Hikes led by Springwater Trails are generally held on Sunday afternoons and appear in this calendar in green.
- Categories
- Tags Barry Childs and Kathy Cloonan barry@africabridge Bike Bill Cooke Bob and Cindy Wagner Bob Menz (bert6952@yahoo.com) Bristol Hills Branch CANCELED Clarks Gully CLWA Colorado Trail Dena Munsell Dog friendly Finger Lakes Trail FL FLT Gene & Georgia Binder (585) 236-5384 Gene and Georgia Binder (585) 236-5384 Greenway Gully Gypsy moth Hemlock Hike Jayne Affolter John L Katherine Humphrey? Kayak Landowner Liability Leader: Mark Lehigh Valley Trail Mark and Laure Allen (585) 662-9305 Mark and Linda Mary Ann Devey (315) 573-0774 Mary Lou Wenthe (585) 208-4337 Melissa Mitchellsville mjkcloonan@frontiernet.net Mushroom Foray Naples Nunda POSTPONED Rick Henchen Saralinda Saralinda Hooker Schribner Sharon Boldt (boldtbs@yahoo.com) sugarbush hollow Summer Weekly Wendy Stevenson
Barry Childs and Kathy Cloonan barry@africabridge Bike Bill Cooke Bob and Cindy Wagner Bob Menz (bert6952@yahoo.com) Bristol Hills Branch CANCELED Clarks Gully CLWA Colorado Trail Dena Munsell Dog friendly Finger Lakes Trail FL FLT Gene & Georgia Binder (585) 236-5384 Gene and Georgia Binder (585) 236-5384 Greenway Gully Gypsy moth Hemlock Hike Jayne Affolter John L Katherine Humphrey? Kayak Landowner Liability Leader: Mark Lehigh Valley Trail Mark and Laure Allen (585) 662-9305 Mark and Linda Mary Ann Devey (315) 573-0774 Mary Lou Wenthe (585) 208-4337 Melissa Mitchellsville mjkcloonan@frontiernet.net Mushroom Foray Naples Nunda POSTPONED Rick Henchen Saralinda Saralinda Hooker Schribner Sharon Boldt (boldtbs@yahoo.com) sugarbush hollow Summer Weekly Wendy Stevenson
Did you enjoy the neat hike on the Bristol Trail on July 19? Did you notice the work that’s needed to make it into a real neat trail, friendly not only for hikers, but also for the Twisted Branch mega marathon runners on August 29, many of whom will be entering this part of the trail in the dark?
So, grab your work gloves, loppers, weed eaters, bowsaws, etc. and join us on Tuesday, August 4 or, if it’s raining, the following day. We’re starting at 8 AM, so we can get done before it gets too hot. We’re meeting at the picnic tables outside Bob and Ruth’s in Naples, to plan our workday. You can get a cup of joe, or anything else you’d like, from their fine breakfast menu. Most important, you can use their plumbing facilities, to start out with an empty storage tank. Donna Noteware is meeting us there, to get us access to the middle of the trail, through Longsdorf Rd. This is where those omnipresent multiflora roses are constantly encroaching on the trail
Hope to see you there. Let’s show how nice our organization can make this trail for our hikers and runners.
Every fall, Trail Maintenance and Trail Quality hold two meetings for trail maintainers and any other interested parties. One of the meetings, intended for hikers or workers on the main trail between Portageville (M 7) through Watkins Glen (M 14), the Letchowrth, Bristol Hills, or Crystal Hills Branches and the Queen Catharine
Marsh and and Montour Falls Historic Loops, will be held at the Bath Fire Hall.
Each meeting will be informed by your specific questions and the problems you have encountered, but both will include about any trail management policies which you need to be familiar with. This years meeting will feature Marty Howden, Western Regional Coordinator for the FLTC and Coordinator of the Chainsaw Training. Marty and Lynda Rummel, FLTC VP for Trail Quality, will talk about the status of the NPS & USFS chainsaw and cross-cut saw certifications and the increased emphasis on working safely in the field.
Who should attend? All hikers who enjoy the Finger Lakes Trail system including Springwater Trails members who wish to help maintain the Bristol Hills Branch.
For more information, please see the full meeting announcement.
10 AM sharp. Bring your lunch, your questions, and your ideas. Coffee, apple juice and some breakfast goodies provided.
From Springwater: Take Rt 15 South for 6.9 miles. Turn left to merge onto I-390 South for 20.2 miles. Take exit 38 from I-86 (Rt 17) for Bath. Turn left onto W Washington St. Turn right at the 2nd cross street on W Morris St. The firehouse is on the left about a half mile down Morris St (past Pulteney Park). Parking is available behind the fire house.
It is time for some trail maintenance on the Springwater Trail at Punky Hollow and Sugarbush Hollow in preparation for the Music Fair on September 17th and 18th.

The Crawdiddies Band will be at the 2016 Bicentennial Edition of the Springwater Music Fair and American Crafts Show
We will meet on Pardee Hollow Rd near the intersection with Tabors Corners. Our task today will be to clean up the Springwater Trail between the Punky Hollow entrance east of the school house, to Sugarbush Hollow and Tabors Corners. Bring loppers or clippers for cleanup and a weed whacker if you can. Other tools will be available as needed.
We will split into up to four groups depending on attendance. Each group will car pool to a different entrance to the trail, allowing us to cover the entire trail.
The Naturalists will drive to the entrance on the other side of the school house and will hike through Punky Hollow and Sugarbush Hollow and exit at Tabors Corners. This is primarily a cleanup task, trying to remove sticks and stones from the trail. At the midpoint there are some rose bushes to push back from the edge of the trail while they are small. We hope to have a car at the exit for this group to use to get back to the start point. In addition, a few branches encroaching across the trail will need trimming. No weed wacker is needed with this group.
The Tourists will drive to the top of Coates Road and will hike down to Pardee Hollow. Weed whacking and trimming as needed. Blazing signs at some corners are probably needed.
One Climbers Group will drive to the trail intersection with Pardee Hollow Rd below Sugarbush Hollow. They will head west up the hill across from the Sugar House. The will refresh the blazes and will weed whack. At least one weed whacker should get to the tree plantation near the top of the hill and focus on the large task of mowing a trail across that mostly open field. This group may either return to the cars below the Sugar House, or continue hiking out to the trail head near the School House.
Our second Climbers Group will drive to the trail head on Tabors Corners. They will walk from there to the Sugarbush and do a clean up on the west side of the hill. Blaze signs will be used to refresh the blazes heading up the hill. In addition, weed whacking up the orange trail will be done as time permits. If time remains, week whackers should continue across the field at the top and join the first group cleaning the trail through the tree plantation.
Please join us following the work for a dish-to-pass social at the Punky Hollow Barn. Please bring a dish to pass or make a small contribution to the social fund. Bring your own beverage.
From Springwater: go North on 15A for 0.8mi from the light. Turn right on Wheaton Hill Rd. At the tee, at the top of the hill, turn right onto Wetmore Rd. Bear right on Tabors Corner Rd. After 1.8 miles, turn left on Pardee Hollow Rd. Park on the right at the end of the barn farthest from Tabors Corners.
From Wayland: take Rt 21N for 3 miles. Turn left on Steuben Co Rd 37 (Tabors Corners Rd) at the Bowles Corners sign. Take the second right (3.6 miles) onto Pardee Hollow Rd. Park on the right.
From Honeoye: take W Lake Rd south. Turn right onto French Hill Rd. At the tee (at Dug Rd) turn right to stay on French Hill Rd. Take the first left on Garlinghouse/Atlanta Rd. Go Right on Pardee Hollow Rd and continue for 3.8 miles. Turn right to stay on Pardee Hollow Rd for 0.3 miles. Park on the left.
Today’s hike is an easy, flat trail with cinder surface, crossing an historic double-arched Genesee Valley Canal (GVC) culvert.
Meet at the Brook Rd Genesee Valley Greenway (GVG) Parking area. Total distance out and back is 3.7 miles.
For more information, check the Friends of the Genesee Valley Greenway (FOGVG) website, their Passport page, and the complete 2017 GVG Passport Series.
– – – Additionally, the Genesee Valley Greenway State Park (GVGSP) Facebook page usually lists the upcoming GVGSP events, and the FOGVG Facebook page also lists numerous GVG events in our area albeit a greater proportion of events listed on this page may at times be in the “Southern Tier” portion of the GVG as planned by a group of hikers known as the Southern Tier Greenway Hiking Group (STGH or STGHG) who welcomes all to hike with them.
– – – We also have a short history of the Greenway.
(subnote: The historic double-arched Genesee Valley Canal culvert (aqueduct) is best viewed for picturesque value from points other than on the GVG itself. As attested to by on-site GVG signage, the culvert/aqueduct, later turned viaduct for the railroad and subsequently the GVG, conducted the GVC over Black Creek. A great photographic vantage point is offered while on Black Creek in a kayak/canoe/boat. At low water levels you may be able to paddle Black Creek under the GVG to view both sides of the historic culvert , but at high water levels … well, not so.)
So, you’ve been itching to get on your bike this Spring with impetus of a group bike outing of some kind. Well, here is an opportunity to do just that … on the Genesee Valley Greenway (GVG) from Avon to York Landing (round trip) on Saturday May 20th, 2017 at 10:00AM. Approximately a 17 mile round trip easy paced bike ride, and all trail mileage covered is in the nw corner of Livingston County. Meet location is at the Erie-Attica Trail (EAT) trailhead in Avon, accessed by Farmers Road off Rts 5&20 just east of the Genesee River.
– – – A digression – – Speaking of itching, this Hike Planner has had impetus to utilize the section of the GVG shortly north of Fowlerville Rd (and south of US Rt 20), said section has a short duration of trail topped with thick stone dust (mostly fine stone sans dust), for a ST hike since early Spring 2016 just following reconstruction of said section of trail which had been necessitated as result of a huge washout area. The thick stone dust topper (as determined during a potential preview hike in April 2016), provided wonderful cushioning upon a hikers joints, albeit bike/stroller/wheelchair wheels found much friction/consternation due to sinking in the freshly laid thick topper surface.
Due to complaints of wheeled trail users, later in 2016 the topper surface was rolled by a heavy duty roller to make for some compaction factor, and the surface is said now to be kinder to the aforementioned narrow wheeled vehicles (and probably offers less of an exuberant opportunity for a hiker’s joints). If there is a lesson here, perhaps it is that not all opportunities are lasting, some have but a small window of opportunity. Still, a future ST hike planned to utilize this section of the GVG may offer multiple unique opportunities including this now somewhat tamed section of thick stone dust topper.
Anyway, you’ll get to see this short section and so much more of the GVG via your bike on this traverse much more quickly than while on a hike. – – –
(A further digression, …for the curious, … utilization of the aforementioned section of trail south of US Rt 20 was in consideration for the 4/24/2016 ST hike, but ultimately was scrapped from the fledgling Hike Plan due to what would have been a controverted driving route to reach the GVG trailhead parking lot on US Rt 20, all thanks to road reconstruction on US Rt 20 just east of the GVG trailhead. -Now you know – substantially trials and tribulations that weighed in nixing this unique section of trail south of US Rt 20 for the 4/24 ST hike, … instead all hiking groups headed north from Avon.) – – – End of digressions. – – –
From just inside Avon’s western town limits, to reach the Erie-Attica Trail parking lot & trailhead follow Farmers Rd to the end where you’ll find both the parking lot & the trailhead. – – – Seem familiar? Well, ST has in the past (10/18/2015 hike) held a hike utilizing exactly this trailhead and parking lot, as well as parts of the connecting GVG, so yes, it may seem familiar. And an April 24th 2016 ST hike also utilized the GVG in this area.
Detailed Directions From Springwater: Take Rt 15A North. In Lima, turn left on US Rt 20 (concurrent NY Rt 5, thus known as Rts 5&20). Follow Rts 5&20 for 7.6 miles (you will cross over I-390, pass through the hamlet of East Avon and the Village of Avon. After the traffic circle in the village, continue on Rts 5&20 for 0.8mi and turn right on Farmers Rd. The parking area is on the right, just after you pass under the flyover for the former RR truss bridge (now the Erie-Attica Trail truss bridge).
Further Event Details for this May 20th biking event are listed on the FOGVG Facebook page.
GVG Passport Booklet: This bike ride will cover a stretch of trail where you’ll be able to avail yourself of making a rubbing in the Wegman’s Passport to Family Wellness – GVG passport booklet. For those unfamiliar – – – Wegmans – “Passport to Family Wellness Program” series booklet for the Genesee Valley Greenway is a passport compilation of 14 separate hikes on the GVG, each hike route having a “rubbing post” for trail users to produce a “rubbing” in their passport booklet with purpose of documenting that a trail user has completed the respective hike. Passport booklets filled-in with rubbings can be turned in at a Wegmans retail store for redemption of coupons for Wegmans brand products and entry for a prize drawing. So, remember to bring your GVG passport booklet on this bike ride.
(Event post initially published on 5/7/2017, updated 5/17/2017.)
Genesee Valley Greenway State Park (GVGSP) Passport Hike Series–Brook Road to Morgan Road–Wegmans Hike #3
Saturday, June 10, 2017 at 10:00 AM
Brookdale Preserve, on Brook Road, Scottsville, NY
The GPS Coordinates: N43 04.577 W77 42.550
Meet at the Brook Rd Genesee Valley Greenway (GVG) Parking area.
The hike will be going southward from the Brook Road parking lot along the eastern edge of Brookdale Preserve. We will see remnants of the Genesee Valley Canal and the well preserved Lock #2.
The hike leader is Elijah Kruger from the educational staff of Letchworth State Park. The hike distance is 4.3 miles round trip. The Genesee Valley Greenway State Park is hosting this hike. There is no charge to attend this hike. Therefore, please consider joining us.
For more information, check the Friends of the Genesee Valley Greenway (FOGVG) website, their Passport page, and the complete 2017 GVG Passport Series.
– – – Additionally, the Genesee Valley Greenway State Park (GVGSP) Facebook page usually lists the upcoming GVGSP events, and the FOGVG Facebook page also lists numerous GVG events in our area albeit a greater proportion of events listed on this page may at times be in the “Southern Tier” portion of the GVG as planned by a group of hikers known as the Southern Tier Greenway Hiking Group (STGH or STGHG) who welcomes all to hike with them.
– – – We also have a short history of the Greenway.
Genesee Valley Greenway (GVG) hike on Saturday, 8/12/2017. Series Hike #5—Fowlerville Road going north.
Historic Interpretive Hike Series (Wegmans Hike #5): Fowlerville Rd going north Saturday, August 12, 2017 10:00 AM GVG Parking Area Fowlerville Road, Town of York, NY. Meet at the parking area on the south side of Fowlerville Road (GPS: N42 53.505 W77 49.419) Starting at GVG mile 21, hike to just past mile 20 on easy, flat trail with a mixed surface. (2.7 miles total)
The guide will provide history of the Town of York and also point out historic canal and railroad features, including stone remaining from the Genesee Valley Canal Lock #5, and interesting natural features along the way. This hike is one of 14 hikes in the Wegmans Passport to Wellness Program. Completion of hikes in this series makes the trail user eligible for Wegmans grocery coupons or a NYS Parks Empire Passport. Passports will be available at the time of the hike and there will be an opportunity to complete the rubbing for this hike. Questions: fogvg@frontier.com or (585) 493-3600
Please note, that this section of trail contains a mixed surface, … one segment is surfaced with a thick layer of stone dust / finely crushed stone chips and is unique in that it affords a degree of shock absorption for hikers with aging and/or ailing joints. A unique trail surface indeed. This unique surface is owing to a major trail washout and subsequent trail rebuild that was completed about 1 1/2 years ago, and this unique surface was put in place as completion of the trail rebuild. – – Spring 2016 found a delightful shock absorbing surface for hikers on this reopened segment, and though the surface has since been compacted it likely still affords a uniqueness.
The Genesee Valley Greenway State Park is hosting this hike. There is no charge to attend this hike. Therefore, please consider joining us.
For more information, check the Friends of the Genesee Valley Greenway (FOGVG) website, their Passport page, and the complete 2017 GVG Passport Series.
– – – Additionally, the Genesee Valley Greenway State Park (GVGSP) Facebook page usually lists the upcoming GVGSP events, and the FOGVG Facebook page also lists numerous GVG events in our area albeit a greater proportion of events listed on this page may at times be in the “Southern Tier” portion of the GVG as planned by a group of hikers known as the Southern Tier Greenway Hiking Group (STGH or STGHG) who welcomes all to hike with them.
– – – We also have a short history of the Greenway.
Looking for brochure.or mailing list so I can receive it in the mail.
Nothing opens up for mailing list.
There’s all kinds of very bizarre ads and post for viagra and other drugs above on calender page.
Please let me know if there’s a brochure available