Trail Maintenance – Punky Hollow

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September 13, 2015 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm
Punky Hollow
Pardee Hollow Rd
Wayland, NY 14572

Join us again for some trail maintenance at Punky Hollow in preparation for the Fiddler’s Fair on September 19th.

We will meet at the barn at Punky Hollow.  Our task today will be to blaze the Springwater Trail between the Punky Hollow entrance east of the school house, to Sugarbush Hollow.  We also will tag the trail around Punky Hollow behind the barn, for the fair.  Bring loppers or clippers for final cleanup.  other tools will be available as needed.

We will split into three groups.  The climbers will hike to the entrance to the Springwater Trail and will blaze that trail.  The Naturalists will hike around the trail behind the barn, placing red ribbons to blaze that trail.  The third group will be responsible for placing new signs at the Springwater Trail entrances at Coates Rd, Pardee Hollow below the sugar house, at the entrance across from Coates Rd and at the Punky Hollow entrance.

Finally, we will be preparing for working the Parking Lot at the Fair on Saturday, September 19, 2015.  You don’t have to be at the Sunday trail maintenance to help with parking, but please fill out the form below so we know you will be coming.

Following our work, we will have a social at Punky Hollow.  Please bring a dish to pass or make a small contribution to the social fund. Bring your own beverage.

Directions to Punky Hollow are available here.

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2 thoughts on “Trail Maintenance – Punky Hollow

  1. Right now (10AM Sunday) it looks like rain all day today and then drying out the rest of the week. If the rain can hold off until after 6 next Saturday, we will be able to enjoy the fiddlers.

    A slight change in plans – rather than put up ribbons, knowing they are going to be wet – we will postpone the Fair trails until mid week. Instead we will mark locations for blazes on the new Springwater Trail, put up a sign at the entrance and then possibly explore other trails at Punky Hollow. Social either at the barn or at Schribner where we can have a fire to warm up by.

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