
Hikes led by Springwater Trails are generally held on Sunday afternoons and appear in this calendar in green.

Fiddler’s Fair
Sep 13 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm


Rochester Trails Initiative- Pubic Open House- APRIL 11, 13, 14 @ Rochester- City of Rochester Public Market.
Apr 11 @ 9:00 am – 1:00 pm

For all those interested in trails advancement in our region- the next round of public input and meetings for the Genesee-Finger Lakes Regional Trails Initiative is here!

Since the fall of last year, folks have been working hard on the Regional Trails Initiative Plan Update, and Livingston County has participated actively with input coming from municipalities, trail groups or organizations, and trail users.  The next opportunity for public input is this weekend and early next week.  See the attached flyer for details.  The main goals at this time are to obtain public comments, determine how to refine the recommended network, and set priorities for implementation.   I anticipate being in attendance at the Public Open House in Batavia.  I look forward to seeing you there!

Pubic Open Houses:
Saturday, April 11, 2015, 9 am- 1 pm.  Rochester- City of Rochester Public Market.
Monday, April 13, 2015.  6 pm – 8 pm.   Batavia – Genesee County Building No. 2
Tuesday, April 14, 2015.  5 pm – 7 pm.  Geneva – The Ramada.

If you would like to review and comment on the network now – please do!  Check the website and wiki map – and please pass the links along to your fellow citizens.  I have also included a copy of the RTI map, in pdf format, zoomed into Livingston County.  The full Region map can be viewed at the website link.

The Livingston County Planning Department is also participating on the Regional Trails Initiative Steering Committee.  The next Steering Committee meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 15, 2015.  If you have any questions or have input that you would like to provide, please feel free to contact me before this meeting so I can share your input.   Please feel free to distribute this email and attached resources.  We would like to hear from all who are interested.

Springwater Trails Executive Board Meeting @ Gene's
Aug 19 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm


  • Approve minutes – Katherine
  • Treasurer’s report – Melissa
  • Committee Reports
    • Trail Maintenance – Gene
    • Advertising – Katherine
      • Brochure – First Draft – Mark
      • Rack Card – First Draft
    • Trail Building – Rick
      • Sugarbush Hollow to Pardy Hollow
    • Hiking Group – Wendy
    • New Business
      • Fiddler’s Fair – Parking
        • Chairman
        • Signup Sheet
      • Bicentennial
        • Our role
        • Bicentennial committee communications
April Executive Board Meeting @ Melissa's House
Apr 13 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm


  Approve minutes – Katherine
    Please review the minutes prior to the meeting. Please look in the dropbox

  Treasurer’s report – Melissa

  Committee Reports
    Advertizing – Katherine
    Trail Maintenance – Gene
    Trail Building – Rick
    Bicentenial Committee – Wendy, Mark
    Hiking Group – Wendy
      Winter Hikes

  New Business

  Next Meeting
Earth Day Roadside Clean-up @ Springwater Fire Hall
Apr 22 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Volunteers are needed to assist in picking up roadside litter along a stretch of highway in the Town of Springwater that Springwater Trails is in the process of adopting.  We will meet at the Fire Hall parking lot at 9AM for a mandatory safety briefing presented by NYS DOT.  They will provide the required hard hats and safety vests. You will want to bring gloves.  NYS DOT will also provide the collection bags and pick up.  The plan is to work from 9AM-12PM, lunch at Sammy’s, and (if needed) work from 1PM-4PM.   Ask your friends to join us.  So NYS DOT can be given an approximate number of participants, please let Wendy know if you plan on helping out – .




New York State Home Food Preservation in 2016 – 2017 @ Jack Evans Community Center
Oct 17 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Katherine J. T. Humphrey will present a discussion on what is new or current in home food preservation – like increased interest in fermentation, using less energy, using what is available locally and seasonally, deciding on what method of preservation would be best for a single person or for a household of many people, where to begin if a novice or an experienced home preserver, and the place to go for research based answers to questions, especially when it comes to safety and quality considerations.

Katherine was a full time Cornell Cooperative Extension Educator 1969-1991, and a CCE Livingston County Home Economics Program Leader. She has been a CCE Home Food Preservation Instructor since 1989.


Shades of Gray, Splashes of Color @ Jack Evans Community Center
Oct 27 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

A Through-Hike of the Colorado Trail

bill-cooke-rockiesThe Little Lakes Sustainability Network and Springwater Trails are pleased to co-host a program on the magnificent Colorado Trail on Thursday, October 27, 7:00 PM at the Jack Evans Community Center (old Hemlock school) on Main Street in Hemlock. Light refreshments will be provided and everyone is welcome, free of charge. Donations to defray costs are encouraged.

Hemlock resident Bill Cooke will present information about the trail followed by a 25 minute slide show with music showing photos from his 2011 “through-hike.” He will share his deep appreciation of the natural environment fostered from many years of experience in long-distance hiking.  Bill will also have copies of his book narrating the hike – Shades of Gray, Splashes of Color – A Thru-hike of The Colorado Trail – available for your perusal and purchase.

The 486-mile Colorado Trail wends its way through the Rocky Mountains of the Centennial State, traversing a landscape as changing and diverse as the swirling afternoon clouds presaging the daily summer thunderstorms.  A common expression among long distance backpackers is “no pain equals no gain.”  In this program, you’ll hear of the “pain” manifested in the struggle of acclimating to high elevations, of hiking long and steep ascents, of coping with a wide range of climatic conditions from freezing cold mornings to hot baking afternoons, to near daily thunderstorms and to long stretches of limited water.  And you’ll see the “gains,” the triumphs as Bill and his hiking companion Keith “Northern Harrier” Bance savor the many rewards of this enchanting trail:  alpine meadows whose wildflowers cover every range of the spectrum, bewitching groves of aspen trees resplendent with the morning glow of the sun, the glistening of snowy peaks, stately conifers including the massive Douglas firs, high mountain passes, dry foothills, sparkling mountain streams, gorgeous sunrises and sunsets where both the skies and the rocks shine like beacons from the low sun alpenglow, and much more.

Along the way, you’ll hear of the delight bestowed by such simple pleasures as a refreshing swig of Rocky Mountain water or a wildlife spotting.  You’ll hear of fascinating near-daily cloud formations with their myriad shades of gray and ever-changing patterns.  You’ll meet “Trail Angels” who emerge at the right place and time, unplanned and unexpected, to assist hikers with their basic needs, such as rides into towns for re-supplying or offers of water and snacks.  And you’ll visit communities along the trail corridor, meeting the people in them, and enjoying the amenities that we all take for granted, such a hot shower, bed with linens, and meals of “real” food, all of which are especially appreciated by hot, dusty hikers.

Bill Cooke recently moved to Hemlock after living for seven years in Lexington, KY.  He has backpacked for nearly 40 years.  In addition to the Colorado Trail, he has hiked the entire Appalachian Trail, Vermont’s Long Trail, the Black Forest and Susquehannock Trails of nearby Northern Pennsylvania, and other trails around the country.

You need not be an experienced hiker to enjoy this program, as Bill explains much of the terminology and peculiar habits of long-distance backpackers.  Even those whose experience is confined to short strolls in the park will sense the challenges and the rewards of a trek in the Rocky Mountains.  Come and take a trip to the summertime Rockies!

The event is co-sponsored by the Little Lakes Sustainability Network and the Springwater Hiking Group, and is free and open to the public.

Springwater Fall Roadside Cleanup @ Fire Hall
Nov 1 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Volunteers from Springwater Trails are needed to pick up roadside litter along NY Rtes 15 and 15A in the Town of Springwater.   There will be a short information meeting at the Springwater Fire Hall parking lot at 9AM on Tuesday November 1, 2016 prior to getting started.   Bags, safety vests and hard hats will be provided.

One thought on “Calendar

  1. Looking for brochure.or mailing list so I can receive it in the mail.
    Nothing opens up for mailing list.
    There’s all kinds of very bizarre ads and post for viagra and other drugs above on calender page.
    Please let me know if there’s a brochure available

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