Wheaton Hill Trails

March 29, 2015 @ 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm

Wheaton Hill ExtensionsThis is definitely a challenging hike description to write.  Looking outside on March 9, I can definitely believe that we will be snowshoeing and skiing in twenty days.  But remembering how the snow disappeared before Christmas, it really is hard to say.

With this hike, we are experimenting with recycling a previous hike, even though we do not have a hike planner scheduled.  Please email the winter hike coordinator if you are willing to complete the planning of this hike.  You will want to do a brief pre-hike the week before the hike, checking for current trail conditions and then update this hike description as needed.

104 Scouting hikeWe have been working to keep the Wheaton Hill trails open.  Mostly this means cutting out Multiflora rose while avoiding the Poison Ivy.  This hike will give us a first view of these trails to help planning our trail maintenance for 2015.  If you can’t walk past a Multiflora rose without clipping it back, bring heavy cloves and a pair of clippers.  But we will be hiking the entire system of trails.

Please dress according to the weather, and expect wet ground if it is above freezing.  You may find a change of pants and shoes make the social afterward more enjoyable.

108 Scouting hikeClimbers will head up the Pine Trail, staying to the right to the edge of the gully.  Being careful to stay out of the gully, this group will follow the gully downhill to the return trail   Hardy souls may want to continue following the orange line on the map until they can see 15A and across to the Roots View Trail that heads out to the Hemlock inlet.  After climbing back up the Pine Trail, this group will stay to the right and follow the Skid trail around and back to the cars.  Again, at the half way point, an off trail hike along the middle orange trail will look for the route to 15A and the Green Ash Loop.  Please skip the orange side routes if you think the steep climbs back to the main trail will be more than you are willing to do. This will depend on how much snow is still on the ground.

105 Scouting hikeTourists will follow the climbers up the Pine Trail to the gully and the waterfall.  Pam reports that the waterfall is SPECTACULAR, with water running through the ice. Saftety is critical with ice and snow at the top of the gully. Tourists will turn around at the gully, returning on the high branch of the Pine trail to the start point.  After crossing the road, they will turn right on the Spruce trail following it around, through the spruces and back to the start. Based on time, the tourists can then follow the Skid Trail, turning left out of the parking area and following the Skid Trail clockwise around.

Please park on Wheaton Hill facing down the hill – avoid parking on both sides of the road and be alert for cars while waiting for the start of the hike.  Directions are available to the Wheaton Hill trailhead. 

107 Scouting hikeAfter hike social will be at Pam’s house, about 10 minutes north of Wheaton Hill, just off RT 15A. (Details at the hike)  Bring a dish to pass and your drink of preference.   A “special maple glazed” meat will be provided as the main meal.  We encourage our Sunday Maple Weekend pancake workers that are unable to attend the hike, to stop in for the social on their way home. Parking available on road or in driveway at this point, unless weather conditions change.

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