
Hikes led by Springwater Trails are generally held on Sunday afternoons and appear in this calendar in green.

I Love My Park Day – NYS 2017
May 6 all-day
I Love My Park Day - NYS 2017

I Love My Park Day (ILMPD) is annually held on the first Saturday of May, a NYS Parks initiative.  May 6th 2017 is the the 6th annual ILMPD and there are numerous opportunities in which to become involved on ILMPD.  Many NYS Parks have planned activities for ILMPD, and many of the activities are targeted with improvement of the respective park.

Info is available on “Parks and Trails New York” website at a special webpage =      Information also may be available for some opportunities and activities on the NYS Parks website.   (Of note, the website also holds information on numerous other observances and opportunities that occur throughout the year, all targeted at outdoor areas for recreation, relaxation and enjoyment.)

The three STATE PARKS closest to the homerange of Springwater Trails hikers that have participating opportunities in 2017 are Genesee Valley Greenway State Park (aka GVG), Stony Brook State Park, and Letchworth State Park.


FOGVG website (in conjunction with the GVGSP) has posted info about opportunities in the Genesee Valley Greenway State Park for ILMPD 2017.  FOGVG Facebook page

GVGSP Facebook page

A clean-up event in Little Black Creek Park, located off Scottsville Rd along the GVG (Chili, Monroe County), is scheduled at 9:00AM-12:00Noon.  There is a former Genesee Valley Canal culvert and waste weir on the GVG in Chili, so there’s an opportunity to learn and view some history at this clean-up event.  (Details can be gleaned from the FOGVG Facebook page.)

FOGVG is also leading a hike on miles 80-83 of the GVGSP at 10:00AM May 6th, in Allegany County near the hamlet of Black Creek.  (Details can be gleaned from the FOGVG Facebook page.)

STONY BROOK STATE PARK has a participatory event scheduled from 10:00AM-12:00Noon; meet at Clara Barton Shelter near the main parking area.  One of the planned activities is picking up of the gorge trail, which seasonally closed Nov 19, 2016.  (You can be one of the first this season to traverse the Gorge Trail on this day.)  Grounds cleaning, Ball Field improvements and grass seeding are also among some activities.

LETCHWORTH STATE PARK from 8:30AM – 1:00PM has planned the following participatory events.  Project/Event Description: Leaf and trash removal, garden cleaning, stone staircase maintenance (Shoveling), Playground maintenance, and invasive plant removal.   Meeting Location is at Trailside Lodge. All ages welcome.

These are merely a small smattering of the opportunities to participate in during ILMPD – NYS 2017.  – – – If passing through a park admission gate enroute to ILMPD 2017, be sure and inform the staff that you are participating in ILMPD efforts, and ask for directions to the meeting location if you need direction.







Naples Honor Society Landscaping Project @ Hanggi Bridge
Oct 8 @ 12:30 pm – 3:00 pm

The NCS Honor Society has offered to do some maintenance and construction work on the BHB in Naples as part of their community service commitment. They will be working on the landscaping around the new bridge on Gideon Hanggi’s land. If you can spare a couple of hours on a Sunday afternoon in October to help Donna, our FLT volunteer coordinator, to support these teenagers, please meet at Bob and Ruth’s parking lot on Rt 21 in Naples at 12:30. We will work from 1 to 3.  Please RSVP if you plan to come.

Trail Maintenance Management Meeting @ Fire Hall
Oct 14 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm

Springwater Trails has agreed to maintain the Bristol Hills Branch of the Finger Lakes Trail between Clement Rd and NY 245 in Naples. The FLT is sponsoring a workshop on trail mainentance on Oct 14th in Bath.

This is an opportunity for all hikers interested in helping to maintain hiking trail with Springwater Trails to learn more about the tasks required to maintain a great trail and to get to know other people who are also working on the trail.

Please look at this season’s Trail Tenders News for more details and RSVP if you are interested in attending.  We can arrange a car pool if we know you want to come.

Directions from Springwater: Take NY 15 south through Wayland. Turn left onto I390 S, which joins I86 E in 16 miles.  Take Exit 38 and turn left onto NY 54 N. Go under the expressway and turn right at the first intersection E. Morris St.  The Fire Hall is on the right in 1.1 miles.

The Pittsburg, Shawmut, and Northern Railroad: Then and Now @ Mount Morris Dam Visitor Center
Feb 3 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

The railroad may have existed between 1899 – 1947, but much is still left today including some stations, a
Historical Society, and a museum with restored railroad cars. Join John Muchler of the Shawmut Historical Society to discuss the history of the
railroad and how the museum in Angelica obtained the original rolling stock.

See the full American Innovation: Winter Discovery Series schedule.

Bicentennial Erie Canal Celebration @ Mount Morris Dam Visitor Center
Feb 10 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Join Allegany County Historian Craig Braack in commemorating two hundred years of the Erie Canal and learning about all of the
incredible engineering, political, and cultural history.

See the full American Innovation: Winter Discovery Series schedule.

The Transition of a Canal to New York’s Longest Linear Park @ Mount Morris Dam Visitor Center
Mar 10 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Learn the story of the Genesee Valley’s historic transportation corridor as it transitions from a 19th century
canal, to a railroad and then, a Greenway before becoming New York’s newest and longest State Park in 2011. Joan Schumaker, Local Historian.

See the full American Innovation: Winter Discovery Series schedule.

NATURE IN A NUTSHELL: A Beginner’s Guide to Wildlife Photography @ Mount Morris Dam Visitor Center
Mar 24 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Learn some wildlife photography basics with John. Join in to discuss cameras, lenses, tripods, photo blinds,
and camouflage. John Adamski will instruct the audience on how, when, and where to find wildlife to photograph.

See the full American Innovation: Winter Discovery Series schedule.

Finger Lakes Trail Conference Trail Maintenance Meeting @ First Congregational Church
Apr 7 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Finger Lakes Trail Days – Opening Concert @ Steuben County Fairgrounds
Jul 26 @ 6:00 pm – 9:00 pm

The Steuben County Fairgrounds in Bath, NY will be transformed into a celebration of all things outdoors on Friday, July 26. The Finger Lakes Trail Conference along with the Steuben County Conference & Visitors Bureau and Friends of the Chemung River is excited to present the first Finger Lakes Trail Days over two jam packed days.

Kicking off the festivities Friday night is a concert featuring the Grammy Award winning bluegrass band, Steep Canyon Rangers. The duet of Rob Ickes and Trey Hensley will show off their guitar and vocal prowess warming up for the Steep Canyon Rangers.

Doors open at 6:00 pm and food and drink will be available.

Tickets can be purchased for either Friday evening’s concert or for Saturday; a two-day pass is also available. For more information on tickets, activities, on-site camping opportunities and the music schedule visit or contact

Finger Lakes Trail Days – Day 2 @ Steuben County Fairgrounds
Jul 27 @ 8:30 am – 10:00 pm

The Steuben County Fairgrounds in Bath, NY will be transformed into a celebration of all things outdoors on Friday, July 26. The Finger Lakes Trail Conference along with the Steuben County Conference & Visitors Bureau and Friends of the Chemung River is excited to present the first Finger Lakes Trail Days over two jam packed days.

Whether you are an outdoor enthusiast who already spends weekends hiking, biking, kayaking or fishing/hunting or someone who has always thought about trying something new, Saturday is filled with outdoor recreation activities of all kinds.

Additionally, enjoy local food, drinks, and a remarkable musical line-up. From 8:30 – 3pm there will be hikes of varying lengths and difficulty levels (click here for more information).

Also, check out the guided tours of places of interest in the area.

Beginning at 11 am at the Fairgrounds, attend one of the many interesting presentations, ranging from Geocaching to Yoga, Birdwatching to Medicinal plants and more.

Local food trucks and beer garden will be available all throughout the day.

Attendees can also experience a zip line, climb a rock wall, learn to kayak or mountain bike and navigate a ropes course.

There is a stellar lineup of outdoor exhibitors available to answer questions and provide information about their organization. Hiking groups from around the state will be available.

And meet the experts to find out more about birding, conserving land, our local rivers or monarchs.

Throughout the day you will hear a music line-up featuring Sawyer Fredericks (the 2015 winner of The Voice), Cicada RhythmJoshua Davis, Aaron Lipp & the Slack Tones, and Joseph Alton Miller.

There are plenty of activities for the entire family!

One thought on “Calendar

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    Please let me know if there’s a brochure available

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