Snowshoeing the Back Roads of Hi -Tor Wildlife Management Area, Naples

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March 8, 2015 @ 1:45 pm – 4:00 pm
DEC parking lot
New York 245
Naples, NY

IMPORTANT Set your clocks ahead one hour tonight for Daylight Savings Time – Otherwise, you will miss the first hour of this hike! IMPORTANT

Views of south end of Canandaigua lake

Views of south end of Canandaigua lake

traveling gnome

traveling gnome

parking area on Rt. 245

parking area on Rt. 245

Where will the traveling gnome take us hiking this week? We will explore the back roads and trails in the Conklin/Parrish Gully Hi-Tor area high above the south end of Canandaigua Lake.   With beautiful views of the Canandaigua Inlet, West River, Bristol Mountain and surrounding hills and gullies, we will hike and/or snowshoe plowed or non plowed roads, as well as tread upon some of the nearby hi-tor trails if snow depth permits. Please note that no dogs will be allowed on this hike.

ice fishing on lakes

ice fishing on lakes

running out of wood

running out of wood

While many of us local folks are running out of wood, shoveling snow off our roofs, downhill skiing or ice fishing, dreaming about vacationing in Mexico, others are bravely snowshoeing in – degree weather to work off their winter sugar habits.

shoe shoeing on Lower Road, Naples

shoe shoeing on Lower Road, Naples

put on your lip balm

put on your lip balm

So put on your lip balm, dress warm, bring your snow shoes and join us for some winter fun.  We will meet at 1:45 at the DEC parking lot on Rt. 245 to car pool up Parrish Hill Road to our starting point near Lower Road.  From there we will break into at least 2 groups:  Naturalists and Tourist/Climbers. Depending on snow conditions, Naturalists will hike the plowed roads of Lower Road and Parrish Hill Road.  Tourists and Climbers will extend their hike on the non plowed extension of Lower Road, and plowed roads of Shay, DeWolf and Donley. Climbers may extended their snowshoeing into the nearby Bristol Branch of the Finger Lakes Trail System in the Hi-Tor area around Conklin Gully if snow depth conditions are acceptable.

lower road, naples

lower road, naples

After hike social will take place at 3996 Lower Road at the corner of Parrish Hill Road and Lower Road.  Park on Parrish Hill Road, social at first house on the left on Lower Road. Bring a dish to pass, your own drink and join some local neighbors that live in the hills high above Naples.


From Wayland: Follow Rt 21 N through North Cohocton and on into Naples.  On the north edge of Naples, turn right on Rt 245 N.  Drive 1.7 miles to a DEC parking area on the right before Parrish Hill Rd on the right and Parish Rd on the left. We will park in the DEC parking area and car pool up to the start of the hike and to the social.

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