About Mark

President of Springwater Trails, Inc

All Western Christmas Tree Farm News

Last Sunday, January 29th, the Springwater Trails’ hikers enjoyed a Treasure Hunt for 4 gold, 4 silver, and 4 bronze treasure tickets to be redeemed at the social following the hike.  Nine out twelve tickets were found.  Twenty people attended.  Mark Hopkins, Trail Master, writes: “We had 11 climbers who hiked the perimeter of the farm.  The group headed up the path to the fields and through the woods and past a young plantation of Christmas trees.  Passing south through the forest, we found Christmas trees east of the pond marked for the Cornell Integrated Pest Management Trial and found two treasure tickets in the 6 inch snow cover.  In the Cathedral pines we found two more treasure tickets and then continued west with some bushwhacking around the dam of a small pond and out onto Story Road.  Heading back across the fields, we took advantage of the frozen field to cross the corn stubble rows to a grove of 40 year old Christmas trees ready for the center of an indoor mall that may call in the future.”  Wendy and Rick led a group of five through a northerly route parallel to Liberty Pole Road where Nannette found a treasure ticket.  They also found the large Christmas trees and then headed over to the pines and back.  Katherine led a group of 3 around the perimeter of the nursery pointing out the exotic trees, the nursery stock, and the 2 sequoia that are almost 28 years old.  All then took the 4×4 Case up through the woods where we picked up Gene and Georgia and drove into the fenced trees where we found four treasure tickets, then drove to the pines and back to the house for the social.

Next week, Springwater Trails will return to Cummings Nature Center on Gulick Road in Naples, start time 2 PM.  Come and enjoy the great outdoors, reduce cabin fever, and visit with hikers along the way.  Take advantage of purchasing a Springwater Trails membership (donation toward building hiking trails in Springwater) at the discounted price of $10 prior to our Annual Meeting on March 19th.  Details are available at SpringwaterTrails.org.

Katherine Humphrey and Jerrianne Scheiderich were honored to receive a Cornell IPM Award at the joint Pennsylvania and New York CTFANY (Christmas Tree Farmers Association) winter meeting scheduled in Binghamton, NY, Thursday – Saturday, January 26-28.

This post was exerpted from this weeks’ Springwater Party Line by Katherine Humphrey. The full article is available online.

2017 Discounted membership available prior to annual meeting

The primary mission of Springwater Trails, Inc is to create, identify, protect and promote hiking trails in the Springwater area. 

If you would like to make a cash contribution to Springwater Trails, please purchase a Membership in Springwater Trails today. To encourage an expanded membership, the Springwater Trails executive board has approved a discounted membership fee to be accepted between January 11, 2017 and March 19, 2017.

For a reduced contribution of $10 ($15 for a family) you will be able to participate in the Annual Meeting on March 19, 2017 and you will know you are supporting the blazing of the Springwater Trail and the publishing of our seasonal Hiking brochure. To buy a membership for 2017, please complete the form below and mail it and a check payable to Springwater Trails, to

Springwater Trails, Inc
PO Box 162
Springwater, NY 14560

Name:  _______________________________

Address:   _____________________________

Phone:  _______________________________

Email: ________________________________

Individual Membership   ______________ $20 10

Family Membership‡        ______________ $30 15
‡ A family membership is entitled to two emails and two votes.  Please enter the second name and email.
2nd Name  _____________________
2nd Email  _____________________

Contributing Member*     ____________ $100 50
* Contributing Members are listed on our website.  Please write the name to appear if different from the name above.

Other donation  _______________

TOTAL   _______________ – Annual Membership 2017

Wesley Hill Preserve

On November 27, 2016, 18 Springwater Trails hikers enjoyed a hike through the Wesley Hill Preserve.

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