Planning for September – (Updated Tuesday)

I want to catch you all up with news from Springwater Trails.

Thanks to John Vogel, Springwater Trails is now incorporated in New York State as a not-for-profit corporation.  You will start to see our name appearing as Springwater Trails Inc in the future.  That’s about the extent of the changes you will see, but now Springwater Trails is official.

On September 14th, the annual Fiddler’s Fair and American Craft Show will be held at Sugarbush Hollow.  Springwater Trails has volunteered to manage the parking lot this year, freeing up Bob Radell to chair the Fair committee.  We are depending on the continued support from our members to handle this task.  Please send an email to Joan or use our parking form if you can spend a couple of hours on Saturday the 14th directing cars to parking spots and helping fair patrons onto and off of the bus.  We will need twelve volunteers to each work two hours between 9:30 and 6:00.

Our other task for September is to plan our fall hike schedule.  Check for open dates on our fall schedule here.   Do you have a favorite hike you would like the group to enjoy?  Please let me ( know that you will plan that hike or fill out our hike planner form.  Planning a hike can be as easy as selecting a hike from one we have already done, or can require talking to one or two landowners to get permission and then planning a route for a new hike. Whichever hike you would like to plan, please talk with other hikers or with an officer and you will get help with the planning.

Hike planning – Fall 2013

Would you like to help plan a hike this fall?  Please fill in this form to send an email to the fall coordinator. [formidable id=6]

And, each week we need a hike leader for the Climbers, Tourists and Naturalists.  If you can help! We have a form for that also! Or just talk directly with the hike coordinator or with Joan (our VP with responsibility for the hiking group). Joan and the Springwater Trail officers will work with you to select a final date and to plan the details of the hike.

All hikes will start at 2:00PM.  The schedule below is a draft and is under development.  Dates and locations may change before the final schedule is published in late September.

Note: This is deer hunting season. Hikes planned on private land require consent from the land owner. Hikes on public land should be aware of hunters. All hikers should wear orange during hunting season. Hunting dates below are indicated with

BH Bow Hunting YH Youth Rifle Hunting H Regular Deer Hunting
Date Description Hike Planner Nat Tou Cli Social
Oct 6BH  Rush Oak Openings SUA  Don  Don Tom Wahl’s Avon; Custom Brew Crafters, HF; picnic at Oak Openings
Oct 13YH
Columbus Day on Monday
Springwater Trail Hike – Sugarbush Hollow Pam Sugarbush Hollow
Oct 20BH Portageville – FLT Letchworth Branch  Joan Parade Grounds picnic
Oct 27BH Trail Building Mark
Nov 3BH
Standard Time
 Eagle Crest hike Joan and Bob Eagle Crest
Nov 10BH
Veterans’ Day on Monday
 Stonybrook State Park Gene and Georgia Sunrise Restaurant
Nov 17H  Wesley Hill Nannette
Nov 24H
Dec 1H  Thanksgiving Weekend  No Hike  XX XX XX XX
Dec 8H Boughton Hill  Don  TBD
Dec 15BH Trail Building  Mark
Dec 22 Schribner Road Hike Mark and Linda At Mark’s
Dec 29  Christmas/New Years No Hike XX XX XX XX