Gene’s Challenge

All of you know how to recognize a maple tree in the summer. Its uniquely shaped leaves are like no other. But, can you recognize a maple in the winter, without its leaves? It’s just as easy, if you know what to look for.

First, observe all parts of the tree, except the leaves. Then, find a leaf that has lost its green color. With slight downward pressure on the petiole, the leaf should easily snap off. Now, carefully examine the scar on the stem where the leaf was attached. With pencil and paper, make a sketch of every detail you can see. When we meet on the Sunday afternoon hike, tell me what you saw (except Chuck, who knows this). We’ll continue this topic in the next issue.

Gene Binder

All Western Tree Farm

From Swartz Rd across Springwater ValleyI just got back from the hike at Katherine Humphrey’s Tree Farm.  This hike also included a special research project. Twenty-five hikers from the Springwater Trails hiking group and from the Rochester Mushroom Club RAMA hiked in three separate groups.

The climbers hike to the labyrinth

I joined  Char’s Climber group that walked south across Katherine’s, enjoyed the views from Swartz Rd (the colors would definitely have been Fairy Land within the Labyrinthbrilliant with the sun out), and traversed the labyrinth at the Kerr’s house on Carney Hollow Rd.  John and Colleen created a labyrinth through the spruce trees behind their house, obtaining in one spot a hiking trail and a perfect spot for meditation and reflection. By the way, you may be interested in reading about the definitions of labyrinth and maze (they aren’t the same!)

The research project

Prior to the hike, Gene Binder explained the special research project. Since tree roots can not, by themselves, take up enough water and minerals from the soil to meet the requirements of a tall tree, fungi, in the soil, attach themselves to the roots, spread out hundreds of feet in all directions, take these products from the soil and transfer them to the tree roots.  These products then go from the roots, up the trunk, and into the branches, leaves, flowers and seeds.

Since fungi lack chlorophyll, they are unable to convert water and carbon dioxide into the sugar and organic compounds they need to survive. This process (photosynthesis) is done in the tree leaves. These products are transferred down the trunk and into the roots, where they are taken by the attached fungi. The 2 organisms thereby form a dependent relationship, where one is unable to survive without the other.

This is a specific relationship.  Specific trees have specific mycorhyzal fungi, and can not survive without them.  When Katherine purchased her Western stock from a nursery in the Western part of the US, the fungi that were mycorhyzal on those species may have come with them so, as well as Western trees, Western fungi may also be thriving on her farm.

After hiking the Tree Farm, members of RAMA returned to the farm house and displayed the mushrooms they had collected.

Eight members of the Rochester Area Mycological Association (RAMA) and four Springwater Trails hikers, collected several dozen different species of mushrooms from Katherine’s nursery and woodlands.  The mushrooms collected were displayed on tables and the the great variety collected on the farm, in 2 hours, was impressive.

Dr. Randy Weidner of Bath and RAMA club president Dave Wolf of Rochester shared their extensive knowledge of mushrooms and identified many of the species collected.  Of special interest were the beautiful fly agarics, Amanita muscaria.  Two varieties are known, one golden yellow and the other bright red.  The former occurs commonly in the East, especially around here.  The red variety is, likewise, very common in the West, but quite rare in the East, and was collected in the nursery.  Also, of similar interest, were some specimens of the genus Inocybe (fiberhead).  Although definite determination to species is quite involved, in this genus, it didn’t look like any species previously collected or known to exist in this area.  Randy and others are conducting closer microscopic examinations.

Discussing mushrooms after the collection

After hikers collected mushrooms all around the tree farm, experts identified most of the mushrooms and mentioned which ones were poisonous, which appeared only in the fall, and which were unusual to the Eastern US.

Our thanks

On behalf of Springwater Trails, we express our appreciation to Katherine Humphrey, for her usual wonderful hospitality (and delicious home made soups) and the members of RAMA for sharing their expertise with us and providing us this experience with the fascinating world of fungi.

And of course, special thanks to Gene who provided the mushroom information in this post, and to Char who took the pictures.

Hemlock Lake Eastern Shoreline – Oct 14, 2012 at 2:00PM

Topographical map of Hemlock and Canadice lakes from the 1904 maps at and

Next Sunday we  will take the opportunity to walk the beach of Hemlock Lake.  This hike will postpone the planned hike of Clark’s Gully and will take advantage of the low water level in Hemlock Lake.  We hope we have not inconvenienced anyone, however we decided to “seize the moment” of one of our “little finger lakes” natural features that hasn’t been seen in over 5 years.

Looking at the US Geographical Survey topographical map of Hemlock Lake from 1904, you will see the original east lake road.  The portion of this road near the middle of the lake has been underwater since 1936 or 1947 when the City of Rochester raised the level of the lake,

Meet at the North Boat Launch

We will meet at the North Boat Launch on Hemlock Lake this Sunday, October 14 at 2:00 sharp. Please wear orange vests or bright clothing due to bow season and possible hunters in the area. We will be on the rocks of the shoreline –  wear appropriate shoes (sturdy shoes with a grip for wet or slippery rocks).   Please note that the extended hike can take up to 3 hours.

The after hike social will be at the Hemlock Grill at 5:00.

Hemlock Lake’s water levels are lower than  most years due to our lack of rainfall.  About half way down on the east side of the lake there are cliffs that are usually impassable without entering the water. However this fall you can walk from the North Boat Launch to the South Boat Launch entirely by shoreline, a distance of about 6 miles.  The shoreline is rocky, gravelly, and zebra mussels are plentiful.  The views and fall foliage around the stillness of the lake waters are picturesque. Foundations of old houses that are not usually visible can be explored.   Bring a camera.

Climbers(advanced)  will get a quick start to walk 6 miles from the North Boat Launch to the South Boat Launch.  They will be transported back to the North Boat Launch via the sugarbus. This hike will take approximately 3 hours.    Tourists (intermediate) will walk the same route and return for a distance of 4 miles.  Naturalists  will follow a similar shorter route of about 2 miles that encompasses the shoreline and woods to look for mushrooms, fall plants, and fossils.

Click here for directions to the North Boat Launch.

Fall Hiking Schedule

For those of you who did not pick up a brouchure at the Fiddler’s Fair, the fall hiking schedule is now available either on the Calendar page or in PDF format.