.


From Springwater: Go west from the Springwater light on Rt 15 North.  Just past the top of the hill, turn left on Co Rd 38 (Liberty Pole Road).  The farm is on the left 1.1 miles from Rt 15 at 6840 Liberty Pole Road.

From Geneseo: Go south on NY 63.  About 6.4 miles after passing RT 408, turn left on County Road 1 at Groveland Station.  This road becomes CR 1A at Scottsburg (Route 256) and then Liberty Pole Road (Co Rd 38) after you cross Stage Coach Road.  It is 7.1 miles from Groveland Station to All Western Evergreen Farm.

From Honeoye: Take 20A west to Hemlock and 15A south to Springwater.  Then follow the Springwater directions above.