
Hikes led by Springwater Trails are generally held on Sunday afternoons and appear in this calendar in green.

Fiddler’s Fair
Sep 13 @ 10:00 am – 6:00 pm


NYFOA WFL chapter hosts Game of Logging
May 9 all-day

The Western Finger Lakes chapter of NYFOA is partnering with the New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health (NYCAMH) to offer a Game of Logging Level 1 class on 09 May at Pete Muench’s property in Naples.

The Game of Logging is the premier training for chainsaw safety. Level 1 covers basic chainsaw sharpening and maintenance and felling trees. It is open to participants of any skill level, from those who have never used a chainsaw to those who want to learn a better and safer way to cut trees. Each class is limited to 10 participants and by the end of the day each participant will cut down a tree.

NYCAMH has received funding to subsidize this class, so the cost to register is only $25.

NYCAMH is sponsoring other classes around the state. These classes are open to anybody, so if you can’t make it to the one on 09 May you can register for one of the others.

To register, or for more information about any of these classes, call Erica Scott of NYCAMH at 800 343 7527 x2213.

ADK Outdoor Expo 2015 for outdoor enthusiasts @ Beach area of Hundred Acre Pond
Jun 13 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
A quintessential experiencing, learning, and  networking opportunity with all kinds of outdoor activity possibilities is the 18th Annual ADK Outdoor Expo to be held at Mendon Ponds Park at the beach area on Saturday, June 13, 2015 (for set-up 9:00AM) 10:00AM-4:00PM for public participation.  Organized by the Adirondack Mountain Club – Genesee Valley Chapter (ADK-GVC) this day consists of hikes, bike rides, kayaking and canoeing, equipment trials & info, demos, learning workshops and presentations, and more, all with the outdoor enthusiast in mind.
Beginner Orienteering, GPS selection & use, kayak selection & technique, paddling safety, white water experience, Backpacking 101, Camping essentials, easy tarp hanging, treating water for drinking, several biking topics, happy healthy hiking dogs, Disc Golf, drying food snacks, knot tying, how to not get lost in the woods, birding workshop, favorite National Parks, tree & shrub identification, and much more are all on the schedule.  In fact there are a minimum of 5-8 activities to choose from at any one time and scores of separate activities planned in the schedule, so pretty much guaranteed to be numerous opportunities of interest for all outdoors oriented folks.
With so many activities, and participation and presentation by so many hiking and outdoor related groups, outdoor equipment outfitters & retailers, municipal and service agencies alike, perhaps the toughest part will be choosing which opportunity you want to participate in over another.
Further details can be gleaned from   Check out the photo array of some of the equipment on hand at last years ADK Expo.   Oh, and did I forget to mention, it is all FREE?  No admission fee to Mendon Ponds Park or to the ADK Expo.   And free live music performances by Golden Link Folk Singing Society, too.
        If you as a S/T hiker wish to volunteer for two hours at the ADK Expo, the organizers would greatly appreciate the offer.  Of note: many hiking groups are participating, two of which are Victor Hiking Trails & Genesee Valley Hiking Club.
       So, there you have it Springwater Trails hikers, some varying new opportunities and for sharing.  One never knows what we can learn, and apply to the Springwater Trail and our S/T hiking group.   Hope to see you at the ADK Expo, and on the trail along with newly acquired knowledge as well.
For you GPS and map coordinates users, the Mendon Ponds Park Beach area has coordinates of 43.02918, -77.55879
Maintaining the Bristol Branch of the FLT @ Bob and Ruth's
Aug 4 @ 8:00 am – 11:00 am

Did you enjoy the neat hike on the Bristol Trail on July 19?  Did you notice the work that’s needed to make it into a real neat trail, friendly not only for hikers, but also for the Twisted Branch mega marathon runners on August 29, many of whom will be entering this part of the trail in the dark?

So, grab your work gloves, loppers, weed eaters, bowsaws, etc. and join us on Tuesday, August 4 or, if it’s raining, the following day.  We’re starting at 8 AM, so we can get done before it gets too hot.  We’re meeting at the picnic tables outside Bob and Ruth’s in Naples, to plan our workday.  You can get a cup of joe, or anything else you’d like, from their fine breakfast menu.  Most important, you can use their plumbing facilities, to start out with an empty storage tank.  Donna Noteware is meeting us there, to get us access to the middle of the trail, through Longsdorf Rd.  This is where those omnipresent multiflora roses are constantly encroaching on the trail

Hope to see you there.  Let’s show how nice our organization can make this trail for our hikers and runners.

Springwater Trails Executive Board Meeting @ Gene's
Aug 19 @ 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm


  • Approve minutes – Katherine
  • Treasurer’s report – Melissa
  • Committee Reports
    • Trail Maintenance – Gene
    • Advertising – Katherine
      • Brochure – First Draft – Mark
      • Rack Card – First Draft
    • Trail Building – Rick
      • Sugarbush Hollow to Pardy Hollow
    • Hiking Group – Wendy
    • New Business
      • Fiddler’s Fair – Parking
        • Chairman
        • Signup Sheet
      • Bicentennial
        • Our role
        • Bicentennial committee communications
ADK Monthly Meeting with Bill Cooke – The Colorado Trail @ Eisenhart Auditorium
Sep 9 @ 7:30 pm – 8:30 pm

The topic for the Adirondack Mountain Club, Genesee Valley Chapter’s program for September is the magnificent Colorado Trail. Bill Cooke will present information about the trail followed by a 25-minute slide show with music showing photos from his 2011 thru-hike, and answer your questions. A sample of the slideshow is available on YouTube.

Bill will also have copies of his book narrating the hike — “Shades of Gray, Splashes of Color: A Thru-Hike of the Colorado Trail” — available for your perusal and purchase.

The 486-mile Colorado Trail wends its way through the Rocky Mountains of the Centennial State, traversing a landscape as changing and diverse as the swirling afternoon clouds presaging the daily summer thunderstorms. In this program, you’ll hear of the challenges such as the struggle of acclimating to high elevations, of hiking long and steep ascents, of coping with a wide range of climatic conditions from freezing cold mornings, to hot baking afternoons, to near daily thunderstorms, to long stretches of limited water.

You’ll see the rewards and triumphs as Bill and his hiking companion Keith “Northern Harrier” Bance savor the alpine meadows whose wildflowers cover every range of the spectrum, bewitching groves of aspen trees resplendent with the morning glow of the sun, the glistening of snowy peaks, stately conifers including the massive Douglas firs, high mountain passes, dry foothills, sparkling mountain streams, gorgeous sunrises and sunsets where both the skies and the rocks shine like beacons from the low sun alpenglow, and much more.

You need not be an experienced hiker to enjoy this program as Bill explains much of the terminology and peculiar habits of long-distance backpackers such that even those whose experience is confined to short strolls in the park will sense the challenges and the rewards of a trek in the Rocky Mountains.

ADK meetings are educational and entertaining. You will hear about future activities and have the opportunity to talk to active members (they are friendly) and ask questions about the club. The meetings are free to all.

One thought on “Calendar

  1. Looking for brochure.or mailing list so I can receive it in the mail.
    Nothing opens up for mailing list.
    There’s all kinds of very bizarre ads and post for viagra and other drugs above on calender page.
    Please let me know if there’s a brochure available

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