About Mark

President of Springwater Trails, Inc

The Settling of Springwater

In 1796, James and John Garlinghouse put up a cabin in the Hunt Hollow, slightly within the current borders of Springwater. In 1807 Seth Knowles brought his family across the in of Hemlock lake, to a log cabin he had built the previous year in what is now Springwater.

Creation of Springwater ActThe Town of Springwater was formed by an act of the Senate and Assembly of the State of New York on April 17, 1816, with an effective date of “the first Monday of April next” or April 7, 1817. The first town meeting was held on April 9th, 1817.  Elected at the first meeting were a Supervisor, town clerk, 3 assessors, 3 commissioners of highways, 3 school commissioners, 2 overseers of the poor, 2 school inspectors, a constable, 11 path masters who also served as fence viewers, and 2 pound masters. Several men served in multiple posts.

Springwater from Livingston county atlas 1872An Atlas of 1872 shows that many of the current roads in the town were well established 55 years after the creation of the town.  Click on the image for a full size copy of the atlas page.

Wayland Carpool Parking (42.568606, -77.590562)

Car pooling from Wayland will start at the parking area behind the Fire Department. Plan to arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the departure time to get your gear transferred.

From Springwater: Head south on NY-15 to the light in Wayland.  Turn right on Rt 63 (W Naples St). In about 150ft, turn right between the Fire House and the Sugar Creek building to get to the parking lot in the center of the block.

From Dansville: Head east on Rt 63 toward Wayland.  Just before the second light in Wayland (at NY-15) turn left between the Fire House and the Sugar Creek building to get to the parking lot in the center of the block.

From Naples and N Cohocton: Head west on NY-21S toward Wayland.  Go through the light at NY-15. In about 150ft, turn left between the Fire House and the Sugar Creek building to get to the parking lot in the center of the block.

From I390: Take Exit 3 (Wayland, NY-15) from I-390.  Turn north toward Wayland for 1.9 miles to the stop light.  Turn left on Rt 63. In about 150ft, turn left between the Fire House and the Sugar Creek building to get to the parking lot in the center of the block.

Erie Railroad

Springwater from Livingston county atlas 1872Over 25 hikers attended the Springwater Trails hike on the old railroad bed between Becker Road and Depot Road in the southwest corner of Springwater.  This hike was followed by our Holiday Social at All Western Evergreen Farm.

The Rochester Branch of the Erie Railroad ran from Corning to Rochester, through Wayland, Springwater, Livonia and Avon. The map above is from Atlas of Livingston Co. New York published by F. W. Beers & Co., 1872, and shows the route of the railroad through Springwater. You can click on the map to see a higher resolution image.

IMG_1139 We started on Becker Rd and hiked through section 187 on the map and the north end of Lawrence Gull.  The old railroad bed is on private property, and Rick was able to get permission from the various land owners, making this a very special hike.

The railroad bed runs along the side of the hill between Lawrence Gull and Harpers Ferry Roads.  The bed is on a level route about 1400ft above sea level, but the land is much more interesting, with gullys filled in for the railroad and cuts through the hill.  With no leaves on the trees, the forests were open for us to see.

IMG_1137This rail bed would definitely make a wonderful part of the Springwater Trail.  This hike has encouraged us to pursue this possibility. Any landowners interested in allowing Springwater Trails, Inc. to mark a trail open to the public, please contact us for more information.

The Climbers started hiking at the McTighe pond, and climbed out of the valley to the rail bed. The McTighes have graciously allowed our group to hike on the rail bed in the past, and they remember freight trains passing through Springwater. After hiking to the northern-most point of the hike, the climbers turned around and met the Tourists.  The dogs were excited to say hello.

IMG_1140 GroupJoin us next Sunday at Harriet Hollister Spencer Recreation Area. Days are getting longer already, so next Sunday sunset is 4 minutes later than this past hike (note that the day is only 1 minute longer, because sunrise is also later).


Finger Lakes Trail – Letchworth Branch

IMG_1124 (Medium)Thanks to John’s hike planning and his influence with the weather, we enjoyed a great hike along the  top of the Letchworth Gorge and in the forest and gulleys above the gorge.

The hikes were mostly on well maintained dry trail, which was newly blazed and marked with mile markers.  Near the end of the tourist’s hike, we did run into some wet mud, which Duffy thought was great.

The Climbers carpooled from the Mt Morris Dam parking area to Access Pt D on River Rd.  From there, they hiked about 5 miles back to the Dam.

IMG_1845The Tourists carpooled to Hog’s Back Overlook, and hiked south to Access Pt D.  At the halfway point, we met the climbers and got the keys to their cars, for the ride back.  The Tourists started with a good view of the gorge at Hog’s Back, and then went by four more vantage points, with each view getting more interesting. Duffy was very good about not chasing any animals over the edge of the gorge, because Pati said she wasn’t going down to rescue him.

IMG_1134 (Medium)Meanwhile, the Naturalists left from the Dam and hiked out past Hog’s Back and then turned around and returned to the cars.

IMG_1135 (Medium)This was definitely a winter hike, with no undergrowth or leaves blocking our views.  We all enjoyed the various trees that we passed, including this old man’s face taken by Char. Be sure to look at Tony’s pictures posted in the Springwater Trails group on Facebook..

Following the hike, ten hikers met at the Charred American Grill in Mt Morris for burgers and beer – including a delicious Black Bean Burger that Pati enjoyed.