Bare Hill Unique Area Hike-Rushville

Bare Hill Unique Area is a beautiful natural spot situated in the Town of Gorham, Ontario County, and the Town of Middlesex, Yates County.  Prepare to relish sweeping views along with the sights and sounds of songbirds, wildflowers, fungi, meadow plants and local faunae.

The Hike:

We will start from the trailhead at 5821 Van Epps Road Rushville, NY 14544 meeting at 3:45pm for a 4:00pm start.  NOTE: hike time change!

Naturalists and Tourists will combine the lowest trail with the pond shortcut. Climbers will take the upper trails.



From Naples, take 245 north to Middlesex. Turn left onto north 364, then left onto County Route 10/North Vine Valley Road. Then take a right onto Bare Hill Road, followed by a left onto Van Epps Road.

From Canandaigua, take 364 south to a right onto County Route 10/North Vine Valley Road. Then take a right onto Bare Hill Road and a left onto Van Epps Road.


Will be held after the hike at Bob and Ruth’s Vineyard Restaurant, 204 N. Main Street, Naples NY 14512 (585) 374-5122

Charlotte-Genesee Lighthouse Tour and Hike or Bike Genesee Riverway Trail

PhotoPhotoPhotoThe trail extends out onto the gorgeous Genesee River

Tour of Charlotte Genesee Lighthouse and Hike or Bike Genesee Riverway Trail

A special treat has been planned for this hike date!  We have been invited to tour the Charlotte Genesee Lighthouse BEFORE our regular scheduled hike time.  For those interested in the tour, you will need to RSVP Kelly Rell ([email protected]) NO LATER than FRIDAY 4/12/24 by 10AM so that the Lighthouse can have enough tour guides for the group.  Plan on an hour for the lighthouse and home tour.

Please plan to arrive by 12:45pm for the tour.


We will meet at Charlotte Genesee Lighthouse (in the parking lot of the Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church) at 1:45pm for our hike or bike to Turning Point Park.

Cyclists: will follow the Genesee Riverway Trail down to Turning Point Park and beyond doing a 1 hour loop and return.

Climbers: After climbing the lighthouse steps they will follow the Genesee Riverway Trail the 2.2 miles to Turning Point Park and return.  If time allows they can add a walk towards Lake Ontario Park.

Naturalists/Tourists: Will follow the Genesee Riverway Trail for a 1 hour loop and return.

PARKING: Parking for the Lighthouse shares the lot with Holy Cross Roman Catholic Church at 4492 Lake Avenue, Rochester, NY 14612.  Please use the address of the church for your GPS.


Will be held at the Hose 22 Firehouse Grill, 56 Stutson Street, Rochester, NY  14612

Directions to Social: Turn left onto Lake Avenue out of the Church parking lot.  Go 2 blocks and turn into parking lot for Hose 22 Firehouse.  You can enter off of Lake Avenue or by turning left onto Stutson St.  You can also leave your car at the church lot and walk down to the social!


Pancakes, Bluebirds and Monkeys

Join us to celebrate NY Maple Syrup with a Pancake lunch at Stoney Ridge Farms in Farmington, NY, followed by a hike through Victor parks to burn off any excess calories.
Pancake lovers will meet inside the Pancake tent at 12:00.  Pancakes are $12 and are all you can eat.  Included is syrup and butter for the pancakes, plus bacon or sausage and juice and coffee.  While you are there, take a tour of the Sugar House to learn more about the process of making syrup and meet the owners Melinda and Chris Rodas. Pancakes are available until 2:00.
Plan to finish your tour of the farm by 1:30 for a 15-minute drive to the MaryFrances Bluebird Haven.
All hikers will meet at the trail parking lot for MaryFrances for a 2:00 hike start.  See directions below. There is overflow parking south of MaryFrances off of Springdale Ct.  Note, please dress accordingly for the conditions, as the trails will likely be wet and muddy at times.
The Climbers will head south about 500ft along Victor Egypt Rd to the entrance to Monkey Run trails. These trails follow the White Brook creek and go up and down the small hills around the creek. Climbers will start on the White trail that passes behind several homes on Springdale Ct. We will turn left onto the Red Trail and follow it to a cleared route for a pipeline. Crossing the pipeline takes us to the yellow trail. From there we will loop back to the red trail (left turn on Red) and the to a left turn on the white trail. We will continue past a Blue intersection to the right and a Blue intersection to the left (which goes out to Valentown Rd). At the next blue trail, we will go right for a short side trail up to a picnic table, and then back to the white trail. From there, stay on the white trail heading east back to the entrance. From there, walk back up the Victor Egypt Rd (each hike should watch for traffic when crossing) to a trail heading south from the MaryFrances parking area. Stay on this perimeter trail around the park. The trail is close to the park boundary, so you will see posted signs. As usual, stay on the trail and quietly say thank-you to landowners when the trail wonders onto the adjacent land.
The Naturalists will follow the Perimeter Trail* (Blue) around the MaryFrances Bluebird Haven. If time permits, they will walk from the parking area down to the lodge and pond.
*Note the trail will likely be wet and muddy for about half of the outer perimeter of the trail. Please dress accordingly.
Our social this week will be at Stoney Ridge farm BEFORE our hike.
Directions to the Hike:
From Stoney Ridge: Head west on Rushmore Rd for 1.7 miles. At the T, turn right on Sheldon Rd (for 0.7mi) and then the first left on Holtz Rd. In 0.6mi the name changes to Martz Rd for 0.6mi. At the next T, turn left on Hook Rd (for 0.4mi) and take the first right onto Yahn Rd. At the next intersection (0.9mi) turn right onto Weigert Rd, then left (in 0.6mi) on Brownsville Rd.  The road turns right and becomes Cline Rd, but you will quickly turn left onto Gillis Rd. At the stop sign, turn right on Victor Egypt Rd. In 1.1 miles, just before Valentown Rd on the left, turn right into the MaryFrances entrance. The parking lot is immediately on the right.
From Springwater and Honeoye: travel NY Rt 15A northbound (to just s of hamlet of Hemlock) ; turn right/eastbound onto NY Rt 20A (eventually passing through the hamlet of Honeoye, and continuing on NY Rt 20A northeasterly to just south of the hamlet of Bristol) ; turn left/northbound onto Co Rd 2 aka Oakmount Rd, pass through the hamlet of Bristol and continue straight on what will eventually become Oakmount Ave, crossing NY Rt 20 <USE FOREMOST CAUTION at this crossing!> to jct with Main St in Village of Bloomfield ; turn right/eastbound on Main St ; turn left/northbound onto NY Rt 444 (aka Elm St which becomes Victor Holcomb Rd which becomes Maple Ave) to jct with NY RT 96 aka East Main St in the Village of Victor ; turn right/eastbound onto NY Rt 96 aka East Main St ; turn left/northbound onto Church St ; Church St becomes Victor-Egypt Rd aka Co Rd 9 ; travel to 235 Victor-Egypt Rd where Mary Frances Bluebird Haven driveway is located ; turn right onto the entrance driveway. The parking lot is immediately on the right.
From Canandagua: Head north on NY 332. Turn left on NY 96. In 2.3 miles at the traffic circle, turn right onto Lynaugh Rd. In 1 mi, turn right onto Victor Egypt Rd. In 2.3mi, turn right onto the MaryFrances driveway. The parking lot is immediately on the right.
From Naples: Head north on NY 21. At the junction with NY 64, continue straight onto NY-64. Continue for 13 miles. At the light, turn left onto US-20. In 1.2 miles, turn right on NY-444 into Victor. In 6.8 miles, turn right onto NY Rt 96  and then turn leftonto Church St ;  travel to 235 Victor-Egypt Rd where Mary Frances Bluebird Haven driveway is located ; turn right onto the entrance driveway. The parking lot is immediately on the right.
To Stoney Ridge before the hike: (43.0088, -77.2764):
Stoney Ridge Farms is located at 625 County Road 28 in the Town of Farmington (PO Palmyra) New York.
From Canandaigua: Head north on Route 332. Turn right on County Road 28. Go 7.6 miles. Stoney Ridge Farms is 1 mile past the thruway overpass on the right. Turn right on Rushmore Road and park.
From Springwater and Honeoye: Follow US 20A E for 7 miles.  Turn left on NY 64 for 3.7miles.  At the light, turn right on US 20. After 2.9 miles, bear left onto Buffalo St Extension.  In 2.6 miles, turn left on Rt 332 (N Main St).  In a half mile, turn right on North St (CR 28) for 7.6 miles.  Turn right on Rushmore Rd and immediately into the Sugar House parking area.
From the East
From Thruway Exit in Manchester, take Route 21S in Manchester to Rt. 96N. Go 3 miles, turn right on County Road 28, go 2 miles to Stoney Ridge Farms, turn right onto Rushmore Road and park.
From the West
From 490E, take last exit to Rt. 96S in Victor. Follow Rt. 96S, 8 miles to County Road 28, turn left. Go 2 miles to Stoney Ridge Farms on right. Turn right on Rushmore Road and park.
From the North
From Fairport and Palmyra take Rt. 31. Turn on to County Road 28 (Macedon Rd.) Follow to Rushmore Road, turn left and park.

And The Children Shall Lead Us

Africa Bridge announces the publication of And The Children Shall Lead Us by Barry Childs – a heartfelt and fascinating account of 23 years of Africa Bridge, the sustainable, cooperative agricultural model transforming rural villages.  

This book is published to share the success of the Africa Bridge model – based on both field experience and academic research – and to raise awareness of its powerful potential to lift the most vulnerable children out of poverty.  

And The Children Shall Lead Us tells the engrossing story of how the project works, how it came about and was implemented, and what has been learned during its 23 years of operation.  This work is not simply “charity”; it’s a proven community-led model that could redefine ethical development in Africa. The book is destined to become recommended reading for the social sciences.  

Barry Childs is the founder of Africa Bridge. He spent his childhood in Tanzania and returned later in life to commit himself to helping his homeland.  Passionate about the project, Barry has stories to tell.  Contact Africa Bridge at [email protected] if you would like to learn more about the book and to schedule a speaking event.

What they say about Africa Bridge:

Archbishop Desmond Tutu, writing in 2005

I was moved when Barry Childs spoke to me some years ago of his dream to help children orphaned by HIV/AIDS and their families in Tanzania.  By helping the most disadvantaged, Africa Bridge performs much needed divine work, letting the poorest of the poor know they are loved.  There is no higher calling.’

Dr Heath Prince, PhD Director, Ray Marshall Center, University of Texas at Austin and Senior Development Economist at La Isla Network

‘Africa Bridge does what precious few other programs have managed to do – it lifts children out of poverty, allowing them to tap into their full potential, and setting them on a course to break the inter-generational cycles of poverty that have robbed them and their communities of the opportunity to live lives of their own choosing, rather than those determined by privation.  Founded on love, ingenuity, and dedication, Africa Bridge’s impressive success gives the lie to the lazy assertions that the problem of poverty is unsolvable.’

Paperback and eBooks are Available for preorder on Amazon, with eBooks also on Kobo. To order from bookshops, (ISBN 9781739379377). Expect a delivery date of April 8, 2024.  Price for the eBook is $8.99, and the paperback is $18.

PS. Springwater Trails supporters can give a small extra boast to Barry’s project by using the preorder option on Amazon or at your book store. This helps to make April 8 an extra successful sales day.