
Hikes led by Springwater Trails are generally held on Sunday afternoons and appear in this calendar in green.

ADK Outdoor Expo 2016 @ Beach area of Hundred Acre Pond Mendon Ponds County Park off Douglas Road
Jun 11 @ 10:00 am – 4:00 pm

ADK Outdoor Expo 2016 is scheduled for Saturday June 11th, 2016, 10:00AM-4:00PM at Mendon Ponds Park.  – – Outdoor activities and learning abound at this free event. – –

Here is a hyperlink to ADK Outdoor Expo.

And here is a hyperlink to an article about the 2015 Outdoor Expo, included for reference of the myriad type activities.


Shades of Gray, Splashes of Color @ Jack Evans Community Center
Oct 27 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

A Through-Hike of the Colorado Trail

bill-cooke-rockiesThe Little Lakes Sustainability Network and Springwater Trails are pleased to co-host a program on the magnificent Colorado Trail on Thursday, October 27, 7:00 PM at the Jack Evans Community Center (old Hemlock school) on Main Street in Hemlock. Light refreshments will be provided and everyone is welcome, free of charge. Donations to defray costs are encouraged.

Hemlock resident Bill Cooke will present information about the trail followed by a 25 minute slide show with music showing photos from his 2011 “through-hike.” He will share his deep appreciation of the natural environment fostered from many years of experience in long-distance hiking.  Bill will also have copies of his book narrating the hike – Shades of Gray, Splashes of Color – A Thru-hike of The Colorado Trail – available for your perusal and purchase.

The 486-mile Colorado Trail wends its way through the Rocky Mountains of the Centennial State, traversing a landscape as changing and diverse as the swirling afternoon clouds presaging the daily summer thunderstorms.  A common expression among long distance backpackers is “no pain equals no gain.”  In this program, you’ll hear of the “pain” manifested in the struggle of acclimating to high elevations, of hiking long and steep ascents, of coping with a wide range of climatic conditions from freezing cold mornings to hot baking afternoons, to near daily thunderstorms and to long stretches of limited water.  And you’ll see the “gains,” the triumphs as Bill and his hiking companion Keith “Northern Harrier” Bance savor the many rewards of this enchanting trail:  alpine meadows whose wildflowers cover every range of the spectrum, bewitching groves of aspen trees resplendent with the morning glow of the sun, the glistening of snowy peaks, stately conifers including the massive Douglas firs, high mountain passes, dry foothills, sparkling mountain streams, gorgeous sunrises and sunsets where both the skies and the rocks shine like beacons from the low sun alpenglow, and much more.

Along the way, you’ll hear of the delight bestowed by such simple pleasures as a refreshing swig of Rocky Mountain water or a wildlife spotting.  You’ll hear of fascinating near-daily cloud formations with their myriad shades of gray and ever-changing patterns.  You’ll meet “Trail Angels” who emerge at the right place and time, unplanned and unexpected, to assist hikers with their basic needs, such as rides into towns for re-supplying or offers of water and snacks.  And you’ll visit communities along the trail corridor, meeting the people in them, and enjoying the amenities that we all take for granted, such a hot shower, bed with linens, and meals of “real” food, all of which are especially appreciated by hot, dusty hikers.

Bill Cooke recently moved to Hemlock after living for seven years in Lexington, KY.  He has backpacked for nearly 40 years.  In addition to the Colorado Trail, he has hiked the entire Appalachian Trail, Vermont’s Long Trail, the Black Forest and Susquehannock Trails of nearby Northern Pennsylvania, and other trails around the country.

You need not be an experienced hiker to enjoy this program, as Bill explains much of the terminology and peculiar habits of long-distance backpackers.  Even those whose experience is confined to short strolls in the park will sense the challenges and the rewards of a trek in the Rocky Mountains.  Come and take a trip to the summertime Rockies!

The event is co-sponsored by the Little Lakes Sustainability Network and the Springwater Hiking Group, and is free and open to the public.

Springwater Fall Roadside Cleanup @ Fire Hall
Nov 1 @ 9:00 am – 12:00 pm

Volunteers from Springwater Trails are needed to pick up roadside litter along NY Rtes 15 and 15A in the Town of Springwater.   There will be a short information meeting at the Springwater Fire Hall parking lot at 9AM on Tuesday November 1, 2016 prior to getting started.   Bags, safety vests and hard hats will be provided.

New Years Day – NO HIKE
Jan 1 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Springwater Trails is relaxing after a busy 2016.

Please join the Genesee Valley Greenway State Park on New Years Day for a hike on the Greenway.  Or, check the rest of the calendar for organized hikes near Springwater.

Thorp Rd Prehike @ Thorp Rd
Mar 23 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm

Anyone want to prehike Sunday’s hike. I plan to meet at Thorp Rd at 10:00 Thursday and hike up to the top of Hunt Hollow ski area. Please give me a call or email me at


20th Annual ADK Outdoor Expo – 2017 @ Beach area of Hundred Acre Pond Mendon Ponds County Park
Jun 10 @ 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

The 20th Annual ADK-GVC Outdoor Expo will be held on Saturday, June 10th 2017 at the Beach area of Hundred Acre Pond in Mendon Ponds County Park off Douglas Road.   Outdoor activities and learning abound at this free event, 9:30AM-3:30PM.

Presentations and interactive events are mostly centered around the beach area and contiguous areas of the adjacent parking lot.

Here is a hyperlink to ADK Outdoor Expo.

And here is a hyperlink to an article about the 2015 Outdoor Expo, included for reference of the myriad type activities.



21st Annual ADK Outdoor Expo – 2018 @ Beach area of Hundred Acre Pond Mendon Ponds County Park
Jun 9 @ 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

The 21st Annual ADK-GVC Outdoor Expo will be held on Saturday, June 9th 2018 at the Beach area of Hundred Acre Pond in Mendon Ponds County Park off Douglas Road.   Outdoor activities, learning, experiences, educational & workshop sessions, etc abound at this free event, 9:30AM-3:30PM.  And, YES, there are free trials of various kayaks and/or canoes, this aquatic activity is at the beach area of the Hundred Acre Pond.

Myriad presentations and interactive events are mostly centered around the area near the beach and contiguous areas of the adjacent parking lot.  Many organizations, individuals, and businesses, all come together with the Genesee Valley Chapter of the Adirondack Mountain Club (ADK-GVC) to make this a premier event for outdoor enthusiasts.

Here is a hyperlink to ADK Outdoor Expo.

And here is a hyperlink to an article about the 2015 Outdoor Expo, included for reference of the myriad type activities.



First Day Hike at Hemlock-Canadice with Springwater Trails Inc @ Canadice Lake Trail
Jan 1 @ 10:00 am – 12:30 pm
First Day Hike at Hemlock-Canadice with Springwater Trails Inc @ Canadice Lake Trail

What better way to kick off the New Year than by getting a jump start torching off those holiday calories in the great outdoors. Springwater Trails is leading one of the dozens of sponsored hikes held each New Year’s Day on public lands across the Empire State. 

Local volunteers and staff from DEC and State Parks will be leading family-friendly walks and hikes. The hikes range from one to five miles depending on the location and conditions. Check out the great hikes available.

Our hike will be along Canadice lake. The trail will be easy to moderate difficulty. There are approximately 14 miles of marked hiking trails on Hemlock-Canadice State Forest. The trip length will be family-friendly and determined by participants. 

Please dress appropriately for the weather. Bring snowshoes if there is snow. Bring hiking poles, wear good boots and carry water with you. 

Directions: v Springwater: Head north on NY-15A. In 7.6 miles, turn right into Purcell Hill Rd. Go up and over the hill (1.2 miles). At the bottom but before the lake, the parking is on the right. 

From Rochester and Hemlock: head south on Ny-15A. Go through Hemlock NY. In 3.5 miles, turn left onto Purcell Hill Rd. Go up and over the hill (1.2 miles). At the bottom but before the lake, the parking is on the right. 


Spotted Lanternfly and Other Invasive Landscape Tree Pests
Jul 8 @ 12:00 pm – Jul 16 @ 1:00 pm

Webinar: Tuesday July 16 2019 at 12:00 Noon

Register here 

Speaker: Dr. Lori Spears, USU Assistant Professor
Date: Tuesday, July 16, 12:00 pm (MDT) – Please ignore the date in the title; it is an unavoidable posting date and NOT the date of the webinar!


The spotted lanternfly has been identified as a nasty invasive insect that is busy killing trees in Pennsylvania. The forestry and university authorities in PA have launched a series of webinars aimed at educating hikers such as ourselves in identifying and reporting these marauders. There’s is one coming up on 16th July; you are invited to join in from the comfort of your own home – we may be able to help limit this beast in New York.

Spotted lanternfly is an invasive planthopper that is native to parts of Asia and was first detected in the U.S. in Pennsylvania in 2014. Spotted lanternflies feed on a wide range of host plants, including grapes, fruit trees, hops, and hardwood ornamental trees. This presentation will cover the biology, identification, and possible control options for spotted lanternfly and other invasive landscape tree pests, such as emerald ash borer and Asian longhorned beetle.

Lori is the Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey (CAPS) Program Coordinator at Utah State University.  The CAPS Program is a federal program coordinated by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ), and whose goal is to protect U.S. agriculture from introductions of high risk invasive pests by conducting early detection surveys and providing outreach and education programs that support and enhance efforts to prevent new exotic pest entry and establishment. Her research and outreach programs have focused on the ecology and management of invasive insects and using bycatch from early detection surveys to learn more about beneficial insects, such as pollinators and lady beetles. Lori received a PhD in Ecology from Utah State University in 2012. 

Co-sponsored by Utah State University Integrated Pest Management Group




Megan Dettenmaier
Extension Educator, Forestry
Wildland Resources, Utah State University
Find Learn at Lunch Webinars | Join our mailing list
p: 435-797-8424  m: 425-213-4452
a: 5230 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT 84322-5230
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Japanese Barberry @ Cumming Nature Center
Jul 11 @ 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

Volunteers Needed for Invasive Species Restoration Team!

Cumming Nature Center is seeking volunteers to help restore its nature preserve in Naples, NY, this summer, with a kickoff event during Invasive Species Awareness Week!  Join us on Thursday, July 11, 2019, from 9 am to 2 pm, to help remove Japanese Barberry!   Please contact Cumming Nature Center at (585) 374-6160 to sign up or for more information!  Cumming Nature Center is located at 6472 Gulick Road, Naples, NY.

Cumming Nature Center seeks large and small groups, as well as individuals, to help remove Japanese barberry infestations so that we can seed native plants, restore native habitats for wildlife, and protect the surrounding Honeoye Lake watershed.  Japanese barberry is an invasive shrub which is spreading throughout our Naples preserve, harming and eliminating our native habitats.  We welcome everyone to come join our ongoing Restoration Team! 

Please wear long work pants, long sleeves, socks, and boots or work shoes, since removing Japanese barberry is somewhat like working with rose bushes.  And bring a water bottle and lunch!  Cumming Nature Center will provide directions, equipment, and protective gloves and gear, so that we can work efficiently to combat this invader!  CNC will have water available and provide light refreshments after.. 

Can’t make this event? Further invasive removal events at Cumming Nature Center are listed below:

Saturday, July 20, 2019
Thursday, August 1, 2019
Saturday, August 10, 2019
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Saturday, August 31, 2019
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Saturday, November 2, 2019

— Cumming Nature Center


One thought on “Calendar

  1. Looking for brochure.or mailing list so I can receive it in the mail.
    Nothing opens up for mailing list.
    There’s all kinds of very bizarre ads and post for viagra and other drugs above on calender page.
    Please let me know if there’s a brochure available

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