Hikes led by Springwater Trails are generally held on Sunday afternoons and appear in this calendar in green.
- Categories
- Tags Barry Childs and Kathy Cloonan barry@africabridge Bike Bill Cooke Bob and Cindy Wagner Bob Menz (bert6952@yahoo.com) Bristol Hills Branch CANCELED Clarks Gully CLWA Colorado Trail Dena Munsell Dog friendly Finger Lakes Trail FL FLT Gene & Georgia Binder (585) 236-5384 Gene and Georgia Binder (585) 236-5384 Greenway Gully Gypsy moth Hemlock Hike Jayne Affolter John L Katherine Humphrey? Kayak Landowner Liability Leader: Mark Lehigh Valley Trail Mark and Laure Allen (585) 662-9305 Mark and Linda Mary Ann Devey (315) 573-0774 Mary Lou Wenthe (585) 208-4337 Melissa Mitchellsville mjkcloonan@frontiernet.net Mushroom Foray Naples Nunda POSTPONED Rick Henchen Saralinda Saralinda Hooker Schribner Sharon Boldt (boldtbs@yahoo.com) sugarbush hollow Summer Weekly Wendy Stevenson
Barry Childs and Kathy Cloonan barry@africabridge Bike Bill Cooke Bob and Cindy Wagner Bob Menz (bert6952@yahoo.com) Bristol Hills Branch CANCELED Clarks Gully CLWA Colorado Trail Dena Munsell Dog friendly Finger Lakes Trail FL FLT Gene & Georgia Binder (585) 236-5384 Gene and Georgia Binder (585) 236-5384 Greenway Gully Gypsy moth Hemlock Hike Jayne Affolter John L Katherine Humphrey? Kayak Landowner Liability Leader: Mark Lehigh Valley Trail Mark and Laure Allen (585) 662-9305 Mark and Linda Mary Ann Devey (315) 573-0774 Mary Lou Wenthe (585) 208-4337 Melissa Mitchellsville mjkcloonan@frontiernet.net Mushroom Foray Naples Nunda POSTPONED Rick Henchen Saralinda Saralinda Hooker Schribner Sharon Boldt (boldtbs@yahoo.com) sugarbush hollow Summer Weekly Wendy Stevenson
UPDATE – TUESDAY MAY 2ND, TRAIL CONDITIONS: It will be muddy and wet, no chance of staying dry this year at the Bluebell hike. Perhaps Traction Devices &/or gaiters may be desirable for use, &/or waterproof boots.
Please feel free to join our friends of Genesee Valley Conservancy aka “GVC” (which has offices in Geneseo, NY) for its annual Bluebell hike(s). Each hike, one at 10:00AM and another at 2:00PM will be ~ 1.5-2 hours in duration and cover ~3.5 miles. Trail conditions may be muddy, so dress accordingly, TDs (Traction Devices) may be helpful.
This hike is a rather unique opportunity! And … you’re invited! You’ll marvel in the wonders of the blooms on Bluebells at this time of year, and as well traverse an area where normally hikers can not, as this hike on private property has been arranged exclusively for this GVC annual Bluebell hike (walk) event.
Hike location is at 3432 Nations Rd, Geneseo, NY.
Approx GPS Coords = 42.829918, -77.803816
Please note: hike times which start respectively at 10:00AM & 2:00PM are scheduled for just one day, Saturday , May 6th, 2017. Miss the date and you’ll need to wait a year for the hike opportunity to roll around again. Please realize that Mother Nature does not always cooperate with preplanned dates with design to showcase Natural Splendors. Advance predicted timing of Bluebell flowers blooming can be a tenuous undertaking, especially so in some years where weather patterns are substantially outliers from the norm.
Hike Location: Nations Rd runs, in an overall ~ “L” shape, westerly off NY Rt 39 (aka Avon Rd, and aka Avon-Geneseo Rd) a bit north of the Village of Geneseo, and also runs southerly off Co Rd 22 (aka Fowlerville Rd) in the western reaches of the Town of Avon. (The shortest entry to the hike locale from a main road is from NY Rt 39.) The hike location at 3432 Nations Rd is on the approximately e-w traversing section of Nations Rd, not far from the angular corner with the n-s traversing section of Nations Rd. Parking is with judiciousness and courtesy along the side of Nations Rd.
Directly extracted from the GVC website, below is the hike description provided by GVC.
Bluebell Hike
This 3.5 mile hike takes place on trails that will be muddy and includes hiking through fields and over uneven surfaces. The hike features working agricultural fields and a forest along the Genesee River that is host to a spectacular sea of Common Bluebell flowers. The hike will take between 1.5 and 2 hours.
The hike will depart rain or shine. There is no transportation available. Participants must be able to complete the round trip.
The hike takes place on private property. Please help us continue this event by only visiting with us during these scheduled times.
*Event supported by Steuben Trust Company
Introductory info: – – Perhaps “motivation” to attend. – – “Trolleys at Twilight” is an annual event at NYMT. This event happens to be scheduled for Saturday, July 22 in 2017. Some ST hikers may recall that we in ST have synced at least two hikes at the Genesee River Reserve (a sprawling town park situated in the northwest corner of the town of Rush) with opportunities of NYMT whose main museum building is located near the northeastern corner of the Reserve. Impetus was expressed to do more ST hikes at the Reserve.
To date, ST has not synced a hike with “Trolleys at Twilight”. Perhaps that may be a distinct possibility for a future year. In the mean time here is an opportunity for ST hikers to avail themselves a unique opportunity, and perhaps “get the wheels turning” in consideration of planning a ST hike in sync with a scheduled NYMT “Trolleys at Twilight” future event. Any ST Hike Planner could meld a ST hike and NYMT “Trolleys at Twilight” event as a combo event opportunity, and likely a jump-starter to doing so would be to first experience “Trolleys at Twilight” first-hand.
A link to NYMT calendar of events, for edification and perhaps an impetus or prompt to a ST Hike Planner with an eye toward future hike combo event possibilities. (Note that Sept & Oct Sundays bring Fall Foliage trolley rides and Saturday 10/21 the Halloween Trolley Express, while December Sundays bring Holly Trolley rides. Merely some opportunity to plan a hike combo event for the ST Autumn hiking quarter, Oct-Dec.)
Topical Info: (provided by NYMT) Enjoy a unique evening at an old-time trolley park at the New York Museum of Transportation, Saturday, July 22, 2017 from 4:00 until dusk. Trolley rides will operate throughout the event and calliope music will waft through the air as the sun goes down over the scenic Genesee countryside. Complimentary ice cream treats will be provided for all attendees!
Trolley rides will operate continuously from 4 p.m. til dusk, and the museum model railroad will be alive with miniature trains. As the sun sets, there will be unique opportunities for night photography. No reservations are needed, and unlimited trolley rides are included in the admission price of $8 adults, $7 seniors age 65 +, and $6 youths age 3 – 12. Under age 3 are free.
The New York Museum of Transportation is located at 6393 East River Road, just 20 minutes from downtown Rochester and easily reached from Exit 11 off I-390. Phone: (585) 533-1113. The museum is regularly open only one day per week – Sundays from 11AM- 5PM, except for special events such as this Saturday special event “Trolleys at Twilight”. www.nymtmuseum.org
All are welcome to view and play the Aeolian home organ recently restored for a private residence. Originally installed in 1928, this organ is equipped with a player mechanism that enables the instrument to play from a repertoire of over 800 musical compositions.
Unfortunately, this open house coincides with the Stid Hill hike, but interested hikers might be able to work in a half hour or so with careful planning. Their facility is about a mile north of the Stid Hill parking lot.
Even if you can’t make the open house, take a moment to view pictures of the restoration.
Please join us on Saturday at the Earth Dance sponsored by and held at the Little Lakes Community Center in Hemlock. The community center is housed in the former Hemlock School across from the fair grounds.
There are activities all afternoon including:
Speakers |
11:30 | “What is Sustainable Beef?” | Fred Forsburg raises 100% grass-fed and finished cattle on organic pastures. |
12:00 | “Educating for Good Stewardship: The Gap Year Experience with Lagom Landing,” | Laurel Nelson and Roc Castor. |
1:00 | “Permaculture: Earth Care, People Care, and Resource Care,” | Patty Love from Barefoot Permaculture. |
2:00 | “Solar and Geothermal Installation Basics,” | Zack Parker from ACES Energy. |
3:00 | “Local Medicinal Plants and Community Herbalism,” | Sherry Gendreau. |
4:00 | “Hiking Opportunities in the Little Finger Lakes Area,” | Mark Hopkins, Melissa Cohen. |
Children’s Activities |
12:00 | “Raptor Connections, featuring Live Birds of Prey” | Deana Ford, President, Braddock Bay Raptor Research, |
1:00 | “Reading with Rabbits,” | Dorothea Prine, Story Book Cottage Rabbitry. |
2:00 | “Seeker’s Circle: Interactive Native Entertainment for Children,” | Stan Kawasczynski, Native American Faith Keeper and Story Teller for the Seneca Nation. |
3:00 | “Kid Fit Exercise,” | Shanna Butler Fitness and Dance (children 5 years and up.) |
Yoga |
11:00 | “Introduction to Yoga,” | Audrey Harpe of Yoga Bhoga |
2:00 | “Yoga for Gardeners,” | Audrey Harpe of Yoga Bhoga |
Annie Schliffer, our master potter, and Emma Silverstein, our winter resident potter, are preparing for a Pottery Show at East Hill Gallery, including works fresh from the wood kiln which was fired last weekend! Perfect timing for a safe winter outing. Come and join us!
What: WINTER POTTERY SHOW When: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3rd Where: EAST HILL GALLERY at The Folk Art Guild, Annie’s fresh bread will be on sale Thursday & Friday (& freshly frozen Sat. & Sun.) please email Annie to reserve: aschliffer@gmail.com |
Annie Schliffer, our master potter, and Emma Silverstein, our winter resident potter, are preparing for a Pottery Show at East Hill Gallery, including works fresh from the wood kiln which was fired last weekend! Perfect timing for a safe winter outing. Come and join us!
What: WINTER POTTERY SHOW When: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3rd Where: EAST HILL GALLERY at The Folk Art Guild, Annie’s fresh bread will be on sale Thursday & Friday (& freshly frozen Sat. & Sun.) please email Annie to reserve: aschliffer@gmail.com |
Annie Schliffer, our master potter, and Emma Silverstein, our winter resident potter, are preparing for a Pottery Show at East Hill Gallery, including works fresh from the wood kiln which was fired last weekend! Perfect timing for a safe winter outing. Come and join us!
What: WINTER POTTERY SHOW When: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3rd Where: EAST HILL GALLERY at The Folk Art Guild, Annie’s fresh bread will be on sale Thursday & Friday (& freshly frozen Sat. & Sun.) please email Annie to reserve: aschliffer@gmail.com |
Annie Schliffer, our master potter, and Emma Silverstein, our winter resident potter, are preparing for a Pottery Show at East Hill Gallery, including works fresh from the wood kiln which was fired last weekend! Perfect timing for a safe winter outing. Come and join us!
What: WINTER POTTERY SHOW When: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3rd Where: EAST HILL GALLERY at The Folk Art Guild, Annie’s fresh bread will be on sale Thursday & Friday (& freshly frozen Sat. & Sun.) please email Annie to reserve: aschliffer@gmail.com |
Annie Schliffer, our master potter, and Emma Silverstein, our winter resident potter, are preparing for a Pottery Show at East Hill Gallery, including works fresh from the wood kiln which was fired last weekend! Perfect timing for a safe winter outing. Come and join us!
What: WINTER POTTERY SHOW When: WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3rd Where: EAST HILL GALLERY at The Folk Art Guild, Annie’s fresh bread will be on sale Thursday & Friday (& freshly frozen Sat. & Sun.) please email Annie to reserve: aschliffer@gmail.com |
Always the weekend after Memorial Day, the Allegany Nature Pilgrimage has been held at beautiful Allegany State Park annually since 1959. Planning is continuing this year with caution due to COVID-19. Although a final decision will be made in April, you can make accommodation reservations now and Pilgrimage registration is expected to open online on March 15th. Check the Pilgrimage website for more information and to stay updated concerning this interesting program recommended for all ages.
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