Hikes led by Springwater Trails are generally held on Sunday afternoons and appear in this calendar in green.
- Categories
- Tags Barry Childs and Kathy Cloonan barry@africabridge Bike Bill Cooke Bob and Cindy Wagner Bob Menz (bert6952@yahoo.com) Bristol Hills Branch CANCELED Clarks Gully CLWA Colorado Trail Dena Munsell Dog friendly Finger Lakes Trail FL FLT Gene & Georgia Binder (585) 236-5384 Gene and Georgia Binder (585) 236-5384 Greenway Gully Gypsy moth Hemlock Hike Jayne Affolter John L Katherine Humphrey? Kayak Landowner Liability Leader: Mark Lehigh Valley Trail Mark and Laure Allen (585) 662-9305 Mark and Linda Mary Ann Devey (315) 573-0774 Mary Lou Wenthe (585) 208-4337 Melissa Mitchellsville mjkcloonan@frontiernet.net Mushroom Foray Naples Nunda POSTPONED Rick Henchen Saralinda Saralinda Hooker Schribner Sharon Boldt (boldtbs@yahoo.com) sugarbush hollow Summer Weekly Wendy Stevenson
Barry Childs and Kathy Cloonan barry@africabridge Bike Bill Cooke Bob and Cindy Wagner Bob Menz (bert6952@yahoo.com) Bristol Hills Branch CANCELED Clarks Gully CLWA Colorado Trail Dena Munsell Dog friendly Finger Lakes Trail FL FLT Gene & Georgia Binder (585) 236-5384 Gene and Georgia Binder (585) 236-5384 Greenway Gully Gypsy moth Hemlock Hike Jayne Affolter John L Katherine Humphrey? Kayak Landowner Liability Leader: Mark Lehigh Valley Trail Mark and Laure Allen (585) 662-9305 Mark and Linda Mary Ann Devey (315) 573-0774 Mary Lou Wenthe (585) 208-4337 Melissa Mitchellsville mjkcloonan@frontiernet.net Mushroom Foray Naples Nunda POSTPONED Rick Henchen Saralinda Saralinda Hooker Schribner Sharon Boldt (boldtbs@yahoo.com) sugarbush hollow Summer Weekly Wendy Stevenson
Come tour several working farms in Springwater. Open farms will provide tours of their working farms, including demonstartions and equipment.
At the All Western Evergreen Nursery and Christmas Tree Farm, 6840 Liberty Pole Road (County Road 38), the tour will include the farm’s history, tours to different areas of the farm to see differing species of fir trees, demonstrations of tree farming procedures, and a display of equipment.
Hey, the weather predictions were correct – there is snow on the ground and the temperature at 9:00 is only 29° with a predicted high of 33, so we are cancelling the bike ride. BUT, we are hiking, so put on your orange vest and your hiking boots and come enjoy East Springwater by foot!
This Sunday we are offering something different – a bike or hike. (Well, maybe not so special since we are only hiking.) Come enjoy East Springwater either at a walking or a riding pace, according to your preferences.
This hike/bike is a part of the Bicentennial Celebration of Springwater.
Before we start, three cautions:
- This hike will start at our regular winter time of 2:00PM
- If you are hiking please wear orange or another bright color. This will be the second day of regular deer hunting season.
- If the temperature is below 40° then we do not plan to ride. .If you are unsure, please check the website Sunday at noon.
All hikers and bikers will meet at the barn at Punky Hollow near the corner of Pardee Hollow Rd and Tabors Corners Rd in Springwater. As always, please park carefully, as this is private property. Following the hike/bike, please join us for a social at John Larysz’s house. Bring a dish to pass and your beverage, or make a contribution ($5) to the social fund. Thanks John and Sue for volunteering your home.
Hiking above East Springwater
Hikers will hike on Punky Hollow trails. Based on the number of hikers, we will have one or two groups, both of which will follow trails through the woods to the top of the hill to look down on the Cohocton Creek and on Dutch Hollow. As time permits, we will explore the hill top and then return to the cars over a different trail.
Biking Dutch Hollow and Tabors Corners This hike is canceled due to the weather!
Dust those cobwebs off your bike and pump up those tires. Prepare to enjoy the hills of Tabors Corners on two wheels. Yes there will be a few elevation challenges on this ride. We will travel at a leisurely pace, but be prepared for some lovely scenery and a good workout.
This ride will pass two former school houses in Springwater. Keep your eyes open to School #4 at Tabors Corners and Wetmore, and School # 17 on Pardee Hollow just before the end of the ride.
Bikers will meet at the Punky Hollow event building (site of the Fiddlers’ Fair), on Pardee Hollow Rd., ready to ride at 2:00 PM. Riders will head west on Pardee Hollow then north on Tabors Corners Rd. At the junction of Wetmore Rd. we will head north for another mile to reach the town line of Springwater at Tibbals Rd. From there we will head back south on Wetmore turning south on Tabors Corners Rd. The ride continues to Dutch Hollow Rd., which we will follow for about 4 miles back to Pardee Hollow, Turning right we will have a nice downhill cruise back to the parking area. Total distance is 11 miles.
If it the road is snow covered or the temperature is below 40 degrees the ride will be cancelled and we will walk with the hiking group.
From Springwater: Head north on NY 15A from the light in Springwater. Take the first right onto Wheaton Hill Rd. At the Tee at the top of the hill (3.4 mi), turn right onto Wetmore Rd. In 1.2 mi, at the stop sign, turn right onto Tabors Corners Rd. Take the first right in 1.8mi onto Pardee Hollow Rd. The Barn is on the right. Park in the driveway at the far end of the barn, or along the side of Pardee Hollow Rd.
From Wayland: Head east on NY 21 from the intersection with NY 15. in 3 miles, turn left onto CR 37. The road sign says Bowles Corners, although the road name is Tabors Corners. In 3.6 miles, turn right onlo Pardee Hollow Rd The Barn is on the right. Park in the driveway at the far end of the barn, or along the side of Pardee Hollow Rd.
From Honeoye: Head west on NY 20A. Turn left (south) on CR 37 at the Valley Inn. Continue staight onto Canadice Hill Rd in the hamlet of Canadice. In 2.4 miles, Ross Rd goes off to the right, but stay straight to stay on Canadice Hill Rd. .In 2.4 miles of dirt road, the road enters Springwater and the name changes to Wetmore Hill. Continue straight on Wetmore Rd. At the stop sign after going over the hill, turn right onto Tabors Corners Rd. Take the first right in 1.8mi onto Pardee Hollow Rd. The Barn is on the right. Park in the driveway at the far end of the barn, or along the side of Pardee Hollow Rd.
The after hike social at John’s, is just a few turns away on French Hill Rd. Directions will be available at the hike.
Weather Update Based on our pre-hike on Saturday,, we recommend snow shoes or possibly skis if you have them. The snow was 6 or 7 inches deep and it will be easier to be on top of the snow.
Springwater is home to the highest point in Livingston County at 2244 feet above sea level. You can compare this to the highest point in the surrounding counties. Ontario County (Frost Hill) above Wesley Hill Preserve is 36 feet higher, and Steuben County (Jackson Hill) south of Canisteo is 156 feet higher. On the other hand, Hopper Hill west of Boughton Park in Monroe County is 1200 feet lower.
This Sunday, we will hike on New York State land in the north east corner of Springwater to the actual high point. We will start at the Ontario/Livingston county line on Wetmore Rd at 2000ft and will generally follow the snowmobile trail along the county line and then south through the woods to the highest point. The high point is on private land and we have permission this Sunday to see the actual benchmark placed in 1939. We will then continue south to Dutch Hollow Rd at about 1850ft.
Small portions of this hike will be off the trail, but overall it is not a difficult hike.
We will divide into two groups. The Naturalists/Tourists will primarily stay on the snowmobile trails and will cover 2.4 miles. They will end on Dutch Hollow Rd and we will carpool back to the start point. The Climbers will follow the same route, but will walk back to the cars, stopping to see another benchmark at the corner of Tabors Corners Rd and Wetmore Rd.
Following the hike, join us at John’s home on French Hill Rd. Directions will be available at the end of the hike. Please bring a dish to pass, your favorite beverage and your singing voice. We will do some seasonal singing around John’s piano.
From Springwater: Head north on NY 15A. In 0.8 miles, turn right onto Wheaton hill Rd. At the tee (in 3.4 miles) turn left onto Wetmore Rd. In 1 mile, park on the left side just before Tibbals Rd.
From Honeoye: Head west on US 20A. Turn left onto CR 37. In 3.7 miles, when CR 37 turns right, continue straight onto Canadice Hill Rd. Continue straight when Ross Rd turns slightly to the right. Go past Harriet Hollister Spencer SRA. At the Springwater Town Line, park on the right just past Tibbals Rd.
From Naples:
(Note that there are seasonal roads between Naples and our hike. If you want to use your GPS (good luck) and take the back roads, head first to the intersection of Garlinghouse and Pardee Hollow. Do not go over Richards Rd, Coates Rd, Liddiard Rd, Warner Rd or Feather St. If you want to get there without incident, follow the directions below).
Take NY 21 S through North Cohocton. Turn right in North Cohocton, to stay on NY 21. In 3.8 miles, turn right onto CR 37 (The sign says Bowles Corners). Stay on CR 37 as it becomes Livingston CR 36 (Tabors Corner Rd) for 5.4 miles until the first stop sign. Turn right onto Wetmore Rd. In one mile, park on the left side just before Tibbals Rd.
Located in Chemung County in the town of Big Flats, Steege Hil is a 794 acre preserve acquired in 2001 by the Finger Lakes Land Trust from an anonymous donor. In 1970, this area was nearly ruined by heavy logging. The Town of Big Flats took action to stop the degradation on the hill by shutting down the operation and passing a law regulating future logging within town limits. Now the original forest is making an impressive recovery. Numerous species of hardwoods prevail, mixed with conifers on the steeper slopes. Wildlife include black bear, timber rattle snakes, and Allegheny Mound Ants. Their distinctive nests can be found trail side and in open areas. For additional information and maps go to http://fllt.org/preserves/steege-hill-preserve
Steward, Bob Corneau has maintained a network of more than 6 miles of trails, mostly over old logging roads. It is our good fortune to be able to enjoy the quiet beauty of these tails on a winter afternoon, Check the Springwater Trails website on February 11 for an update on trail conditions. If there is snow we could ski or snowshoe.
Parking in very limited at this preserve so car pooling is strongly encouraged.
Hike Description
All groups will depart from the parking area on Steege Hill Rd. After a short but steep ascent, our groups will branch out as follows:
Naturalists will follow the yellow loop in a clockwise direction, enjoying some gentler terrain as well as views of the Chemung River and ponds. The ant mounds are numerous on this trail. Out nature experts will no doubt enjoy identifying the many varieties of trees and birds. Hike length will be about 2.5 miles.
Tourists will head our on the yellow loop in a counter clockwise direction, past the ponds and then onto the blue trail to loop through the forest back to the yellow trail. Views of the valley as well as the lower slopes should be nice. Hiking distance about 3.5 miles.
Climbers An ambitious journey awaits you, a complete circuit of the trail system.. This group will veer off from the initial climb to follow the white trail, traversing some significant ups and downs. They will sample the blue and red trails (more hills) before returning home on the yellow loop for about 5 miles. It’s all down hill on the return.
After Hike Social will be at Tag’s Restaurant on Rte, 352 in Big Flats.
Getting There Parking is VERY LIMITED. Roadside parking is not advisable. Please carpool from the Springwater Town Hall, leaving at 12:30. Drive time is about 1 hour 15 minutes.
Directions: Take 390 South to I 86 East. Take Exit # 48. Turn Right on NY 352. Go 1.5 miles. Turn right on S. Corning Rd. (Chemung CR 10). Go .7 miles. Just after bridge turn left on Steege Hill Rd. Go 1 mile. Slow down. Parking is on left. Preserve sign is difficult to spot.
Social There is a great little joint called Tags, recommended by local folks. To get there, retrace your steps back to Rte 352. Turn right and travel about 0.6 mile. Restaurant is on the right. Menu is full of salads, burgers, wraps and apps. See it at tagsrestaurant.com
Trail conditions Update 2/11/17. Looks like freezing rain tonight and rain tomorrow. Best bet is to wear waterproof clothing and bring traction control devices/ hiking poles in case conditions are slippery.
The NCS Honor Society has offered to do some maintenance and construction work on the BHB in Naples as part of their community service commitment. They will be working on the landscaping around the new bridge on Gideon Hanggi’s land. If you can spare a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon in October to help Donna, our FLT volunteer coordinator, to support these teenagers, please meet at Bob and Ruth’s parking lot on Rt 21 in Naples at 12:30. We will work from 1 to 3. Please RSVP if you plan to come.
Springwater Trails has agreed to maintain the Bristol Hills Branch of the Finger Lakes Trail between Clement Rd and NY 245 in Naples. The FLT is sponsoring a workshop on trail mainentance on Oct 14th in Bath.
This is an opportunity for all hikers interested in helping to maintain hiking trail with Springwater Trails to learn more about the tasks required to maintain a great trail and to get to know other people who are also working on the trail.
Please look at this season’s Trail Tenders News for more details and RSVP if you are interested in attending. We can arrange a car pool if we know you want to come.
Directions from Springwater: Take NY 15 south through Wayland. Turn left onto I390 S, which joins I86 E in 16 miles. Take Exit 38 and turn left onto NY 54 N. Go under the expressway and turn right at the first intersection E. Morris St. The Fire Hall is on the right in 1.1 miles.
The Steuben County Fairgrounds in Bath, NY will be transformed into a celebration of all things outdoors on Friday, July 26. The Finger Lakes Trail Conference along with the Steuben County Conference & Visitors Bureau and Friends of the Chemung River is excited to present the first Finger Lakes Trail Days over two jam packed days.
Kicking off the festivities Friday night is a concert featuring the Grammy Award winning bluegrass band, Steep Canyon Rangers. The duet of Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley will show off their guitar and vocal prowess warming up for the Steep Canyon Rangers.
Doors open at 6:00 pm and food and drink will be available.
Tickets can be purchased for either Friday evening’s concert or for Saturday; a two-day pass is also available. For more information on tickets, activities, on-site camping opportunities and the music schedule visit www.fingerlakestraildays.com or contact info@fingerlakestraildays.com
The Steuben County Fairgrounds in Bath, NY will be transformed into a celebration of all things outdoors on Friday, July 26. The Finger Lakes Trail Conference along with the Steuben County Conference & Visitors Bureau and Friends of the Chemung River is excited to present the first Finger Lakes Trail Days over two jam packed days.
Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast who already spends weekends hiking, biking, kayaking or fishing/hunting or someone who has always thought about trying something new, Saturday is filled with outdoor recreation activities of all kinds.
Additionally, enjoy local food, drinks, and a remarkable musical line-up. From 8:30 – 3pm there will be hikes of varying lengths and difficulty levels (click here for more information).
Also, check out the guided tours of places of interest in the area.
Beginning at 11 am at the Fairgrounds, attend one of the many interesting presentations, ranging from Geocaching to Yoga, Birdwatching to Medicinal plants and more.
Local food trucks and beer garden will be available all throughout the day.
Attendees can also experience a zip line, climb a rock wall, learn to kayak or mountain bike and navigate a ropes course.
There is a stellar lineup of outdoor exhibitors available to answer questions and provide information about their organization. Hiking groups from around the state will be available.
And meet the experts to find out more about birding, conserving land, our local rivers or monarchs.
Throughout the day you will hear a music line-up featuring Sawyer Fredericks (the 2015 winner of The Voice), Cicada Rhythm, Joshua Davis, Aaron Lipp & the Slack Tones, and Joseph Alton Miller.
There are plenty of activities for the entire family!
We need a few volunteers to help re-route a section of the FLT between Seman Road and the Old Cemetery in Naples. Ideally we need 2 crews of at least 2 people each, one to paint out the old blazes and one to paint blazes on the new route. We estimate the job will take about 2 hours. Painting can be messy, so wear old clothes.
If you can offer some time, meet at 11:00am on Wednesday June 3rd at Bob and Ruth’s Parking Lot at the junction of Route 245 and Route 21 in Naples.
Looking for brochure.or mailing list so I can receive it in the mail.
Nothing opens up for mailing list.
There’s all kinds of very bizarre ads and post for viagra and other drugs above on calender page.
Please let me know if there’s a brochure available