
Hikes led by Springwater Trails are generally held on Sunday afternoons and appear in this calendar in green.

Annual Meeting 2016 @ Springwater Center
Mar 13 @ 4:30 pm – 6:15 pm

Following the Sunday hike, join us for the Springwater Trails, Inc, annual meeting. We plan to have a slideshow reviewing the 2015 hikes, and a talk, with slides, about Antarctica by Melissa.

The Social and Annual Meeting is open to everyone, and your comments are welcome.  Voting for officers and other business brought up at the meeting is limited to members of Springwater Trails.  Membership forms will be available at the meeting and memberships for 2016 can be purchased at half price.


  • Welcome to members and friends
  • A review of 2015
  • Looking ahead to 2016
    • Springwater Bicentenial
    • Springwater Trails Goals
    • A word about seasonal hike coordinators
  • Election of Officers
  • Penguins of Antarctica – Melissa Cohen
  • Adjournment

Powerpoint for the Annual Meeting is available here.

NOTE: The social and annual meeting will start at about 4:30 Daylight Savings Time

Springwater Trails Annual Meeting @ Springwater Center
Mar 19 @ 4:30 pm – 6:30 pm

Following the Sunday hike, join us for the Springwater Trails, Inc, annual meeting. The purpose of the meeting is to elect officers for 2017 and to plan for the upcoming year. Following the business portion of the meeting, Fran Gotcsik of Lima, NY, will share some of the experiences she has had during 26 years of working to launch new hiking and multi-use trails across New York. In 1991 Fran became the Local Coordinator for the Genesee Valley Greenway, and in 1996, she became the Executive Director of the Friends of the Genesee Valley Greenway. In 2003, Fran joined Parks and Trails New York, where she is currently a Senior Consultant.

The Social and Annual Meeting is open to everyone interested in Springwater, trails and hiking. Your comments and advice are welcome during the meeting.  Voting for officers and other business brought up at the meeting is limited to members of Springwater Trails. Honorary memberships are awarded to hikers who have completed 20 group activities during the previous calendar year, to members of the executive board who have served for a full year term, and to individual who have served as a seasonal hike coordinator during one season. Membership forms will also be available at the meeting and memberships for 2017 can be purchased for $10 ($15 for a family).

There are six elected officers: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, VP of hiking, and trail master. We will be accepting nominations for all six offices during the annual meeting, and all members will be allowed to vote for one nominee for each office. The duties of each officer are described in Article IV of the By-Laws of the Springwater Trails, Inc.


  • Welcome to members and friends
  • A review of 2016 and plans for 2017
  • Nominations from the floor for Officers
  • Election of Officers
  • Trails of New York – Fran Gotcsik
  • Adjournment
Annual Meeting 2018 @ Springwatter Center
Mar 18 @ 4:45 pm – 6:00 pm

It is time again for the Springwater Trails, Inc. annual meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to elect officers for 2018, to inform our members about the activities of the group in 2017 and the handle any new business concerning the organization and the year ahead.

The schedule for the day will be: Hike the Springwater Center property at 2:00, Social setup at 4:00, Annual meeting at 4:45, Traveling in Europe at 5:15.

Following the business portion of the meeting, our own Vice President, John Larysz will share his pictures and experiences traveling in Europe. There will be an opportunity for the audience to ask important questions such as the camera that he uses, how to rent a car that Americans can drive in Europe, or how to pronounce his name. You may have seen some of his pictures on Facebook, so this will be a great opportunity to hear commentary about the best of the best.

The Social and Annual Meeting is open to everyone interested in Springwater, trails and hiking. Your comments and advice are welcome during the meeting.  Voting for officers and other business brought up at the meeting is limited to members of Springwater Trails, Inc. Honorary memberships are awarded to hikers who have completed 20 group activities during the previous calendar year or to 5 maintenance events, to members of the executive board who have served for a full year term, and to landowners who allow the Springwater Trail on their property. Membership forms are also available on line and at the meeting and memberships for 2018 can be purchased at the meeting or before for half price ($10 for an individual, $15 for a family).

If you are able to join us for the social after the hike, please bring a dish to pass and a non-alcoholic beverage or consider making a cash donation.  There is a complete kitchen to store and reheat the dishes as needed.  

Please bring slippers as shoes will  need to be removed at the door.

There are five elected officers: president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and VP of hiking. We will be accepting nominations for all five offices during the annual meeting, and all members will be allowed to vote for one nominee for each office. The duties of each officer are described in Article IV of the By-Laws of the Springwater Trails, Inc.

Annual Meeting Agenda

Welcome to members and friends
The year 2017 in review
President’s report
VP of Hiking report
Treasurer’s report
Nominations from the floor for Officers
Election of Officers
Plans for 2018

Traveling in Europe 
pictures and commentary from John Larysz


Annual Meeting 2019 @ Springwater Center
Mar 24 @ 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm

It is time again for the Springwater Trails, Inc. annual meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to elect officers for 2019, to inform our members about the activities of the group in 2018 and to handle any new business concerning the organization and the year ahead.

The schedule for the day will be: Hike the Springwater Center property at 2:00, Social setup at 4:00, Annual meeting at 4:45, Gardening with Native Wildflowers  at 5:15.

Following the business portion of the meeting, Ellen Folts of Amanda’s Garden and one of the founding members of the Springwater Parks and Trails committee will present a talk about Gardening with Native Wildflowers. This will be an opportunity to see the beauty of our local plants and how they fit into your garden. 

The Social and Annual Meeting is open to everyone interested in Springwater, trails and hiking. Your comments and advice are welcome during the meeting.  Voting for officers and other business brought up at the meeting is limited to members of Springwater Trails, Inc. Honorary memberships are awarded to hikers who have completed 20 group activities during the previous calendar year or to 5 maintenance events, to members of the executive board who have served for a full year term, and to landowners who allow the Springwater Trail on their property. Membership forms are also available on line and at the meeting and memberships for 2019 can be purchased this month for half price ($10 for an individual, $15 for a family).

If you are able to join us for the social after the hike, please bring a dish to pass and a non-alcoholic beverage or consider making a cash donation.  There is a complete kitchen to store and reheat the dishes as needed.  

Please bring slippers as shoes will  need to be removed at the door.

There are five elected officers:

Vice President
VP of hiking.

We will be accepting nominations for all five offices during the annual meeting, and all members will be allowed to vote for one nominee for each office. The duties of each officer are described in Article IV of the By-Laws of the Springwater Trails, Inc.

Annual Meeting Agenda

Welcome to members and friends
The year 2018 in review
VP of Hiking report
Treasurer’s report
Nominations from the floor for Officers
Election of Officers

Gardening with Native Wildflowers
Ellen Folts – Amanda’s Garden


One thought on “Calendar

  1. Looking for brochure.or mailing list so I can receive it in the mail.
    Nothing opens up for mailing list.
    There’s all kinds of very bizarre ads and post for viagra and other drugs above on calender page.
    Please let me know if there’s a brochure available

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