Stid Hill South Directions


From Honeoye: Take Route 20A East. Turn right onto CR33/East Lake Road. Turn left onto CR33. Go straight for 8.3 miles (CR33 runs into CR34) then turn left onto Route 64, parking lot is on the left.

From Naples: Take Route 21N to intersection with Route 64, continuing on Rte64N through Bristol Springs. Parking area is about 2 miles on the right.

From Wayland: Head east to Naples then follow above directions.

From Springwater: Take 15A north then turn right onto Route 20A. Take 20A into Honeoye and follow directions for Honeoye.

From Rochester: Take 490East to last Victor exit (just before Thruway). Follow Route 96 into village of Victor. At sign for Bristol Mountain, turn right onto Maple Avenue/Route444 and head into Bloomfield (4 miles). Turn left onto Route 5 & 20 for 1.2 miles, then right onto Route 64. Parking area is on left, 11.5 miles south of 5 & 20.

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Stid Hill South Hike – September 14 2014 @ 2:00


On a clear day we will see a breathtaking and stunning view of Rochester from the hang gliding launch atop the hill at the Stid Hill South tract in South Bristol. Even on a hazy day the view is awesome, which is the special reward for a vigorous climb up the hill covering about 1000 feet of elevation change. Stid Hill Multiple Use Area is a DEC-managed property consisting of two tracts – one in Bristol and the other just down the road in South Bristol. We will hike the  South Tract and meet at the parking lot on SR64, 2 miles south of the Bristol Mountain Ski area entrance. If coming from the North it is 5.5 miles south of the Bristol town center at the intersection of SR64 and CR32. Parking lot is clearly visible and is just north of the intersection with CR34. While the north tract clearly shows signs of past farming with stone fences and large trees, the south tract is more heavily forested with few remains of stone fences. Although I did see one hardy mountain biker while hiking the trail, the south tract does not have the switchbacks like the north tract does and there are not signs of much biking activity here.

DSCN5681DSCN5684DSCN5682We will offer two hikes: Climbers/Tourists will follow an unmarked but clearly defined, steep trail through the woods to the top of the hill and the hang gliding launch. They will then head back, stopping by a lovely, large pond on the way. Following the return trail down the hill which is marked by hot pink blazes (many thanks to whoever did that since I hiked here back in June when there were no blazes) we will pass by an old lean-to complete with bar and vintage lawn chairs (anyone willing to carry a cooler up the return trail to await weary hikers with cold ones is very welcome), several ravines and then follow a large ravine alongside the trail down to the field where we began the hike. Hike is about 2 hours roundtrip. Poles will come in handy, especially heading downhill. Naturalists will explore the lower portion of the woods and adjoining field, replete with lovely wildflowers and monarch butterflies, and Mud Creek. Long pants are recommended as some of those wildflowers have nasty spiky stems. Dogs are welcome on both hikes. Whichever hike you choose, you will not be disappointed – this is a beautiful and totally serene place. Thanks to Ryan of GVHC for putting together that wonderful Stid Hill hike back in June that I attended and which gave me the inspiration to put this hike together, and thanks to Melissa, Linda and Duffy for walking and exploring with me on a steamy August day.

Directions to the Stid Hill South parking lot are available here.

After-hike social will be held at Brew & Brats which is located behind Arbor Hill Winery on Route 64 in Bristol Springs, on left-hand side of road, about 2 miles south of the SHS parking area.











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