
Hikes led by Springwater Trails are generally held on Sunday afternoons and appear in this calendar in green.

Hike Harriet Hollister with snow?, “just 6 days later” @ Harriett Hollister Spencer State Recreation Area
Jan 28 @ 10:00 am – 12:30 pm


For those Springwater Trails hikers who revel in hiking Harriet Hollister Spencer State Recreation Area (HHSSRA aka HHSMRA where M is Memorial) with snow, well the ST hike on Sunday 1/22/2017 did not support that as the ground was devoid of the white stuff.  But then it snowed on Tuesday 1/24/2017 and is predicted to do so again before Saturday 1/28/2017.  Which leads me to citing a second chance for participation in a group hike where perhaps there may be snow, albeit this one on Saturday 1/28/2017 a mere 6 days since ST Sunday 1/22/2017 hike.

This hike is a scheduled hike on the Genesee Valley Hiking Club (GVHC aka GVHG where G is Group) hike schedule, and Ryan B. is the Hike Leader (& Planner).  Some ST hikers are acquainted with Ryan as result of his hike leads and shared hiking enthusiasm.

The salient info for this hike is below in quotes, from the GVHC website.  Hike start time is 10:00AM, likely most folks from ST will not benefit from use of the 9AM carpool as it is in Bushnell’s Basin.  Please know that there are no dogs allowed on this or any other GVHC hike.

“January 28/Saturday  Strenuous/hilly 6-7 mile hike. Harriet Hollister Spencer Memorial Recreation Area. Meet at Bushnell’s Basin Park & Ride at 9 a.m. Hike starts at 10 a.m. at Harriet Hollister. Ryan B. 802-999-8554 #6016″

( #6016 is the GVHC assigned sequential hike number for this hike.)

Rules for hikers on GVHC hikes are much the same as are rules for ST hikes, with the most glaring contrast perhaps being the no dogs rule.  Please note the 12:30PM hike end time listed in this ST post is a mere guesstimate.

Of course, no guarantee that there will be snowpack on Saturday, and if not, well,  no blamin’ the local meteriologist or weather-person. The adage … any hike is a good hike.

– – – And regardless of snow or not, Traction Devices (TDs) may be in order as trails can be icy even if there is no snow.   There was a comment for the Sunday 1/22/2017 ST hike that trails were in fact icy!

Directions to the hike:

From Springwater:  From 1 mile north of Springwater on  Rt. 15A, turn right onto (and up) Wheaton Hill Rd. Drive all the way to Wetmore Rd. and turn left. Continue straight onto Canadice Hill Rd. and drive another 2 miles to the HHSSRA entrance road parking lot on the right.

From Honeoye: Take County Road 37 and continue straight onto Canadice Hill Rd. to the HHSSRA entrance road parking lot on the left

Note: The entrance road parking lot is siutate at Canadice Hill Rd & the entrance road (aka Overlook Rd) .  This time of year the entrance road (aka Overlook Rd) may be gated to restrict “road vehicle” access past the entrance road parking lot.  Regardless (gated or not), the hike meet point & start point is at the entrance road parking lot (Canadice Hill Rd & Overlook Rd), not the entrance road terminus which is much further “inside  HHSSRA”.


Penfield hike on Saturday in sync with Hikers’ Jamboree 2017
Feb 11 @ 1:00 pm – 3:30 pm

This weekend, February 11th & 12th, 2017, you’ll have two Springwater Trails (ST) hike event opportunities.  The Sunday hike is a “travel hike” to Steege Hill in Big Flats, NY.  There is also a ST “Bonus Hike Event” on Saturday in form of a Hike Combo Event in Penfield, NY, … which is the subject of the ‘event post’ you are reading (here and now). This Hike Combo Event in Penfield is also a “travel hike”, albeit a closer travel than is Steege Hill.

The Saturday 2/11/2017 ST hike starts at 1:00PM in Penfield, NY.  There are two separate start points for the ST hike event!!!   In fact there are two different parks, both in Penfield NY, which are holding the hike routes and start points for this ST hike event.  One hike is described as strenuous, hilly, 5-6 miles in length at Lucien Morin Park (aka Rifle Range Trail & more trails), a hike for ST Climbers. (Mildly stated, it is highly likely you’ll want TDs for this hilly hike at this time of year, be it snow/ice/mud for trail conditions.  See the further description about TDs below.)   The other hike is described as easy, ~ 2 miles on mostly flat trails, a hike for ST Tourists & Naturalists.  After-hike social to be held at MacGregor’s Grill & Tap Room at 1129 Empire Blvd, Penfield.

This ST Bonus Hike Combo Event is scheduled in Penfield so as to conveniently sync with the 6th Annual Hikers’ Jamboree (HJ2017), which is badged as an “Indoor Hike” event, organized by Penfield Trails Committee (PTC), scheduled for 10:00AM-12:00Noon at Penfield Town Hall Auditorium situate at 3100 Atlantic Avenue, Penfield, NY.  Following HJ2017, two outdoor hikes are subsequently provided at 1:00PM at two separate parks in Penfield, both with some included history components.  This years program presentation for HJ2017 is on the famed railroad high bridge (viaduct) situate in Letchworth State Park. The viaduct high above the Genesee River is 140+ years old and will soon be replaced by a new viaduct.  You’ll learn much more about these two viaducts at the HJ 2017 viaduct program presentation which runs ~10:30-11:40am.   Penfield Town Hall is located at 3100 Atlantic Av, Penfield NY; ~ GPS coords  43.160959 , -77.446125

(Of note, many ST hikers will recall a ST hike on Oct 13, 2013 in Letchworth State Park where all three hiking subgroups by chance were on the trail near the base of this 1875 railroad high bridge, when we all had chance opportunity to view a train pass overhead!  Thanks go to superb arrangement by that day’s Hike Planners Joan & Bob for the rare experience.)

During HJ2017 light refreshments will be served, so you’ll have sustenance/fuel opportunity before availing of choice of two outdoor hike locations with an 1:00PM start time.        For easy reference and more info, here is an Event post about Hikers’ Jamboree 2017 as published on the ST website.

  ⇓ TWO HIKES ⇓ Start times for both at 1:00PM.

Those ST hikers desiring a  Climbers level hike, (which will finish ~ 3:15PM), will hike in Lucien Morin Park, an “undeveloped” Monroe County Park, located at 1135 Empire Blvd. Climbers, as a ST subgroup, will actually be “joining-in” a GVHC hike that is led by Ryan B.  (A number of ST hikers are previously acquanted with Ryan from previous hikes & socialization.)  The hike start is at the entrance to Lucien Morin Park (a Monroe County Parks System park), the park entrance is off Empire Blvd near the foot of Irondequoit Bay, and situate immediately east of MacGregor’s Grill & Tap Room Restaurant (1129 Empire Blvd).

This hike will be hilly and will be adjacent Irondequoit Creek in some areas, and will traverse areas that were used in World War reserve troop training, including rifle training and more.  Remnants of training areas still remain suggesting some of the training that took place.  The “lost city of Tryon” lies on the the east side of Irondequoit Creek as does Tryon Park, an undeveloped Monroe County Park.  Tryon Park can be seen accros the creek at various places on this hike.

Parking at Lucien Morin Park: There is a parking lot for this park at the end of the rather short park entrance road (entrance road runs off Empire Blvd).  You can see the parking lot from Empire Blvd.  Additional parking if needed can be had at MacGregor’s Grill & Tap Room Restaurant parking lot, said parking lot is immediately adjacent the park’s parking lot and entrance road. Please be respectful of this business who allows hikers to utilize the lot for overflow parking, if needed please park as far back in this business’s parking lot as is possible.

Being Climbers subgroup is joining-in a GVHC hike, GVHC hike rules apply (which are quite similar to ST hike rules).  Perhaps the most glaring difference of hike rules … on GVHC hikes DOGS ARE NOT ALLOWED!  So, if you want to hike with your dog on today’s ST provided for hike, you’ll need to do so with the Tourists/Naturalists which is wholly a ST hike (ie – not a join-in with GVHC).  

Note: Climbers should expect many more hikers at this hike than ST hikers usually experience at a hike.   Lucien Morin Park hike route is hilly and can be strenuous for some, but hey, that’s what Climbers are all about.

Naturalists & Tourists will hike in Ellison Park as accessed via Blossom Rd (at the bottom of Blossom Rd hill, ~1809 Blossom Rd).  Ellison Park is a Monroe County Parks System park. Start point for this hike is in the parking lot on the north side of Blossom Rd, … the parking lot at the bottom of Blossom Rd hill that is not the “Dog Park” parking lot but is slightly east of the Dog Park parking lot.  Well behaved dogs accompanied by owners are allowed on this Ellison Park hike route, where Gene will be the ST Hike Leader.

This Ellison Park hike route is mostly a flat route for an easy hike, substantially paralleling two bifurcations of Irondequoit Creek, reaching a memorial marker of an Indian trading post and site of Fort Schuyler where a reproduction of the original fort structure is situate.


Given that it is winter season, Traction Devices (TDs) may be in order (read … probably an excellent idea) for each of these two hikes routes.  Lucien Morin Park trails are hilly and under certain conditions can be strenuous sans TDs.  TDs help to tame the hills when they are slippery with ice &/or mud.  Ellison Park trail route can also be slippery albeit the trail route is mostly flat.  TDs such as Kahtoola MICROspikes, Hillsound Trail Crampons, Hillsound Trail Crampons Ultra, and similar, may be desirable on Lucien Morin Park hills, and same type or lesser aggressive TDs may be good for Ellison Park.

If your best guess is there is no snow and/or ice if hike day’s temps are higher than average, well… that could equate to mud on the hills which equates to a need for added traction.   (A side note, I have under similar conditions seen hikers quickly return to the start point due to lack of having TDs and the trail being beyond their best adjudged capabilities without them.)

Hug The Trees, Please!  When wearing TDs with spikes/cleats & similar … please be kind to trees … whenever possible anticipate your footing placement on the trail and step over tree roots, not directly on them which can puncture and damage roots & ultimately health of those trees and on larger scale the forest and ecosystem.  Think about it … If you were lying on the trail gazing at the sky would you rather have a group of hikers wearing sharp piercing TDs step on you, or, step over you or around you.  Safe to say if hikers were NOT stepping on you you’d be unscathed by those sharp cleats and spikes of said passing hikers, but not so if alternatively they stepped on you with those sharp metal cleats & spikes.


Directions to PENFIELD TOWN HALL AUDITORIUM, 3100 Atlantic Ave aka NYS Rt 286.  For Penfield Trails Committee’s (PTC) “Indoor Hike” aka Hikers’ Jamboree 2017 scheduled 10:00AM-12:00Noon.  From points south of Rochester take expressway I-390 northbound, to expressway Rt 590 northbound, to exit for Browncroft Blvd / NYS Rt 286, head east on NYS Rt 286 which is also Browncroft Blvd and which will change names to Atlantic Avenue at the intersect with Whalen Rd & Scribner Rd 4-way intersection, continue on NYS RT 286 / Atlantic Avenue to just past Jackson Rd and then turn let into the Penfield Town Hall driveway.

 ⇓ Directions: to the two separate hike start locations (1:00PM hike), from Penfield Town Hall. ⇓

To LUCIEN MORIN PARK (1135 Empire Blvd) – NO DOGS ALLOWED on this hike: From Penfield Town Hall utilize Town Hall’s entrance/exit drive aka Columbus Crossing (westbound) to Jackson Rd and turn right onto Jackson Rd, proceed northbound on Jackson Rd to Plank Rd & turn Left, proceed on Plank Rd to Empire Blvd, turn left onto Empire Blvd and near the bottom of the Empire Blvd hill on the left you will find the entrance drive to Lucien Morin Park.  (It is immediately adjacent MacGregor’s Grill & Tap Room Restaurant.)

To ELLISON PARK (~1809 Blossom Rd) – DOGS ARE ALLOWED on this hike: From Penfield Town Hall utilize the Town Hall’s Atlantic Av aka NYS Rt 286 entrance/exit drive, turn right heading westbound onto NYS RT 286 aka Atlantic Av, continue on NYS RT 286 / Atlantic Av westbound (realizing Atlantic Av will change names to Browncroft Blvd at the intersect with Whalen Rd & Scribner Rd 4-way intersection), continue on NYS RT 286 / Browncroft Blvd to the 4-way intersect with Creek St and Blossom Rd, turn left onto Blossom Rd and proceed on Blossom Rd down a winding hill to the Ellison Park parking lot on the right which is is slightly east of the Dog Park parking lot. (hints: There is a porta-potty at the far west side of this hike meet parking lot, and also a winter ice skaing rink immediately contiguous to the west side of this parking lot. Hike Meet point is about in the middle of this designated parking lot.  If as you travel on Blossom Rd, you reach the dog Park parking lot, you went to far and have passed the designated hike meet parking lot.)

⇓  Directions: to the two separate hike start locations (1:00PM hike), from points south of Rochester.  ⇓ 

Directions to LUCIEN MORIN PARK:   –  take expressway I-390 northbound, to expressway Rt 590 northbound, to the exit for NYS Rt 404 / Empire Blvd exit, head east NYS Rt 404 / Empire Blvd to the bottom of the hill / foot of Irondequoit Bay, Lucien Morin Park (1135 Empire Blvd) entrance road and parking lot is immediately east of MacGregors Grill & Tap Room Restaurant at 1129 Empire Blvd.

Directions to ELLISON PARK: – take expressway I-390 northbound, to expressway Rt 590 northbound, to Blossom Rd exit, head east on Blossom Rd to the bottom of the hill, where Ellison Park will then be on both sides of Blossom Rd.  Ellison Park parking lot for this hike is on the north side of Blossom Rd (a left turn into the lot), further described as the parking lot at the bottom of Blossom Rd hill that is not the “Dog Park” parking lot but is slightly east of the Dog Park parking lot.     (If you reach “Gatherings Catering” Company – at “Daisy Flour Mill” Party House / Restaurant, situate in the circa 1840 Daisy Flour Mill building, on the right side of Blossom Rd, you’ve gone too far.)

AFTER-HIKE SOCIAL & ⇓ Directions thereto ⇓:  After-hike social is at MacGregor’s Grill & Tap Room Restaurant [phone=288-8630] located at 1129 Empire Blvd next to Lucien Morin Park.   So Climbers will merely walk nextdoor from the hike end portal to MacGregor’s.

Naturalists/Tourists will need to drive to the social.  From Ellison Park on Blossom Rd head east up a long winding hill, at the 4-way intersection of Blossom Rd & Creek St (where Browncroft Blvd aka Rt 286 intersects) continue straight onto Creek St, at Plank Rd turn left, at Empire Blvd turn left, at the bottom of Empire Blvd hill & the foot of Irondequoit Bay will be MacGregor’s of the left.

Springwater Trails (ST) and Genesee Valley Hiking Club (GVHC aka GVHG) both provide their hikes as open to the general public, no need to be a respective member to hike with either group.  Hike rules as set by respective groups and Hike Leaders apply.

February 12 Steege Hill Nature Preserve @ steege hill nature preserve
Feb 12 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Located in Chemung County in the town of Big Flats, Steege Hil is a 794 acre preserve acquired in 2001 by the Finger Lakes Land Trust from an anonymous donor.  In 1970, this area was nearly ruined by heavy logging.  The Town of Big Flats took action to stop the degradation on the hill by shutting down the operation and passing a law regulating future logging within town limits.  Now the original forest is making an impressive recovery.  Numerous species of hardwoods prevail, mixed with conifers on the steeper slopes.  Wildlife include black bear, timber rattle snakes, and Allegheny Mound Ants.  Their distinctive nests can be found trail side and in open areas.  For additional information and maps go to

Steward, Bob Corneau has maintained a network of more than 6 miles of trails, mostly over old logging roads.  It is our good fortune to be able to enjoy the quiet beauty of these tails on a winter afternoon,  Check the Springwater Trails website on February 11 for an update on trail conditions.  If there is snow we could ski or snowshoe.

Parking in very limited at this preserve so car pooling is strongly encouraged.

Hike Description

All groups will depart from the parking area on Steege Hill Rd. After a short but steep ascent, our groups will branch out as follows:

Naturalists will follow the yellow loop in a clockwise direction, enjoying some gentler terrain as well as views of the Chemung River and ponds. The ant mounds are numerous on this trail.  Out nature experts will no doubt enjoy identifying the many varieties of trees and birds. Hike length will be about  2.5  miles.

Tourists will head our on the yellow loop in a counter clockwise direction, past the ponds and then onto the blue trail to loop through the forest back to the yellow trail.  Views of the valley as well as the lower slopes should be nice.  Hiking distance about 3.5 miles.

Climbers  An ambitious journey awaits you, a complete circuit of the trail system..  This group will veer off from the initial climb to follow the white trail, traversing some significant ups and downs.  They will sample the blue and red trails (more hills) before returning home on the yellow loop for about 5 miles.  It’s all down hill on the return.

After Hike Social will be at Tag’s Restaurant on Rte, 352 in Big Flats.

Getting There  Parking is VERY LIMITED.  Roadside parking is not advisable.  Please carpool from the Springwater Town Hall, leaving at 12:30.  Drive time is about 1 hour 15 minutes.

Directions:  Take 390 South to I 86 East.  Take Exit # 48.  Turn Right on NY 352.  Go 1.5 miles.  Turn right on S. Corning Rd. (Chemung CR 10).  Go .7 miles.  Just after bridge turn left on Steege Hill Rd.  Go 1 mile. Slow down.  Parking is on left.  Preserve sign is difficult to spot.

Social  There is a great little joint called Tags, recommended by local folks.  To get there, retrace your steps back to Rte 352.  Turn right and travel about 0.6 mile.  Restaurant is on the right.  Menu is full of salads, burgers, wraps and apps.  See it at


Trail conditions Update 2/11/17.  Looks like freezing rain tonight and rain tomorrow.  Best bet is to wear waterproof clothing and bring traction control devices/ hiking poles in case conditions are slippery.

“the Apple Farm” and Boughton Park – extended hike
Mar 25 @ 8:00 am – 12:00 pm

Victor Hiking Trails (VHT) will be leading a hike this Saturday 3/25/2017 at 8:00 a.m. from “the Apple Farm” to Boughton Park, around the two ponds (aka former reservoirs) in Boughton Park and back to “the Apple Farm”, a distance of 9 to 11 miles, rated as strenuous and hilly.  Guesstimate of 3.5 – 4 hour hike (thus end time on 12;00 Noon listed in the heading of this hike event announcement is an approximation).   **Traction Devices (TDs) will be very helpful for this hike (understated), given terrain and known conditions at this time of year.

The hike is part of the hike series of Genesee Valley Hiking Club (& GVHG Meetup).  All hikers are welcome.  Anyone who is interested is encouraged to sign up on the GVHG Meetup.   – – For this hike, parking and hike start point is at the Apple Farm. – –

(Of note, Springwater Trails hikers have hiked a few of our weekly Sunday hikes in Boughton Park.)

As in part described, this hike will cover not only parts of Boughton Park but also substantial mileage on the Seneca Trail and the spur trail that is within “the Apple Farm” (aka the Victor Apple Farm).

FYI – as was in the news – “the Apple Farm” (in Victor), located at 1640 NYS Rt 444 (on the west side of Rt 444), sustained a fire in the sales and office building on November 4th 2016, a total loss.  The remainder of the farm structures and orchard remain intact, and intent is to rebuild a sales and office building.

The Apple Farm is one of many property owners who grants access for hiking trails on privately owned property.

One thought for a possible future hike – – plan a hike in the autumn at the Apple Farm, and provide for post hike apple picking  (perhaps as a social event itself, or as part of a social that may be held at the Apple farm where picnic tables are provided, or separate from a social).  A symbiotic hike event, such that the Apple Farm as landowners provides hiking trails (and access thereto), and hikers support the business of the landowners by purchasing apples and other goodies.

– – Back in the day, if this author recalls correctly, Maple Syrup from Sugarbush Hollow located in Springwater (owned by dearly departed Chuck Winship, a ST hiker and avid supporter of ST) was offered for sale at the Apple Farm store. – –



“Bluebird hike” at MFBBH & Monkey Run Trails in Victor @ MaryFrances Bluebird Haven
May 7 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

An educational Hike with Springwater Trails and Victor Hiking Trails with impetus and designed to identify and view BLUEBIRDS, … and more, held at MaryFrances Bluebird Haven (MFBBH).

Trail conditions update, gained from 5/6/2017 Saturday’s preview hike: very wet, rubber boots suggested.  Bluebirds were observed.  For this hike & potluck after-hike social event, perhaps we can agree on “cloudy with a chance of meatballs.”  The hike is offered rain or shine.    

Starting at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 7th, 2017 will be a joint hike of Springwater Trails (ST) and Victor Hiking Trails (VHT).  For ST this is our regular Sunday weekly hike.  For VHT this is a special hike outside of the monthly guided hike held on the 2nd Saturday of each month.

This is a special educational hike event at MaryFrances Bluebird Haven (MFBBH), a Town of Victor park, located at 235 County Rd 9 in Victor, NY.   – – MFBBH entrance driveway, leading to the parking lot, is located on the east side of County Rd 9 (aka Victor-Egypt Rd) just south of intersect with Valentown Rd (which intersects from the west).

HIKING GROUPS, TRAIL ROUTING, (and map hyperlinks):

The hike, will have two separate sub-groups.  Routing will be be slow and easy on mostly flat terrain for the Naturalists/birdwatchers group covering ~1 mile (the whole of the perimeter trail) within the MFBBH park, Gene as Hike Leader.  The second routing will be fast paced for the Climbers/Tourists group covering ~3 miles within MFBBH park & on adjacent Monkey Run Trails, Dave as Hike Leader. (Climbers/Tourists routing will include MFBBH perimeter trail (~1mile) & MR three loop trails ~2miles of woodland walk, all mostly flat terrain.)   MFBBH map  //  Monkey Run Trails map


We will have multiple hike leaders who are knowledgeable about birds, so bring your binoculars and camera (and telephoto lens if you have one).  Also, wear good hiking boots as there may be some muddy spots.  Possiblity that TDs (Traction Devices) may be helpful, but certainly not required. Hats with a visor and sunglasses may also be useful.

– Some ST hikers seized the opportunity to attend a presentation program “All About Bluebirds” held at the Geneseo Riviera Theater on Friday March 10th, 2017, one impetus that spurred this 5/7/2017 hike. Tickets for “All About Bluebirds” presentation were essentially “sold out” well prior to show day. Those ST hikers who attended will be looking to put newfound knowledge to use on this 5/7/2017 Bluebird hike. (Some other ST hikers were tending to matters as result of the 80+MPH windstorm of Wednesday 3/8/3017 on that Friday.) –

Hikers will have opportunity to learn about the impetus and history of MaryFrances Bluebird Haven.

Please note: Dogs are NOT allowed on this hike.  Alcohol, smoking, and weapons are not allowed per park regulations.  Oh, … and leave your saddle and mount at home, because horses are not allowed in this park, thus you’ll need to choose another mode of transportation to this hike.


There will be an optional after-hike social dinner at the Butler Cottage located in MFBBH park beginning at 4:00 pm ; bring a dish to pass or make a donation (suggested $5) to the social fund to help defray expenses, and bring your beverage of choice (no alcohol please), if you would like to meet your fellow hikers.  You may bring your own tableware if you’d like, albeit, disposable plates, plastic utensils, etc will be on hand as at most ST potluck socials.

Butler Cottage is a totally enclosed edifice with electricity / lighting / indoor plumbing / full facilities: restroom, full kitchen (counters & cabinets, stove/oven, refrigerator, microwave, and yes the “kitchen sink” too complete with running water), etc. The main area with tables and chairs accommodates 45 people.  So, there is availability for heating up dishes best served warm, refrigeration, etc.  Some hikers may wish to avail themselves prior to the start of the hike.


MFBBH parking lot will accommodate ~ 20 cars. Additional parking can be had along the entrance driveway, with judiciousness & thoughtfulness in mind.


From Springwater (and select other points south of Victor):

~45+ minutes drive from Springwater hamlet’s 4 corners, travel NY Rt 15A northbound (to just s of hamlet of Hemlock) ; turn right/eastbound onto NY Rt 20A (eventually passing through the hamlet of Honeoye, and continuing on NY Rt 20A northeasterly to just south of the hamlet of Bristol) ; turn left/northbound onto Co Rd 2 aka Oakmount Rd, pass through the hamlet of Bristol and continue straight on what will eventually become Oakmount Ave, crossing NY Rt 20 <USE FOREMOST CAUTION at this crossing!> to jct with Main St in Village of Bloomfield ; turn right/eastbound on Main St ; turn left/northbound onto NY Rt 444 (aka Elm St which becomes Victor Holcomb Rd which becomes Maple Ave) to jct with NY RT 96 aka East Main St in the Village of Victor ; turn right/eastbound onto NY Rt 96 aka East Main St ; turn left/northbound onto Church St ; Church St becomes Victor-Egypt Rd aka Co Rd 9 ; travel to 235 Victor-Egypt Rd where Mary Frances Bluebird Haven driveway is located ; turn right onto the entrance driveway to the MFBBH parking lot.

From Rochester area:  (center city, areas directly contiguous east, as well as north and west Monroe County areas) ~ a bit under 30 minutes drive from Rochester get on I-490 eastbound expressway and travel to exit 28 (for NY Rt 96 southbound, in Perinton) ; from the exit 28 ramp turn left/southbound onto NY Rt 96 south ; from NY Rt 96 south turn left/eastbound onto High St (which is opposite Eastview Mall’s southern-most entrance drive) ; from High St turn left/northeastbound onto Valentown Rd ; <take note of the Valentown Museum as you pass it on the left side of the roadway> drive Valentown Rd (to road’s end) the jct with Victor-Egypt Rd aka Co Rd 9 ; turn right/southbound onto Victor-Egypt Rd, and then a quick left/eastbound into the driveway for MFBBH.

[Alternatively, I-490 expressway to exit 26 for NY Rt 31 eastbound, to Victor Rd aka Co Rd 52 (which becomes Victor-Egypt Rd aka Co Rd 9) ; turn right onto Victor Rd and travel to 235 Victor-Egypt Rd driveway for MFBBH ; turn left/eastbound into the driveway.]


Carpooling in name of efficiency is encouraged due to distance from Springwater and also in light that this is a joint hike with VHT.

Named sequential carpool points (unsupervised), corresponding with directions to the hike (as written above) are: (1) <gather 12:40PM, leave at 12:50PM> Springwater Town Hall at 8022 S. Main St (aka NY Rt 15), in Springwater ; (2) <gather 1:00PM, leave at 1:10PM> Hemlock Lake Park parking lot, located at the northern end of Hemlock Lake and accessed via Rix Hill Rd immediately off NY Rt 15A (and a bit south of the jct with NY Rt 20A)  ; (3) <gather at 1:15PM, leave at 1:25PM> in the hamlet of Honeoye on south side of Main St (aka Rt 20A) in the Honeoye Commons Plaza (~ 8567 Main St) parking lot of CVS/Subway/etc, optimally you wanna park closest to Main St. The entrance drive for Honeoye Commons Plaza is the next entrance drive past the entrance drive for Shurfine/Dollar General stores. (additional reference point: Honeoye Commons Plaza is ~ opposite Honeoye Central Schools).

Please note this sequential carpooling arrangement is set up so that those from further south will make a stop at each further north sequential carpool point, and potentially take on added passengers or reconfigure.  There is an allowance of ~ 5 minutes from arrival to departure at each, to allow for loading, and not much fudge factor beyond that.  Assuming all goes well, arrival at MFBBH for the hike is calculated to be ~ 1:55PM.


Additional information: can be gained from checking the VHT website, Facebook, Meetup or the VHT voice message line [phone: (585)- 234-8226], as well as checking the ST website for updates.


An additional Article on “Birding” on the ST website, in anticipation of this Bluebird hike, for those who wish to learn a bit more about “Birding” in Springtime.


Subnote: (reference to a future hike)

Hikers may wish to take note of Valentown Rd (nearly opposite MFBBH entrance driveway), as a future ST hike will in part refer to historic “Valentown” which is situated at the western end of Valentown Rd & High St (in the Town of Victor), about two blocks away from present day Eastview Mall.

Hints: * Valentown was built in anticipation of a chartered railroad that was never built, the CNY&N RR (Central New York & Northern).  This railroad was a one-time planned northern extension of the CNY&W RR (Central New York & Western), and was akin to the CNY&W. Come August 1, 1899, the CNY&N was consolidated with its parent company the CNY&W.

** (spoiler alert!) The CNY&W was a predecessor in lineage of the PS&N RR (Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern), and August 2, 1899 the CNY&W was merged with a number of shortline railroads in Pennsylvania into the newly formed PS&N RR.  Both the CNY&W and the PS&N in successive lineage routed high above Stony Brook Glen through what is present day Stony Brook State Park.  Both respective sets of railroad high bridge abutments that remain in Stony Brook Glen were in this railroad lineage.  

(credit to the book by Paul Pietrak “The Pittsburg, Shawmut and Northern Railroad Company” for some information cited herein.)

National Trails Day 2017 in Victor @ Ganondagan State Historic Site Visitor's Center
Jun 3 @ 9:00 am

Annually, one of two big shindigs (of a hiking variety) that Victor Hiking Trails (VHT) sponsors, is National Trails Day (NTD) observed the first Saturday of June.  In 2017, the 25th year for this event in Victor, the date is June 3rd and the starting location is at Ganondagan State Historic Site Visitor’s Center located at 7000 Boughton Hill Road (County Road 41)     .

VHT is of course one of many hiking groups that plans some organized observance on NTD.  Yep, that word “national” does in fact imply many groups across the USA observe or celebrate NTD in some manner.   Now, before I describe more about NTD activities, you were wondering what the other big shindig that VHT has annually.  Weren’t You?  Answer: the second big shindig VHT does is the VHT “Challenge Hike” usually held in late September.

NTD in Victor with VHT is usually three serial hikes, with a break in between each of the three hikes for rest and refreshment. The first hike is a morning hike and the last hike finishes in the afternoon.

You can read about National Trails Day from 2017 in the the VHT newsletter The Pathfinder Spring 2017 edition (volume 22, issue 1, page 1).   And of course, you can check the VHT website for updated details about the NTD hike for June 3rd, 2017.

If you’re Interested in past years NTD in Victor, …two most recent years are cited: National Trails Day from 2016 in the VHT newsletter The Pathfinder 2016 Spring edition , and from 2015 The Pathfinder Spring 2015 edition (volume 20, issue 1, page 6).

VHT hike at Chimney Bluffs State Park – 8/12/2017 @ chimney bluffs state park
Aug 12 @ 9:00 am

Chimney Bluffs State Park, on the Lake Ontario southern shoreline in eastern Wayne County, just east of Sodus Bay is indeed a unique place, and a quintessential hiking destination.  This locale is distant enough from the Springwater and surrounds area such that not likely that Springwater Trails (ST) would plan a hike here … due to the travel distance.   BUT, HOLD ON, … for those interested in hiking this destination with a group of like minded hikers, well, Victor Hiking Trails (VHT) is leading a hike here on Saturday, August 12, 2017. All hikers are welcome.  And of course, ST & VHT as organizations share numerous common bonds.

This hike will be a good opportunity to see this unique scenic area, and the erosion caused by the high levels of Lake Ontario that have been the case in this 2017 Spring & Summer season.   Chimney Bluffs area is constantly changing due to the geological make-up of this place.  Erosion is a constant here, and increased erosion in 2017 hastens the change and loss at Chimney Bluffs.  The uniqueness of the area is always under constant change, and erosion eventually claims the various geologic formations here, … sometimes sooner rather than later.

Any updated details can be gleaned from the Victor Hiking Trails website.


The published basics of the hike are:

  • VHT will meet in the parking area behind the Victor Town Hall (85 East Main St) at 9am, and carpool to the hike.
  • Hike Chimney Bluffs State Park

    On Saturday, August 12th, Victor Hiking Trails will lead a hike at Chimney Bluffs State Park in Wayne County, NY.

    There are 4 miles of moderate trails through woods, meadows and along the shore of Lake Ontario. Comfortable hiking boots are recommended. Please, no pets on this hike.

    Bring insect repellent, sunscreen, something to drink and a snack.We may stop for lunch on the way home.

    Meet in the rear parking lot of Victor Town Hall, 85 East Main Street, at 9:00 A.M. to carpool to the trailhead. Or meet at the park entrance located at 7700 Garner Road, Wolcott, NY 14590 at 10:15 A.M. There is a $5.00/per car fee.

    Check the website, Facebook, Meetup or the voice message line (234-8226), for additional details.



National Trails Day 2018 in Victor
Jun 2 @ 9:00 am

Annually, one of two big shindigs that Victor Hiking Trails (VHT) sponsors, is National Trails Day (NTD) observed each year on the first Saturday of June.  In 2018 the date is June 2nd.  VHT is of course one of many hiking groups that plans some organized observance on NTD.  Yep, that word “national” does in fact imply many groups across the USA observe or celebrate NTD in some manner.   Now, before I describe more about NTD activities that VHT hosts, you were wondering what the other big shindig that VHT has annually.  Weren’t You?  Answer: the second big shindig VHT does is the VHT “challenge hike” usually held sometime around late September.

NTD in Victor with VHT is usually three serial hikes, with a break in between each of the three hikes for rest and refreshment. The first hike is a morning hike and the last hike finishes in the afternoon.

Details for 2018 are:  On Saturday, June 2nd, Victor Hiking Trails will host the 26th annual National Trails Day in Victor. Come to Finger Lakes Community College, Victor Campus, located at 200 Victor Heights Parkway, Victor, NY 14564, at 8:30 a.m. for a free continental breakfast. There will be three easy hikes beginning at 9:00 A.M., bottled water and snacks, a free pizza lunch with drinks and raffle prizes. Everyone who completes all three hikes will receive a free one-year membership to Victor Hiking Trails.

You can also read about National Trails Day 2018 in the the VHT newsletter The Pathfinder Spring 2018 edition (volume 23, issue 1, pages 2 & 7).    A direct hyperlink to a VHT webpage about NTD 2018 is here.  And of course, you can check the VHT website for updated details about VHT’s NTD hike for June 2nd, 2018.



Spotted Lanternfly and Other Invasive Landscape Tree Pests
Jul 8 @ 12:00 pm – Jul 16 @ 1:00 pm

Webinar: Tuesday July 16 2019 at 12:00 Noon

Register here 

Speaker: Dr. Lori Spears, USU Assistant Professor
Date: Tuesday, July 16, 12:00 pm (MDT) – Please ignore the date in the title; it is an unavoidable posting date and NOT the date of the webinar!


The spotted lanternfly has been identified as a nasty invasive insect that is busy killing trees in Pennsylvania. The forestry and university authorities in PA have launched a series of webinars aimed at educating hikers such as ourselves in identifying and reporting these marauders. There’s is one coming up on 16th July; you are invited to join in from the comfort of your own home – we may be able to help limit this beast in New York.

Spotted lanternfly is an invasive planthopper that is native to parts of Asia and was first detected in the U.S. in Pennsylvania in 2014. Spotted lanternflies feed on a wide range of host plants, including grapes, fruit trees, hops, and hardwood ornamental trees. This presentation will cover the biology, identification, and possible control options for spotted lanternfly and other invasive landscape tree pests, such as emerald ash borer and Asian longhorned beetle.

Lori is the Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) Program Coordinator at Utah State University.  The CAPS Program is a federal program coordinated by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ), and whose goal is to protect U.S. agriculture from introductions of high risk invasive pests by conducting early detection surveys and providing outreach and education programs that support and enhance efforts to prevent new exotic pest entry and establishment. Her research and outreach programs have focused on the ecology and management of invasive insects and using bycatch from early detection surveys to learn more about beneficial insects, such as pollinators and lady beetles. Lori received a PhD in Ecology from Utah State University in 2012. 

Co-sponsored by Utah State University Integrated Pest Management Group




Megan Dettenmaier
Extension Educator, Forestry
Wildland Resources, Utah State University
Find Learn at Lunch Webinars | Join our mailing list
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a: 5230 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322-5230
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Japanese Barberry @ Cumming Nature Center
Jul 11 @ 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

Volunteers Needed for Invasive Species Restoration Team!

Cumming Nature Center is seeking volunteers to help restore its nature preserve in Naples, NY, this summer, with a kickoff event during Invasive Species Awareness Week!  Join us on Thursday, July 11, 2019, from 9 am to 2 pm, to help remove Japanese Barberry!   Please contact Cumming Nature Center at (585) 374-6160 to sign up or for more information!  Cumming Nature Center is located at 6472 Gulick Road, Naples, NY.

Cumming Nature Center seeks large and small groups, as well as individuals, to help remove Japanese barberry infestations so that we can seed native plants, restore native habitats for wildlife, and protect the surrounding Honeoye Lake watershed.  Japanese barberry is an invasive shrub which is spreading throughout our Naples preserve, harming and eliminating our native habitats.  We welcome everyone to come join our ongoing Restoration Team! 

Please wear long work pants, long sleeves, socks, and boots or work shoes, since removing Japanese barberry is somewhat like working with rose bushes.  And bring a water bottle and lunch!  Cumming Nature Center will provide directions, equipment, and protective gloves and gear, so that we can work efficiently to combat this invader!  CNC will have water available and provide light refreshments after.. 

Can’t make this event? Further invasive removal events at Cumming Nature Center are listed below:

Saturday, July 20, 2019
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Saturday, November 2, 2019

— Cumming Nature Center


One thought on “Calendar

  1. Looking for brochure.or mailing list so I can receive it in the mail.
    Nothing opens up for mailing list.
    There’s all kinds of very bizarre ads and post for viagra and other drugs above on calender page.
    Please let me know if there’s a brochure available

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