Join our email list

It is easy to check this website for information about the Sunday hike. Usually, the hike for next Sunday will appear as the first story on the home page. Some weeks our hike planner is busy and doesn’t post details until later in the week, so if you don’t see the hike on Monday, please check back later in the week. Also, check the calendar on the right hand side of the page, for events that are coming up.

If you prefer a weekly reminder, you are invited to join our mailing list. Most weeks you will receive a single email in the latter part of the week, with the full description of the hike and instructions for the drive to the hike meet point.  Here are instructions for joining our mailing list.

  1. Browse to Google Groups. If you have a Google account, make sure you are signed in.  If you don’t have a Google account, you can create one, using your current personal email address, or a new gmail address. Once you have a Google account, remember to browse to Google Groups.
  2. In the search box near the top of the page, enter Springwater Trails, and press the search button.
  3. Click on Apply for membership.
  4. In the box labeled “How did you learn about the Springwater Trails Organization”, please respond in a way that we will know you are a human interested in our hikes. You don’t have to promise to hike every Sunday, but that would be a good New Years Resolution!
  5. Click on the Apply to join this group button.

That’s it.  It may take a few days for us to approve your membership, but it is important to us.  If you think it is taking too long, a friendly reminder email to will speed things up.  Thank you for your interest.

There are several ways you can stop receiving our email messages.

  1. Send an email to the email address where you receive our mail. There is a reminder about this at the bottom of each email from us.
  2. Visit enter your email address where you receive our email.
  3. Go to and sign in.
    1. Click on My Groups
    2. Search for the Springwater Trails group.
    3. You can manage your emails on this line.

2 thoughts on “Join our email list

  1. Please send us weekly information regarding hiking events. We would like to participate when we are able to.

  2. Please send the weekly newsletter. We are interested in participating in some of the hikes. Thank you, Craig and Shirley Stratton

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