About Mark

President of Springwater Trails, Inc

Upcoming Spring 2021 Events

Last Sunday, I received information from Wendy and Gene concerning upcoming events.

The Allegany Nature Pilgrimage 2021 is the 69th pilgrimage to Allegany State Park to enjoy and learn about the outdoors.

The Canandaigua Lake Watershed Association is sponsoring three Gypsy Moth Scrapes to provide information about this pest, and to remove egg masses in three parks around Canandaigua Lake. 

I have added these events to the Springwater Trails calendar, and I hope you will help these organizations to spread information about their events.

March 3 – 7 – The Folk Art Guild  – Winter Pottery Show

April 17 – CLWA Gypsy Moth Scout & Scrape-a-thon at Bare Hill.

April 23 – CLWA Gypsy Moth Scout & Scrape-a-thon at Ontario County Park

May 1 – CLWA Gypsy Moth Scout & Scrape-a-thon at Stid Hill WMA

June 4 – 6 – 63rd Allegany Nature Pilgrimage 

Springwater Trails COVID Membership Discount 2021

The primary mission of Springwater Trails, Inc is to create, identify, protect and promote hiking trails in the Springwater area. 

If you would like to make a cash contribution to Springwater Trails, please purchase a Membership in Springwater Trails today. To encourage an expanded membership, the Springwater Trails executive board has approved a discounted membership fee to be accepted until Springwater Trails is able to resume indoor socials after our Sunday hikes.. ..

For a reduced contribution of $10 ($15 for a family) you will be able to vote at this year’s Annual Meeting and you will know you are supporting the activities of Springwater Trails.. To buy a membership, please complete the form below and mail it and a check payable to Springwater Trails, to

Springwater Trails, Inc
Membership 2021
PO Box 162
Springwater, NY 14560

Name:  _______________________________

Address:   _____________________________

Phone:  _______________________________

Email: ________________________________

Individual Membership   ______________ $20 10

Family Membership‡        ______________ $30 15
‡ A family membership is entitled to two emails and two votes.  Please enter the second name and email.

2nd Name  _____________________

2nd Email  _____________________

Contributing Member*     ____________ $100 50
* Contributing Members are listed on our website.  Please write the name to appear if different from the name above.

Other donation  _______________

TOTAL   _______________ – Annual Membership 2021

Springwater Trails Planned Activity

As of May 15th, the NY Finger Lakes, and the Southern Tier Regions can begin to reopen after the NY Pause for COVID-19. In Phase 1 of this reopening, outdoor “low-risk recreational activities” are now allowed.  Based on this, the Springwater Trails executive board met Thursday to discuss resuming our Sunday hikes. So, our good news is we believe we can carry on Sunday hikes starting May 24. (this gives us time to get a description of each hike out to you, and it avoids the rain expected this Sunday).

We are going to make some changes to the hike format for the rest of this spring, as our best effort to keep everyone safe from the Coronavirus.

  1. We are going to emphasize kayaking over hiking.  Kayaking naturally enforces social distancing, which clearly makes it a low-risk activity.  We are calling this Water Hiking.
    However, we will continue to plan one or two regular hikes with different levels, to allow hikers who do not wish to kayak to participate.
  2. We plan to avoid shared food and restaurants for our socials following our hikes.We will try outdoor picnics.
  3. Hiking groups will be limited to 10 hikers or less.
  4. Hikers will need to maintain a six foot separation between participants, and should carry a face mask, and wear it when social distancing may be difficult to maintain.
  5. Initially, hikes will be out and back or loops to avoid carpools.

Our primary concern is our pre-hike gathering, and the loading and unloading of kayaks. During these times when close contact will be more likely, we need all participants to take extra care to maintain proper social distancing. I am sure that Springwater Trails will take the safety procedures seriously while still making our hikes a friendly, inviting activity.

So, get out your Kayaks, and your hiking equipment. We will send out the specifics about the May 24th hike/kayak at Hemlock Lake next week, and we hope to see some of you on the water.

Recreating Responsibly During the Covid-19 Outbreak

State Parks encourages New Yorkers to recreate locally, practice social distancing, and use common sense to protect themselves and others during the COVID-19 public health crisis.

Getting outdoors to walk, jog, hike, ride a bicycle, or visit a park or state lands is a healthy way to stay active, spend time with your immediate household family members, and reduce stress and anxiety while practicing physical distancing.

If you need a nature break and plan to visit State Parks, State Lands, and other parks we ask that all visitors:

  • Stay local and keep visits short;
  • Visit in small groups limited to immediate household members;
  • Maintain distance from others while in places where people tend to congregate, such as parking lots, trailheads, and scenic overlooks;
  • Avoid games and activities that require close contact, such as basketball, football, or soccer;
  • Avoid playground equipment like slides and swings and other frequently touched surfaces;
  • Do not share equipment, such as bicycles, helmets, balls, or Frisbees;
  • If you arrive at a park and crowds are forming, choose a different park, a different trail, or return another time/day to visit; and
  • If parking lots are full, please do not park along roadsides or other undesignated areas. To protect your safety and that of others, please choose a different area to visit, or return another time or day when parking is available.