About Mark

President of Springwater Trails, Inc

Trail Building at Wheaton Hill – June 22, 2014 – 4:00PM

Wheaton Hill 2On Sunday, our Trail Master, Rick, will lead Springwater Trails volunteers on cleaning up the Wheaton Hill trails for the summer season.  Please come and take a hike around the four Wheaton Hill loops and help make the trails sparkle for visitors to Springwater.

Update: Following our hard work, stay for a picnic social at the trail head. The social is hosted by Springwater Trails, Inc.  We will provide hot dogs and burgers grilled on a charcoal grill and salads. You may want to bring something to drink. 

The primary need is to mow the trails.  Rick will bring a tractor mower that will clean up the parking area and the Spruce Loop trail on the north east side of Wheaton Hill Rd.  He will then try to get around the Redbud Trail (south west of the road).  The Pine Trail on the north west side is not passable for the tractor.  If anyone has a smaller mower with a high blade able to avoid small rocks on the trail, please contact Rick as soon as possible. The mower needs to be able to mow grass and small roses and other prickers.  And you need to be able to get it across a small gully across the trail (walls about 2 feet high).  Or, if you can, bring a string weedwacker to help mow.

There are at least two logs across the Pine Trail about 3 inches in diameter – a small bow saw should be sufficient.  There is also one large leaner across the trail which we will not try to remove.

And, clippers for the roses will be useful on all of the trails, although hard work last year means that the roses no longer get in the way of hiking these trails.  You may find some that need trimming before the get out into the trail, or you may choose to attach a large bush at the side of the trail. Clippers and gloves are very important for this work – if you always keep the bush away from your arms and legs you can avoid scratches, and more importantly, poison ivy which seems to like the roses.  Plan to wash your cloves and any other clothes that may have touched the poison ivy.

Directions: Wheaton Hill is the first right turn north of the intersection of Rt 15 and Rt 15A in Springwater (0.9 mile north of the intersection).  The trail head is 0.5 miles up Wheaton Hill just before the road turns straight east and heads up the main hill.  More details are on the directions page.

What to bring:

  • If you have a trail mower, contact our Trail Master before Sunday.
  • Gloves and clippers – hand clippers or long handled loppers if you want to attack a large rose bush.
  • Small bow saw.
  • Plastic grocery bag in case you find any litter.
  • Water to keep hydrated.


Whiteman Gully

IMG_0643WOn Sunday, Springwater Trails visited Whiteman Gully in North Dansville for a hike down the Gully to a really awesome waterfall.  After the waterfall, we all planned to hike the old rail bed above Dansville.  The Climbers decided to cut the hike short due to a steady rain, leaving the six naturalists with rain jackets to traverse the rail bed.  Join us this coming Sunday for the rail section starting in North Cohocton.

The day started beautifully, but by the time we met at the Rounsville home at 4:00, the ski had darkened and rain and thunder were threatening. Tom and Rick were available to retrieve the hikers should the rain begin.

IMG_0636WThe Climbers started out around the ridge and down to Mendoleine Rd.  Portions of this part of the hike were on logging roads and we were able to view the recent logging results.  After a steep climb down and a short road walk, they came to the Little Mill Creek crossing. Here the path headed downstream.  We crossed the stream on a rock walkway to get to a great view of the waterfalls.  Half of the group scrambled to the bottom of the falls and Pam absorbed the spirit of the water spray at the base.IMG_0651W

The naturalists shuttled to the Little Mill Creek by car and were able to view the falls before the rain started. The four dogs who joined the naturalists enjoyed the cooling water to various depths. After climbing out the of creek gully, the naturalists continued west to the old railroad bed. In spite of the rain that started gently, the naturalists simply pull out their rain jackets and continued on the the west end of the rail trail. Rick picked them up and returned them to the warm house for the social.

IMG_0646W The climbers exited from the gully as the rain picked up and chose to call it quits.  We returned by car to provide a warm welcome to the naturalists when they returned. We are already planning a return to Whiteman Gully for more explorations and to complete the planned hike.

Old Erie Railroad trail with detour to Deusenbery trails (42.562640, -77.522183)

image009Our hike on Sunday is a one way hike along the Old Erie Railroad and through new trails in the woods near the Cohocton River. We will meet Sunday, June 15, 4pm at our ending point and car pool to the start of our hike. For Tourists and Climbers, we will start out at the corner of Beecher Street and Route 36 in the hamlet of Atlanta (4 miles). The Naturalists and Tourists will start at Parks Road (2 miles).

image011Between Beecher Street and Parks Rd, the hike will follow a flat 1.4 mile trail owned by the Atlanta North Cohocton Club (ANC). This is part of a groomed flat 6.6 mile snowmobile trail to Wayland that was formerly the Erie Railroad line. Last weekend there was a 10’ section underwater filled with tadpoles but you are able to walk around this.

Rails across Cohocton

At around 1/2 mile past Parks Road we will detour right through private land to trails being built by Matt Deusenbery on the old Ouderkirk property. We will need to cross the Cohocton River and you will have two choices. Wading across CohoctonA chance to cool your feet by a short wade (left) through the river or for the more adventurous a walk on the rails (right) to the other side. So bring a pair of flip flops if you don’t want to fill your hiking boots as you walk through the ankle deep river.

image007We will then take a walk around the hay field (hay is off so the stubble may be sharp on the legs) to get to a 1 mile stroll beneath the canopy of trees.  Only little inclines here and there.  You might even be lucky and see some wildlife or summer flowers which are in bloom.   Since this is prime deer country you will want to bring the bug spray and make sure you are covered.

image005We will end up back at our river crossing or under the shade trees to share a dish to pass.  Cheryl will make sloppy joes.  Pack your chairs, bug spray, fishing pole and license if you want to see if anything is biting.


From Springwater: take Route 15S to Wayland for 4.9 mile.  At the light in Wayland turn left onto Route 21N, go 3.6 miles. Turn right into the Adam’s homestead driveway (brown two story house with large two story barn, second house past Bowles Corner – GPS 42.562640, -77.522183).    Continue down the driveway staying to the left of the garage down the farm lane till you get to the Cohocton River (yes keep going you will finally get to the river).   Park anywhere along the lane leaving one side open to leave room for those who will drive to our starting point to get out.

image013From Naples: take Route 21S to North Cohocton.  Turn right to stay on 21S.  Go 3 miles from N Cohocton.  Turn left into the Adam’s homestead driveway (brown two story house with large two story barn, it’s the third house on the left past Parks Rd – GPS 42.562640, -77.522183).    Continue down the driveway staying to the left of the garage down the farm lane till you get to the Cohocton River (yes keep going you will finally get to the river).   Park anywhere along the lane leaving one side open to leave room for those who will drive to our starting point to get out.

Hike at Maple Lane Farm – Sunday, June 8th, 2014 – 4:00PM

IMG_0677WThis week’s hike will be on the East Ridge in Dansville and will include a hike through Whiteman Gully on Little Mill Creek.  The highlight will be a beautiful waterfall on Little Mill Creek.  Please plan to be there at 3:45pm so cars can be relocated for the Naturalists.  More details below. NOTE: Hike starts at 4pm this week!

There will be a social event after the hike at the Rounsville’s. Jerri will prepare lasagna. Either bring a dish to pass or make a donation (suggested $5) to the social fund to help defray expenses, and bring a beverage of your choice.

IMG_0678WClimbers/Tourists: The climbers and tourists will begin the hike at the Rounsville’s house.  This hike will pass through Alexander’s tree farm and forest terrain with some of it following logging trails. The hike involves about a 200’-300’ descent to reach Whiteman Gully.  After viewing the waterfall the hike will continue on to the old Dansville railroad bed for a flat walk, finishing with a medium, but long climb back up to Lafford’s house and finishing at the Rounsville’s.

Naturalists: This hike will begin at Whiteman Gully.  After viewing the waterfall and the seasonal wild life plants the hike will continue on to the old Dansville railroad bed for a flat walk, finishing at the north end of the trail. There will transportation to bring the Naturists back up the hill to the social.


From Main St. in Dansville, heading south on 63 leaving town,turn left on Sahrle Hill Road for 1.3 miles. Turn left on Mendoleine Rd for 0.6mi to the top of the hill, then left on Sterner Rd until it turns into McNeil Hill Rd. Follow McNeil Hill Rd until you reach a fenced in pasture on your left. Turn in the first driveway at Maple Lane Farm. Follow the long driveway to the Rounsville’s home.

IMG_0608WFrom Wayland: From Rt 15, take NY 63 North (compass direction is west) toward Dansville for 3.3 miles. Turn right on Whiteman Gully Rd for 0.8 miles and take the first right onto Mendoleine Rd. Turn left onto Sterner Rd on top of the hill.  After 0.7mi, continue straight on McNeil Hill Rd until you reach a fenced in pasture on your left. Turn in the first driveway at Maple Lane Farm. Follow the long driveway to the Rounsville’s home.

From Rochester: Take I-390 South to exit 9.  Turn left onto NY 15 toward Lakeville. After one mile continue straight onto NY 256 when 15 bears to the left. Follow 256S for 19.1 miles past the full length of Conesus Lake.  Turn left on Reeds Corners Rd. Take the first right on Depot Rd, then the first left on Vista Hill Rd (County Line Rd) for 1.2 miles.  Take the first right on Kidd Rd and then right on McNeil Rd. Continue straight on McNeil Hill Rd until you reach a fenced in pasture on your left. Turn in the first driveway at Maple Lane Farm. Follow the long driveway to the Rounsville’s home.