Stid Hill. Sunday, August 18, 4 PM (42.765404,-77.406227)

Stid Hill WMA is a DEC managed property consisting of two tracts in Bristol and South Bristol. It is another area that was used for pasture and reverted to forest after transportation and refrigeration made it uneconomical for agricultural use, so we will see rock piles and ruins of stone fences and a few large old trees that might have been left in the pastures for shade. StidHillParkingWe will hike the North tract and meet at the parking lot on SR64 1.4 miles North of the Bristol Mountain Ski area entrance, or 0.6 mile North of Lock Stock and Barrel. If coming from the North it is a little over three miles south of the Bristol town center which is at the intersection of SR64 and CR32. It’s easy to see, look for the DEC sign on the East side of the road. The parking lot is adequate but not overly large so park with that in mind. There is a Stid Hill South parking lot near the intersection with CR34 which is not where we will be, so don’t go there.
As the name implies, it is a hill. The whole trail has roughly a thousand feet of elevation change, but a well designed system of switchbacks was developed by mountain bikers which makes it an easy climb. There is also a part of the trail system that is an old road of some kind, which is steeper. The access trail is not marked by blazes but is clearly defined by use. At the first important fork two colors of blazes appear, Yellow and Blue.
Climbers will hike up the Yellow switchbacks to the intersection of the Yellow trail and the Blue trail, which is an important landmark part way up the hill that I call the Crossroads.  They will then take Blue and continue up to the top of the hill and on to a fork where they will turn Left onto Yellow again. After skirting the South and East boundaries of the North tract, Yellow leads back to the Crossroads. Climbers will then turn right onto Blue, go down the steeper and shorter route back to the first fork with Yellow, and take the unmarked fork handle back to the parking lot. This route is about four miles long with close to a thousand feet of elevation, but the mountain bikers have made sure it seems gradual for hikers.
Tourists will go with the Climbers up the switchbacks to the Crossroads, where they have options depending on how much energy they have left. They can take Blue left and back to the parking lot, mostly downhill and the shortest way back. They can retrace the Yellow switchbacks. Or they can stay on Yellow through the Crossroads for a while before backtracking.
Naturalists will have a variety of options including the meadows, Mud Creek, and the relatively flat access trail and lower Blue trail in the woods.
A social will be held at Lock Stock and Barrel, half a mile south.
Directions to Stid Hill are available by clicking here.

Cecropia, a more pleasant moth

Cecropia Moth caterpillar taken by Pati in Springwater, NY

Cecropia Moth caterpillar taken by Pati in Springwater, NY

Here is a picture of a cecropia moth caterpillar, taken by Pati, in her garden.  You can tell it’s a caterpillar, as opposed to another kind if insect larva, by the 4 pairs of abdominal prolegs, that it’s using to hold onto the branch.  Like all moths, it makes its transformationm from larva to adult inside a silk cocoon.  The silk in the cocoon of a certain moth, the silkworm, Bombyx mori, is of high enough quality to make commercial silk.

butterflyCecropiaThe adult cecropia moth, from the caterpillar in the picture, is quite large and rather nice looking.  I have a picture of it in my insect book and can show it to you on a Sunday hike.

gypsy moth, another forest threat

A few weeks ago, we spent a week in Allegany State Park.  Although it was June, many of the trees there looked more like December.  If you spread a blanket under a tree that still had some leaves, trying to get some shade, before long, there would be a bunch of ugly, fuzzy caterpillars on it.  Trunks and lower branches were riddled with last year’s egg masses.

Back in the 19th century, before the invention of synthetic fabrics, silk was a very popular clothing fabric.  This material is made from the cocoon of a certain moth and there were many silk farms in the country.  One producer from Massachusetts had the idea that if he could cross the silkworm with a certain silk producing moth from Europe, the result would be a moth that was more productive and disease resistant.  So, he brought a few specimens over and reared them in a cage in his yard.  One night, a strong wind knocked the cage over, some of the specimens escaped, and the gypsy moth was loose in the country.  Having no natural enemies, it multiplied, extended its range every year, and now infests the northeast part of the country.

For the gypsy moth life cycle, go to  Eggs hatch around May, when the leaves emerge.  Massive populations of leaf eating caterpillars have been known to completely defoliate large trees by the end of June.  Young caterpillars aften hang from trees by silk threads and are spread by the wind.   Adults emerge in July after a short pupation, usually in bark crevices.  White females don’t fly but remain attached where they emerged.  Brown males fly around, looking for females.  After mating, the female lays several hundred eggs in a white fuzzy mass.

Often, the white females can be seen on tree trunks, within reach.  Killing those you can will benefit the forest.  Eggs can be killed by scraping them into a jar of alcohol.  Scraping them off the tree onto the ground does no good at all.  The eggs are still alive and will hatch the following spring.  If your travels take you to Allegany State Park, you will find many eggs you can kill, to help the park’s trees.  Sometimes, females and egg masses have been found on the bottom of trailers.  When the trailers are moved, moths are spread to a new area.  Sprays that contain fungi or bacteria that kill the caterpillars have been used in heavily infested areas, with some success.

The spreading gypsy moths got some members of Congress thinking about legislation to regulate imports.  The incident that got Congress to act occurred in 1910 when the Nation of Japan sent a friendship gift of flowering cherry saplings, to add some spring color to Washington.  Along with the saplings was a little green and bronze beetle, the progeny of which you may have seen on your roses this year.  Before the decade was up, Congress passed a Quarantine Act which gave the government authority to regulate all imports of meat, produce and all live plants and animals.  The agency created to enforce this act, the Animal Plant Health Inspection Service, whose acronym sounds like a garden pest, provided this writer with gainful employment.

West Hill Preserve

Hike in West Hill Preserve took a little longer than originally thought.  It was after 7 when hikers finished. Good thing days are still long.  Most hikers seemed to enjoy the area.  Lots of mushrooms were found and Bob Cox took some real good pictures.  Naturalists went to Grimes Glen to cool off on the trail and creek.  Possibility of a future hike there was discussed.  Then, back to Naples Park, where a few raspberries were picked and a bunch of blackberries, which will be ripe soon, were noticed.  Sky was clear and temperature around 90.

Georgia did this hike in winter, on snowshoes.  Might be a thought for upcoming winter, possibly March 9, when daylight savings time returns.