
Hikes led by Springwater Trails are generally held on Sunday afternoons and appear in this calendar in green.

MMWDS – Role of Camp Portage and Erie RR in the Civil War @ Mount Morris Dam Visitor Center
Mar 25 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Have you ever pondered about the “Parade Grounds” area in Letchworth State Park?  What’s with the name and what is the history of the area?  Perhaps you’ve hiked & spent time there.  Well, read on for some answers.

The last program in the weekly Mount Morris Winter Discovery Series 2017 (MMWDS) serial of programs will be presented as follows:

Learn about the creation of Camp Portage (a Civil War Training Camp in Letchworth State Park) and the use of the Erie Railroad to transport Union Soldiers to the front lines! Presenter – MAX SZEMPLENSKI, Railroad Historian”


Of note, Camp Portage and the nearby Erie RR (both of yesteryear) are in today what we know as Letchworth State Park, in the area and surrounds known today as the “Parade Grounds”.   – – Some salience specifically of current events is: Sprinwater Trails hikers have on a number of occasions hiked in this area on some weekly scheduled Sunday hikes, and the 140+ year old Erie RR bridge which spans high above the Genesee River within Letchworth State Park currently has a replacement being built which will decommission the aging bridge.

The bridge, aka viaduct, has been subject of much attention as of late both in media postings and in program presentations put on for benefit of those in the community who have interest in the bridge and history.  One such program was sponsored by Penfield Trails Committee (PTC) on Saturday, February 11th, 2017 as part of PTCs annual Hikers Jamboree program.  Following the PTC sponsored program which was presented at Penfield Town Hall Auditorium, there where hikes in Penfield.  Both Springwater Trails and Genesee Valley Hiking Club participated in leading such hikes.

– Excerpts of a Springwater Trails website previously posted article on topic of the MMWDS 2017 are:

Springwater Trails hikers and others may be interested in a number of program presentations (lectures) in the Mount Morris Winter Discovery Series 2017.  In March, of particular salience in present day current events, as pertain to the Erie Railroad high bridge (Portage viaduct) spanning the Genesee River and constructon of a replacement bridge for this 140+ year old current trestle bridge, are the March 18th & 25th programs, among other programs of potential interest.

The annually recurrent Mount Morris Winter Discovery Series is offered January through March, on varying theme and topics. Each year holds about one dozen new program presentations.

The Mount Morris Winter Discovery Series 2017, is titled: “Life in America: Winter Discovery Series 2017”.  Facilities provided by The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Mount Morris Dam and Recreation Area, located at the northern end (east side of the Genesee River) of Letchworth State Park.  All lectures are free of charge and will be held in the Visitor Center on Saturdays at 1pm.  The Visitor Center, aka the William B. Hoyt II Visitor Center, which opened in 1999, is an enclosed heated venue with indoor restrooms and is located adjacent the east side of the Army Corps of Engineers’ Mount Morris Flood Control Dam (which was constructed 1948-1952).  Often light refreshments are served at programs of the Winter Discovery Series.   [Please note, do not confuse this A.C.E. Visitor Center with the Letchworth State Park – Humphrey Nature Center which is located in Letchworth State Park on the west side of the Genesee River and further south of the A.C.E. Mt Morris flood control dam.]

Mount Morris Dam and Recreation Area Visitor Center is located at 6103 Visitor Center Road in Mount Morris, NY 14510. For more information call (585) 658-4790.

There are numerous exhibits and educational experiences in the Visitor Center, a brief opportunity may exist to view and experience some immediately prior to or after the Winter Discovery Series program.  Albeit, the Visitor Center is generally not otherwise open in the winter season.








“Bluebird hike” at MFBBH & Monkey Run Trails in Victor @ MaryFrances Bluebird Haven
May 7 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

An educational Hike with Springwater Trails and Victor Hiking Trails with impetus and designed to identify and view BLUEBIRDS, … and more, held at MaryFrances Bluebird Haven (MFBBH).

Trail conditions update, gained from 5/6/2017 Saturday’s preview hike: very wet, rubber boots suggested.  Bluebirds were observed.  For this hike & potluck after-hike social event, perhaps we can agree on “cloudy with a chance of meatballs.”  The hike is offered rain or shine.    

Starting at 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 7th, 2017 will be a joint hike of Springwater Trails (ST) and Victor Hiking Trails (VHT).  For ST this is our regular Sunday weekly hike.  For VHT this is a special hike outside of the monthly guided hike held on the 2nd Saturday of each month.

This is a special educational hike event at MaryFrances Bluebird Haven (MFBBH), a Town of Victor park, located at 235 County Rd 9 in Victor, NY.   – – MFBBH entrance driveway, leading to the parking lot, is located on the east side of County Rd 9 (aka Victor-Egypt Rd) just south of intersect with Valentown Rd (which intersects from the west).

HIKING GROUPS, TRAIL ROUTING, (and map hyperlinks):

The hike, will have two separate sub-groups.  Routing will be be slow and easy on mostly flat terrain for the Naturalists/birdwatchers group covering ~1 mile (the whole of the perimeter trail) within the MFBBH park, Gene as Hike Leader.  The second routing will be fast paced for the Climbers/Tourists group covering ~3 miles within MFBBH park & on adjacent Monkey Run Trails, Dave as Hike Leader. (Climbers/Tourists routing will include MFBBH perimeter trail (~1mile) & MR three loop trails ~2miles of woodland walk, all mostly flat terrain.)   MFBBH map  //  Monkey Run Trails map


We will have multiple hike leaders who are knowledgeable about birds, so bring your binoculars and camera (and telephoto lens if you have one).  Also, wear good hiking boots as there may be some muddy spots.  Possiblity that TDs (Traction Devices) may be helpful, but certainly not required. Hats with a visor and sunglasses may also be useful.

– Some ST hikers seized the opportunity to attend a presentation program “All About Bluebirds” held at the Geneseo Riviera Theater on Friday March 10th, 2017, one impetus that spurred this 5/7/2017 hike. Tickets for “All About Bluebirds” presentation were essentially “sold out” well prior to show day. Those ST hikers who attended will be looking to put newfound knowledge to use on this 5/7/2017 Bluebird hike. (Some other ST hikers were tending to matters as result of the 80+MPH windstorm of Wednesday 3/8/3017 on that Friday.) –

Hikers will have opportunity to learn about the impetus and history of MaryFrances Bluebird Haven.

Please note: Dogs are NOT allowed on this hike.  Alcohol, smoking, and weapons are not allowed per park regulations.  Oh, … and leave your saddle and mount at home, because horses are not allowed in this park, thus you’ll need to choose another mode of transportation to this hike.


There will be an optional after-hike social dinner at the Butler Cottage located in MFBBH park beginning at 4:00 pm ; bring a dish to pass or make a donation (suggested $5) to the social fund to help defray expenses, and bring your beverage of choice (no alcohol please), if you would like to meet your fellow hikers.  You may bring your own tableware if you’d like, albeit, disposable plates, plastic utensils, etc will be on hand as at most ST potluck socials.

Butler Cottage is a totally enclosed edifice with electricity / lighting / indoor plumbing / full facilities: restroom, full kitchen (counters & cabinets, stove/oven, refrigerator, microwave, and yes the “kitchen sink” too complete with running water), etc. The main area with tables and chairs accommodates 45 people.  So, there is availability for heating up dishes best served warm, refrigeration, etc.  Some hikers may wish to avail themselves prior to the start of the hike.


MFBBH parking lot will accommodate ~ 20 cars. Additional parking can be had along the entrance driveway, with judiciousness & thoughtfulness in mind.


From Springwater (and select other points south of Victor):

~45+ minutes drive from Springwater hamlet’s 4 corners, travel NY Rt 15A northbound (to just s of hamlet of Hemlock) ; turn right/eastbound onto NY Rt 20A (eventually passing through the hamlet of Honeoye, and continuing on NY Rt 20A northeasterly to just south of the hamlet of Bristol) ; turn left/northbound onto Co Rd 2 aka Oakmount Rd, pass through the hamlet of Bristol and continue straight on what will eventually become Oakmount Ave, crossing NY Rt 20 <USE FOREMOST CAUTION at this crossing!> to jct with Main St in Village of Bloomfield ; turn right/eastbound on Main St ; turn left/northbound onto NY Rt 444 (aka Elm St which becomes Victor Holcomb Rd which becomes Maple Ave) to jct with NY RT 96 aka East Main St in the Village of Victor ; turn right/eastbound onto NY Rt 96 aka East Main St ; turn left/northbound onto Church St ; Church St becomes Victor-Egypt Rd aka Co Rd 9 ; travel to 235 Victor-Egypt Rd where Mary Frances Bluebird Haven driveway is located ; turn right onto the entrance driveway to the MFBBH parking lot.

From Rochester area:  (center city, areas directly contiguous east, as well as north and west Monroe County areas) ~ a bit under 30 minutes drive from Rochester get on I-490 eastbound expressway and travel to exit 28 (for NY Rt 96 southbound, in Perinton) ; from the exit 28 ramp turn left/southbound onto NY Rt 96 south ; from NY Rt 96 south turn left/eastbound onto High St (which is opposite Eastview Mall’s southern-most entrance drive) ; from High St turn left/northeastbound onto Valentown Rd ; <take note of the Valentown Museum as you pass it on the left side of the roadway> drive Valentown Rd (to road’s end) the jct with Victor-Egypt Rd aka Co Rd 9 ; turn right/southbound onto Victor-Egypt Rd, and then a quick left/eastbound into the driveway for MFBBH.

[Alternatively, I-490 expressway to exit 26 for NY Rt 31 eastbound, to Victor Rd aka Co Rd 52 (which becomes Victor-Egypt Rd aka Co Rd 9) ; turn right onto Victor Rd and travel to 235 Victor-Egypt Rd driveway for MFBBH ; turn left/eastbound into the driveway.]


Carpooling in name of efficiency is encouraged due to distance from Springwater and also in light that this is a joint hike with VHT.

Named sequential carpool points (unsupervised), corresponding with directions to the hike (as written above) are: (1) <gather 12:40PM, leave at 12:50PM> Springwater Town Hall at 8022 S. Main St (aka NY Rt 15), in Springwater ; (2) <gather 1:00PM, leave at 1:10PM> Hemlock Lake Park parking lot, located at the northern end of Hemlock Lake and accessed via Rix Hill Rd immediately off NY Rt 15A (and a bit south of the jct with NY Rt 20A)  ; (3) <gather at 1:15PM, leave at 1:25PM> in the hamlet of Honeoye on south side of Main St (aka Rt 20A) in the Honeoye Commons Plaza (~ 8567 Main St) parking lot of CVS/Subway/etc, optimally you wanna park closest to Main St. The entrance drive for Honeoye Commons Plaza is the next entrance drive past the entrance drive for Shurfine/Dollar General stores. (additional reference point: Honeoye Commons Plaza is ~ opposite Honeoye Central Schools).

Please note this sequential carpooling arrangement is set up so that those from further south will make a stop at each further north sequential carpool point, and potentially take on added passengers or reconfigure.  There is an allowance of ~ 5 minutes from arrival to departure at each, to allow for loading, and not much fudge factor beyond that.  Assuming all goes well, arrival at MFBBH for the hike is calculated to be ~ 1:55PM.


Additional information: can be gained from checking the VHT website, Facebook, Meetup or the VHT voice message line [phone: (585)- 234-8226], as well as checking the ST website for updates.


An additional Article on “Birding” on the ST website, in anticipation of this Bluebird hike, for those who wish to learn a bit more about “Birding” in Springtime.


Subnote: (reference to a future hike)

Hikers may wish to take note of Valentown Rd (nearly opposite MFBBH entrance driveway), as a future ST hike will in part refer to historic “Valentown” which is situated at the western end of Valentown Rd & High St (in the Town of Victor), about two blocks away from present day Eastview Mall.

Hints: * Valentown was built in anticipation of a chartered railroad that was never built, the CNY&N RR (Central New York & Northern).  This railroad was a one-time planned northern extension of the CNY&W RR (Central New York & Western), and was akin to the CNY&W. Come August 1, 1899, the CNY&N was consolidated with its parent company the CNY&W.

** (spoiler alert!) The CNY&W was a predecessor in lineage of the PS&N RR (Pittsburg, Shawmut & Northern), and August 2, 1899 the CNY&W was merged with a number of shortline railroads in Pennsylvania into the newly formed PS&N RR.  Both the CNY&W and the PS&N in successive lineage routed high above Stony Brook Glen through what is present day Stony Brook State Park.  Both respective sets of railroad high bridge abutments that remain in Stony Brook Glen were in this railroad lineage.  

(credit to the book by Paul Pietrak “The Pittsburg, Shawmut and Northern Railroad Company” for some information cited herein.)

National Trails Day 2017 in Victor @ Ganondagan State Historic Site Visitor's Center
Jun 3 @ 9:00 am

Annually, one of two big shindigs (of a hiking variety) that Victor Hiking Trails (VHT) sponsors, is National Trails Day (NTD) observed the first Saturday of June.  In 2017, the 25th year for this event in Victor, the date is June 3rd and the starting location is at Ganondagan State Historic Site Visitor’s Center located at 7000 Boughton Hill Road (County Road 41)     .

VHT is of course one of many hiking groups that plans some organized observance on NTD.  Yep, that word “national” does in fact imply many groups across the USA observe or celebrate NTD in some manner.   Now, before I describe more about NTD activities, you were wondering what the other big shindig that VHT has annually.  Weren’t You?  Answer: the second big shindig VHT does is the VHT “Challenge Hike” usually held in late September.

NTD in Victor with VHT is usually three serial hikes, with a break in between each of the three hikes for rest and refreshment. The first hike is a morning hike and the last hike finishes in the afternoon.

You can read about National Trails Day from 2017 in the the VHT newsletter The Pathfinder Spring 2017 edition (volume 22, issue 1, page 1).   And of course, you can check the VHT website for updated details about the NTD hike for June 3rd, 2017.

If you’re Interested in past years NTD in Victor, …two most recent years are cited: National Trails Day from 2016 in the VHT newsletter The Pathfinder 2016 Spring edition , and from 2015 The Pathfinder Spring 2015 edition (volume 20, issue 1, page 6).

VHT hike at Chimney Bluffs State Park – 8/12/2017 @ chimney bluffs state park
Aug 12 @ 9:00 am

Chimney Bluffs State Park, on the Lake Ontario southern shoreline in eastern Wayne County, just east of Sodus Bay is indeed a unique place, and a quintessential hiking destination.  This locale is distant enough from the Springwater and surrounds area such that not likely that Springwater Trails (ST) would plan a hike here … due to the travel distance.   BUT, HOLD ON, … for those interested in hiking this destination with a group of like minded hikers, well, Victor Hiking Trails (VHT) is leading a hike here on Saturday, August 12, 2017. All hikers are welcome.  And of course, ST & VHT as organizations share numerous common bonds.

This hike will be a good opportunity to see this unique scenic area, and the erosion caused by the high levels of Lake Ontario that have been the case in this 2017 Spring & Summer season.   Chimney Bluffs area is constantly changing due to the geological make-up of this place.  Erosion is a constant here, and increased erosion in 2017 hastens the change and loss at Chimney Bluffs.  The uniqueness of the area is always under constant change, and erosion eventually claims the various geologic formations here, … sometimes sooner rather than later.

Any updated details can be gleaned from the Victor Hiking Trails website.


The published basics of the hike are:

  • VHT will meet in the parking area behind the Victor Town Hall (85 East Main St) at 9am, and carpool to the hike.
  • Hike Chimney Bluffs State Park

    On Saturday, August 12th, Victor Hiking Trails will lead a hike at Chimney Bluffs State Park in Wayne County, NY.

    There are 4 miles of moderate trails through woods, meadows and along the shore of Lake Ontario. Comfortable hiking boots are recommended. Please, no pets on this hike.

    Bring insect repellent, sunscreen, something to drink and a snack.We may stop for lunch on the way home.

    Meet in the rear parking lot of Victor Town Hall, 85 East Main Street, at 9:00 A.M. to carpool to the trailhead. Or meet at the park entrance located at 7700 Garner Road, Wolcott, NY 14590 at 10:15 A.M. There is a $5.00/per car fee.

    Check the website, Facebook, Meetup or the voice message line (234-8226), for additional details.



The Pittsburg, Shawmut, and Northern Railroad: Then and Now @ Mount Morris Dam Visitor Center
Feb 3 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

The railroad may have existed between 1899 – 1947, but much is still left today including some stations, a
Historical Society, and a museum with restored railroad cars. Join John Muchler of the Shawmut Historical Society to discuss the history of the
railroad and how the museum in Angelica obtained the original rolling stock.

See the full American Innovation: Winter Discovery Series schedule.

Bicentennial Erie Canal Celebration @ Mount Morris Dam Visitor Center
Feb 10 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Join Allegany County Historian Craig Braack in commemorating two hundred years of the Erie Canal and learning about all of the
incredible engineering, political, and cultural history.

See the full American Innovation: Winter Discovery Series schedule.

The Transition of a Canal to New York’s Longest Linear Park @ Mount Morris Dam Visitor Center
Mar 10 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Learn the story of the Genesee Valley’s historic transportation corridor as it transitions from a 19th century
canal, to a railroad and then, a Greenway before becoming New York’s newest and longest State Park in 2011. Joan Schumaker, Local Historian.

See the full American Innovation: Winter Discovery Series schedule.

NATURE IN A NUTSHELL: A Beginner’s Guide to Wildlife Photography @ Mount Morris Dam Visitor Center
Mar 24 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Learn some wildlife photography basics with John. Join in to discuss cameras, lenses, tripods, photo blinds,
and camouflage. John Adamski will instruct the audience on how, when, and where to find wildlife to photograph.

See the full American Innovation: Winter Discovery Series schedule.

National Trails Day 2018 in Victor
Jun 2 @ 9:00 am

Annually, one of two big shindigs that Victor Hiking Trails (VHT) sponsors, is National Trails Day (NTD) observed each year on the first Saturday of June.  In 2018 the date is June 2nd.  VHT is of course one of many hiking groups that plans some organized observance on NTD.  Yep, that word “national” does in fact imply many groups across the USA observe or celebrate NTD in some manner.   Now, before I describe more about NTD activities that VHT hosts, you were wondering what the other big shindig that VHT has annually.  Weren’t You?  Answer: the second big shindig VHT does is the VHT “challenge hike” usually held sometime around late September.

NTD in Victor with VHT is usually three serial hikes, with a break in between each of the three hikes for rest and refreshment. The first hike is a morning hike and the last hike finishes in the afternoon.

Details for 2018 are:  On Saturday, June 2nd, Victor Hiking Trails will host the 26th annual National Trails Day in Victor. Come to Finger Lakes Community College, Victor Campus, located at 200 Victor Heights Parkway, Victor, NY 14564, at 8:30 a.m. for a free continental breakfast. There will be three easy hikes beginning at 9:00 A.M., bottled water and snacks, a free pizza lunch with drinks and raffle prizes. Everyone who completes all three hikes will receive a free one-year membership to Victor Hiking Trails.

You can also read about National Trails Day 2018 in the the VHT newsletter The Pathfinder Spring 2018 edition (volume 23, issue 1, pages 2 & 7).    A direct hyperlink to a VHT webpage about NTD 2018 is here.  And of course, you can check the VHT website for updated details about VHT’s NTD hike for June 2nd, 2018.



POSTPONED – Volunteers needed for trail blazing @ Bob & Ruth's
Jun 3 @ 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

We need a few volunteers to help re-route a section of the FLT between Seman Road and the Old Cemetery in Naples. Ideally we need 2 crews of at least 2 people each, one to paint out the old blazes and one to paint blazes on the new route. We estimate the job will take about 2 hours. Painting can be messy, so wear old clothes.

If you can offer some time, meet at 11:00am on Wednesday June 3rd at Bob and Ruth’s Parking Lot at the junction of Route 245 and Route 21 in Naples.


One thought on “Calendar

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