Hemlock Lake to Springwater – Canceled

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July 17, 2016 @ 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
DEC Parking area RT 15A, west side

Hemlock Lake is such a treasure for the residents of the Town of Springwater, providing opportunities for water and forest recreation year round in virtually undeveloped surroundings. I had wanted to enjoy a hike from Reynolds Gull through the Wheaton Hill trails to the entrance to the hamlet.  Half of this route is on existing trails, with the rest being through the woods and across the gullies between. Unfortunately, Linda and I tried twice to find an enjoyable route, and each time returned exhausted and discouraged. The existing trails had not been mowed and were clogged with briars and roses. Each step in the woods was taken with care to avoid the fallen trees and to find a safe route across the gullies.

As a result, this hike is canceled and replaced by a hike and paddle at Canadice Lake, a natural followup to last week’s Hemlock adventure. See the description here or below.


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