Gosnell Big Woods Hike, Webster

The hike on Sunday, August 25 will be at the Gosnell Big Woods, a Town of Webster-owned nature preserve near Lake Ontario, including majestic old-growth forest, an open field, and a small meadow. Maintained by Friends of Webster Trails, a variety of trails offer beautiful views of meadows, wildflowers, and spectacular old-growth trees. Hikers may see butterflies, dragonflies, deer, and a variety of birds. Meet at 3:45 for a 4 PM hike start.

Naturalists will explore the Big Field and Meadow Trails, a total of 1.7 miles. They will start in the Big Field and Meadow Trails and continue onto Pellet Road, onto Ridge trail, join Big Woods trail, and head back to the car park on Big Field Trail, about 2.2 miles. If we want more we can divert into Whiting Woods Preserve off Pellet Road and make it 3 to 4 miles.

The picture below contains a link to the Gosnell Woods web page. If a click doesn’t take you straight there, press and hold the control key while clicking the image.


Parking: Meet at the Gosnell Big Woods Preserve Parking lot. 674 Vosburg Road, Webster. The car park is situated on the corner of Vosburg Road and Drumm Road.



From Rochester and points south; Take Route 490 or 390 to Route 590 North. At 3.7 miles north of the 490/590 intersection, take Route 104 East across Irondequoit Bay, then north on Bay Road (1.1 miles), right on Klem Road (.8 miles), left on Drumm Road (.6 miles), and enter the car park where the road turns left at the junction of Drumm and Vosburg Roads.


Social:  After the hike we will adjourn to a lovely pub, specifics to be determined.

Hemlock Lake Paddle/Rob’s Trail Hike

Hemlock Lake and the Hemlock-Canadice State Forest remains a favorite location for Springwater Trails. This Sunday we will return to the North Boat Launch for Kayaking on the lake and Hiking on Rob’s Trail.

All boaters and hikers will meet at the north boat launch at 3:45. Following the hike we will enjoy a pot luck social at the Hemlock Park at the north end of the lake. Boaters must bring their PFDs and hikers will want to bring walking poles.

There are four options available for this hike.

Boaters: We will unload our boats at the boat launch. It is recommended that boaters meet at 3:30 to give a bit of extra time in case the launch is crowded. Once we have a picture of all of the boaters, we will head south along the the east side of the lake. We may get as far of the Rob’s Trail beach. Adventurous boaters will then head across the lake and return to the launch along the west side of the lake.

Naturalists Hikers who prefer a level hike will head south of the old lake road. Hikers should check their watches and turn around at 5:00. That may mean turning around at the bench overlooking the lake, or possibly at the Rob’s Trail beach.

Tourists: Hikers who enjoy hiking down hill, will carpool up to the Rob’s Trail parking area on the west side of NY 15A.  From there, the trail heads across fields and then enter the forest. The trail is well marked and crosses a nice bridge above a falls, and down to the lake, at which time hikers will turn right (north) and follow the old lake road.  They may meet the Naturalists on the way to the boat launch.

Climbers: If any hikers would prefer to climb up to 15A, It will be easiest if they could trade keys with the Tourist drivers, and use those cars to return to the boat launch. Otherwise the Climbers will need to take a couple of cars to the top before the hike. If two climbers would like to leave their cars at the top, please call Mark at 259-4505 and we will meet you at 3:30 at the Parking lot off 15-A.

Following our hiking everyone is invited to a pavilion at Hemlock Lake Park at the north end of the lake for a pot luck social.  Bring a dish to pass (or donate $5 to the social fund) and your own beverage. From the boat launch, head out to Rix Hill Rd. Take a sharp left on Rix Hill Rd and turn in at the 3rd driveway to the left. At the circle, we will find an available table for our social.


From Springwater: Head north on 15A for 10.1 miles. Turn left on Rix Hill Rd and an immediate left on East Lake Rd. Follow this road to the boat launch.

From Hemlock: Head south on 15A. At 0.7miles past the intersection with 20A, take the first right onto Rix Hill Rd into the Hemlock Lake Park. Take the first left and follow the east lake road to the boat launch.

From Honeoye: Head west on 20A toward Hemlock. At the intersection with 15A, turn left onto 15A South. In 0.7miles  take the first right onto Rix Hill Rd into the Hemlock Lake Park. Take the immediate left and follow the east lake road to the boat launch.

From Penn Yan: Take 54A across the north end of Keuka Lake to Branchport. Continue straight onto Italy Hill Rd (CR32). In 4.9 miles, turn left to stay on Italy Hill Rd and take the 2nd right onto Italy Hill Turnpike (CR34). At the bottom of the hill (3 miles) stay to the left onto Italy Valley Rd (CR18). On entering Ontario County, Italy Valley Rd becomes CR21. Continue to the T and turn right onto NY 53 into Naples. Continue straight onto NY 21 North past the Wayside Market and turn left onto Clark St (CR 36). Continue for about 15 miles along Honeoye Lake. Turn left at the light onto US 20A. In 4.8 miles, turn At 0.7miles past the intersection with 20A, take the first right onto Rix Hill Rd into the Hemlock Lake Park. Take the first left and follow the east lake road to the boat launch.



Stid Hill Hike, Bristol

Please join us for a Stid Hill hike on Sunday Aug 4th at the 6405 Dugway Road trail head. Meet at 3:45 for a 4pm start time.  The Stid Hill Multiple Use Area is a 847 acre tract of land situated in the townships of Bristol and South Bristol in Ontario County. It is bounded by Route 64 on the west and Dugway Road on the north. Mud Creek, flows along Route 64. At one time, Stid Hill was productive sheep and cattle grazing land. Today the grazing has been eliminated. The mixture of steep hills, ravines, gullies, gorges, woods, and open areas create scenic vistas and also provide varied wildlife habitats.


Tourists and Naturalists:   For the Tourists and Naturalists, they will do a 2.5mile loop from the Red trail to the Blue and Yellow trails, then back to where they started from on the Red trail. There is one steep climb towards the beginning (just take your time). This hike takes us through mostly woods, various types of plants, right by a lonely rock and of course, the famous old truck.  Poles are a good idea.
Climbers:  The Climbers will hike about 4 miles in a larger loop starting off with the Naturalists, then down around Lower Blue, hitting several steep areas and finally back up to where they started. Poles might come in handy.
The Social:   We’ll go to Lock Stock and Barrel on Route 64 just north of Bristol Mountain (5436 State Route 64) for the social after the hike.
From the north, (Honeoye and Bloomfield) starting at Route 5 & 20 in Bloomfield, come down Route 64. 3.0 miles south of Rt 20A and 1.4 miles past Bristol Center (and CR 32), turn left on Dugway Road. The Stid Hill MUA parking area will be about 2 miles up on the right.

From the south, starting at Bristol Springs for 6.4 miles, come up Route 64 past both Stid Hill parking areas, then turn right on Dugway Road. If you come to Bristol Center you’ve come too far north.

From Springwater, Head north to 20A through Honeoye, then south on 64(see north directions above).

From Wayland, the recommendation is to take Rt 21 through Naples to the east end of Dugway Rd (4.5 miles north of the intersection with NY 64). The trail head is 1.2 miles west on Dugway, (Dugway is paved to the Bristol/Canandaigua town line).

Trail Maps:



Keuka Outlet Trail – Hike or Bike from Cascade Falls Access

The Keuka Outlet Trail is seven miles long and follows the winding waterway where Keuka Lake flows eastward into Seneca Lake.  The trail runs along an old railroad bed, has only a slight incline, and the surface is a combination of dirt, gravel, and ballast. You can find more information at www.keukaoutlettrail.org.  There is also an audio tour, so bring a charged phone and you can listen to some of the history along the trail.

Meet up:  We will all meet at the Cascade Falls Access Point parking area, which is right between the two waterfalls, at 3:45 pm.  

Bikers:  After signing in, bikers will ride to the Dresden parking area, ride the full length to Penn Yan, and return for a total 14 mile ride.

Hikers: Head east towards Cascade Mills Falls, enjoy the view of the falls and then turn around and head west towards Seneca Mills Falls.  After viewing the Seneca Mills Falls, continue west to Turtle Pond. Keep heading west until it is time to turn around in order to be back at the parking area around 6:00 pm.

Keuka Traikl Map

Social:  The bring-a-dish social will be at the Cascade Falls Access parking area.  Bring a lawn chair and a folding table if you have one. Also bring your own beverage and a dish to pass, or make a $5 donation to our social fund.


Directions from Canandaigua:  Take 5 & 20 through Canandaigua, just before you reach Geneva, take 14A south to Penn Yan. Make a left onto Elm St. Sunoco Gas station on one corner and Walgreens on the other corner, Rt. 54A comes in on the right, there is no street sign here.  Pick up directions below continuing on Elm St.

Directions from the south, Wayland, Dansville, Cohocton:  travel north on Rt. 53 towards Naples and make a right onto Italy Valley Rd.  Continue with directions below from Italy Valley Rd.

Directions from the north Honeoye, Springwater: make your way to Rt. 53 just south of Naples and turn left onto Italy Valley Rd.  Continue with directions below from Italy Valley Rd.

Directions from Italy Valley Rd.: Bear right at the Y onto Italy Tpk. Rd. go to the end and make a left onto Italy Hill Road bear right past Blue Eagle Tavern. Take Italy Hill Rd. (rt. 32) past Hunt Country Vineyards to the traffic light in Branchport. Continue straight through the Branchport traffic light this is 54A.  Stay on 54A which brings you right into Penn Yan and onto Elm St.  Go straight through the light and pick up the directions below continuing on Elm St.

Directions from Prattsburgh: Take N. Main St to Prattsburgh Italy Hill Rd., which turns into Italy Hill Rd. (rt. 32) continue around the bend, past Hunt Country Vineyards right into Branchport.  Continue straight through the Branchport traffic light this is 54A.  Stay on 54A which brings you right into Penn Yan and onto Elm St.  Go straight through the light and pick up the directions below continuing on Elm St.

Directions continuing on Elm St. in Penn Yan: Continue straight on Elm all the way to the end. Cornwall St. is to the left and Outlet Road is to the right.  Bear right onto Outlet Road.  Continue straight and you will pass Stiles Rd on your left, continue on and you will see a red barn on the right and a small parking area just past the barn, which is Seneca Mills Access. Go past this parking area and you will come to a road (Ridge Road/Mays Mills Road) on the right and will see another parking area straight ahead where we will be meeting.  This is the Cascade Falls Access Point parking area.